Trump Admits He Lost in 2020

Other than what has been presented and dismissed or ignored?

Emails are not evidence. People saying “I think I saw somebody do something” is not evidence. And a voiceover telling you people are cheating as they count votes is not evidence. This is manufactured bullshit to fool stupid idiots like you.
Regardless of what Beale claims Trump flat out admitted he lost. By a whisker.
Tell that to all of the J6 insurrectionists who went to jail for you.

Now the cult members are trying to pretend he didn’t say what we all heard him say. How many times has this happened now?
Give him a day
Trump will go back to claiming he won
Emails are not evidence. People saying “I think I saw somebody do something” is not evidence. And a voiceover telling you people are cheating as they count votes is not evidence. This is manufactured bullshit to fool stupid idiots like you.
I saw it, in real time. The same tactics California has used to give the state a democrat supemajority. So take whatever you think and shove it up your well used ass.
Have you posted the full podcast link, or the portion you believe makes your point?
Post number 2.

and we know y'all have willfully been deluded in to actually believing that BIG FAT LIAR, with no proof or evidence, that Trump is the one who really won...bull crap. will not change any of our minds...we know what happened. We are not delusional...
I am not at all arguing against this. What I am countering are the blatant lies of MSNBC. Folks have a hard time coming to terms with the fact, that the video and information put out by MSNBC is cherry picked, and NOT the truth.

That isn't what Trump's position is, or was during that podcast. He never admitted that he didn't believe the election was a fraud. All he stated, was the reality. . . HE LOST. Through cheating or not, it doesn't really matter. But he did not lie about his position as the MSM is now reporting.

The liars about all that? MSNBC.

Of course there is no proof that the elections were a fraud. If there were? This whole thread would be moot.

The position of folks that are aware, is there would be no way to prove it, if the folks that did it were the ones that those, who like Trump, claim was the source that it came from. Those folks have had years of experience of overthrowing and corrupting elections worldwide, and they admit it. Years of experience covering their tracks.

But as you said, there is NO PROOF. And if it were done, of course they would leave no evidence behind. Any that they had? Would be smeared and "debunked," by the same folks in charge.

But THAT is not the topic of the thread. You are getting distracted. The topic, is the lie that Trump admitted he knew that the election was free and fair and that he lost.

. . . he never stated any such thing.
Post number 2.

I am not at all arguing against this. What I am countering are the blatant lies of MSNBC. Folks have a hard time coming to terms with the fact, that the video and information put out by MSNBC is cherry picked, and NOT the truth.

That isn't what Trump's position is, or was during that podcast. He never admitted that he didn't believe the election was a fraud. All he stated, we the reality. . . HE LOST. Through cheating or not, it doesn't really matter. But he did not lie about his position as the MSM is now reporting.

The liars about all that? MSNBC.

Of course there is no proof that the elections were a fraud. If there were? This whole thread would be moot.

The postion of folks that are aware, is there would be no way to prove it, if the folks that did it were the ones that those, who like Trump, claim it was the source that it came from. Those folks have had years of experience of overthrowing and corrupting elections worldwide, and they admit it. Years of experience covering their tracks.

But as you said, there is NO PROOF. And if it were done, of course they would leave none behind.

But THAT is not the topic of the thread. You are getting distracted. The topic, is the lie that Trump admitted he knew that the election was free and fair and that he lost.

. . . he never stated any such thing.
He admitted he lost. More than once. Even his paid lackeys had to admit that, once under oath.

Sorry. You got fooled by a fat old moron.
He admitted he lost. More than once. Even his paid lackeys had to admit that, once under oath.

Sorry. You got fooled by a fat old moron.
Sorry. You got fooled by a fat old moron.
No one fools me. I am just trying to correct the record for you idiots.

The fact is? The folks in charge control both sides. It makes very little difference who wins, where they are taking us is all the same place.

America’s Frontier Fund: The Venture Capital Firm with Ties to Peter Thiel and Eric Schmidt​

He conceded. Watch the video. Either you're ignorant or a partisan liar.
Don't be silly.

The geezer finally admitting that he lost is suddenly pissing off his white nationalists who swallowed his lie and attacked outnumbered police defending democracy while he watched:

... White nationalist Nick Fuentes blasted Trump Sept. 4 for admitting that he lost the 2020 election, and said that he will work to get voters not to back Trump.
"So, why did we do Stop the Steal? Why did did anyone go to Jan. 6? Why did any one go to jail? ... It would have been good to know that before 1,600 people got charged," Fuentes said on his podcast, referring to the criminal charges for those who invaded and ransacked the Capitol. "It would’ve been good to know that before (I) had all my money frozen, put on a no-fly list, banned from everything, lost all my bank and payment processing.”
The elderly convicted criminal already screwed his christian nationalists who had been hellbent on politicians seizing control of wombs:

Don't be silly.

The geezer finally admitting that he lost is suddenly pissing off his white nationalists who swallowed his lie and attacked outnumbered police defending democracy while he watched:

... White nationalist Nick Fuentes blasted Trump Sept. 4 for admitting that he lost the 2020 election, and said that he will work to get voters not to back Trump.
"So, why did we do Stop the Steal? Why did did anyone go to Jan. 6? Why did any one go to jail? ... It would have been good to know that before 1,600 people got charged," Fuentes said on his podcast, referring to the criminal charges for those who invaded and ransacked the Capitol. "It would’ve been good to know that before (I) had all my money frozen, put on a no-fly list, banned from everything, lost all my bank and payment processing.”
The elderly convicted criminal already screwed his christian nationalists who had been hellbent on politicians seizing control of wombs:

‘It’s disastrous’: White evangelicals waver after Trump’s shifts on abortion

Oh dumbass Nick Fuentes... every rational adult knew it, already.
If I testify, under oath, that I have told you multiple times that you are a moron, an idiot, and a hyper-partisan foreign subversive, whose goal is only to destroy America. . .

Does that mean you know all of that to be true?


Everyone is lying except Trump. That's not what he said, that's not what he meant. Good people on both sides.

The lies never end with you Cultists.

How could I possibly be a "subversive", if I'm telling you where I'm from, and I'm here promoting democracy.

The ONLY subversives on this board are the ones who are telling everyone that Donald Trump isn't senile and and he won't try to overturn the Constitution - AGAIN.
I watched it happen! Just like in California. Trump is ahead, Trump is ahead. Boxes of ballots were just discovered in the trunk of someone's car. Called for Biden.

The states were required to count same day ballots first, and mail in ballots last. You were warned repeatedly, prior to the election, that Trump would be leading in the same day ballots and it would dwindle away when the mail in ballots were counted. The Democrats voted by mail, because Republicans closed over 1000 polling stations in poor neighbourhoods.

Trump knew that too, and he played YOU like a fiddle.
The states were required to count same day ballots first, and mail in ballots last. You were warned repeatedly, prior to the election, that Trump would be leading in the same day ballots and it would dwindle away when the mail in ballots were counted. The Democrats voted by mail, because Republicans closed over 1000 polling stations in poor neighbourhoods.

Trump knew that too, and he played YOU like a fiddle.
Everything I learned about fake elections; I learned in California the cradle of democrat fakery.

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