Trump Admits He Lost in 2020

What is the significance by having "lost"? You can "lose by a whisker" whether or not the election was rigged and the OP does not confirm it either way. The US still hasn't admitted it lost the war in Vietnam and they continue to say there are WMDs in Irak. Not admitting you are wrong ... and being right are not the same thing.
Amazingly, the submissive cult still surrenders......
Where are those WMD's?
Simple logic morons like you can't comprehend.

If I say I played a game with someone, I lost, but they cheated, it amounts to the same.

Who the hell is the president right now?

Are you really this stoopid?


I have seen the threads you start.

Despite Biden being president, in the past, he had stated he didn't lose.
Trump supporters should file lawsuits against Trump for the BIG LIE.

It was a Freudian slip of the tongue, perhaps? ;)

One can admit that they lost a game/contest/sporting event/election, and at the same time, take the position there was cheating.

If you bother to watch the pod-cast, it all makes sense.
Trump was killing Biden in 2020 always ahead all day and night until suddenly, magically, around 4-6AM the next morning when everyone had been sent home, the democrats suddenly found just enough votes to win a couple swing states by 10,000 votes to take the election. Meanwhile, as is obvious now, no one likes Biden and the guy didn't even campaign.

No sitting president in history has ever GAINED 10 million more votes then still lost his reelection, much less to a bum.
Obumma LOST many votes in 2012 and STILL easily won reelection.
There is help your child like inability to accept reality.

Please use it.

which means he accepts the final certified results which means he thinks there was Fraud
That is some pretzel twisting logic.

You are saying that just b/c he accepted the certification, it means he lied. No it doesn't.

I already posted that according to this logic, this story is three years old. It is NOT a new position.

Posted earlier in the thread;

"He claimed he did not lose, if the election was free and fair.

He still maintains that position.


He is only acknowledging empirical reality now. . . and he did that years and years ago silly.

His position has not changed.

If you actually took the time to watch the original podcast, instead of spreading disinformation? You might not look like such a complete and utter moron. :rolleyes:

. . . but as long as you are watching MSLSD? I doubt that.

WEB EXTRA: Donald Trump Acknowledges New Administration​

Jan 8, 2021
"President Trump acknowledged the Biden/Harris administration in a new Twitter video that was released by the White House late Thursday evening. He said, "My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly, and seamless transition of power." But he did not concede the election. The president also condemned the riots that took place on Wednesday in Washington, D.C."

Why not say the same thing and make a big deal back then?

Oh yeah, b/c there isn't all the awful stories about Biden & Kamala to distract the public from, that is absolutely necessary.

You know what I think the real story here is? Is ALL the folks in this thread that bleev this narrative, just face the real truth, which is that MSLSD deceives and lies to them.
Amazingly, the submissive cult still surrenders to the criminal geezer's baseless fantasy that he won "in a landslide!" (much later amended to "lost by a whisker") when not even the most fanatical Trump worshiper anywhere has contrived, at any time over the past few years, any charges against anyone that can stand up to scrutiny in any court or legislative body, no matter how sympathetic to the sniveling loser.

Their hysterical delusion requires that thousands if not tens or hundreds of thousands of covert conspirators contrived, executed, and completely escaped detection in the most monumental caper in history.

Back in reality, The geezer's Republican cyber-security expert, Christopher Krebs, long ago confirmed the legitimacy of the democratic process:

Even the sexual abuser/business fraud/ convicted felon's most virulent propaganda outlets had to admit the truth:

By continuing to crap on American democracy (as well as the U.S. justice system, and law enforcement) the cult is serving Putin and other enemies of the United States.
Yoar entire thread is a lie and misinformation.

He had already admitted that he lost years ago. It doesn't separate from his narrative that he thinks he lost by deception. This is NOT new.

"He claimed he did not lose, if the election was free and fair.

He still maintains that position.


He is only acknowledging empirical reality now. . . and he did that years and years ago silly.

His position has not changed.

If you actually took the time to watch the original podcast, instead of spreading disinformation? You might not look like such a complete and utter moron. :rolleyes:

. . . but as long as you are watching MSLSD? I doubt that.

WEB EXTRA: Donald Trump Acknowledges New Administration​

Jan 8, 2021
"President Trump acknowledged the Biden/Harris administration in a new Twitter video that was released by the White House late Thursday evening. He said, "My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly, and seamless transition of power." But he did not concede the election. The president also condemned the riots that took place on Wednesday in Washington, D.C."

Why not say the same thing and make a big deal back then?

Oh yeah, b/c there isn't all the awful stories about Biden & Kamala to distract the public from, that is absolutely necessary.

You know what I think the real story here is? Is ALL the folks in this thread that bleev this narrative, just can't face the real truth, which is that MSLSD deceives and lies to them.
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He's not a liar. The criminal geezer is just a little slow.

Trump publicly acknowledged that he did not win the 2020 presidential election, telling podcaster Lex Fridman that he "lost by a whisker."...
"I was told if I got 63 million, which is what I got the first time, 'You would win. You can't not win.' And I got millions more votes than that and lost by a whisker," Trump added.
Trump received about 74 million votes nationally in 2020, compared to 81 million for Joe Biden.
His admission is a departure from his usual rhetoric about the 2020 presidential election results, which he often claims were "rigged."
Try the whole story.

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