Trump Admits He Lost in 2020

Nope. Go watch the interview yourself.

This is a screenshot of it with CC.

I have responded to the screenshot numerous times. You keep ignoring my responses.
You keep ignoring my responses.
Because you keep lying. I watched/listened to that interview. He did not admit anything, there isn't anything breaking here. It is a false paradigm.

He did not admit shit. The title of the thread is B.S.

IT isn't my opinion on what he said, it is a fact. That you are too dumb to understand that is a screenshot with CC of what he said verbatim? Again, it is not my fault you are an idiot.

Hell, they even discussed it on Gutfeld. The entire world knows you are brainwashed.

Gutfeld: Donald Trump will put everything out there​

Sep 5, 2024
The Lex interview was the main topic of conversation tonight on Gutfeld. They were honest about it. MSLSD was not.

Gutfeld: Donald Trump will put everything out there​

Sep 5, 2024
Trump publicly acknowledged that he did not win the 2020 presidential election, telling podcaster Lex Fridman that he "lost by a whisker."...
His admission is a departure from his usual rhetoric about the 2020 presidential election results, which he often claims were "rigged."
What is the significance by having "lost"? You can "lose by a whisker" whether or not the election was rigged and the OP does not confirm it either way. The US still hasn't admitted it lost the war in Vietnam and they continue to say there are WMDs in Irak. Not admitting you are wrong ... and being right are not the same thing.
... Once again spinning something Trump said taken out of context. Everyone knows Trump did not win, otherwise, he'd be in the WH right now! His point is that he should have won, anyone else would have won, and the fact that somehow the election changed miraculously in the middle of the night at the last minute to award it to Biden against all reason, stats and data just proves that it was rigged.
You said it better than I did. ⬆️
How about the suckers who showed up on Jan 6 because of his BIG LIE?

Explain it to Ashli Babbitts parents
They should despise this man. He has made suckers out of them. He insults them every day.

They've wrapped their lives around him, they fell for him hook, line and sinker, and he has fucked them.
They should despise this man. He has made suckers out of them. He insults them every day.

They've wrapped their lives around him, they fell for him hook, line and sinker, and he has fucked them.
Don't count on it....their pretzel twisting for him has been perfected....

And admitting the truth, is admitting to them being fooled by him.... Pride is a strange thing...
likely why Dante put it as the first one ....of the seven deadly sins. :(
Don't count on it....their pretzel twisting for him has been perfected....

And admitting the truth, is admitting to them being fooled by him.... Pride is a strange thing...
likely why Dante put it as the first one ....of the seven deadly sins. :(
Yeah, that's the problem. This has gone FAR beyond politics for them. It's personal, spiritual.
They should despise this man. He has made suckers out of them. He insults them every day.

They've wrapped their lives around him, they fell for him hook, line and sinker, and he has fucked them.
Trump has dementia and now can’t remember what he says one day to the next. He may not remember that he tried to
Overturn the 2020 election because he thinks he won it.

Someone should ask him if he knows who Mike Pence is?
What is the significance by having "lost"? You can "lose by a whisker" whether or not the election was rigged and the OP does not confirm it either way. The US still hasn't admitted it lost the war in Vietnam and they continue to say there are WMDs in Irak. Not admitting you are wrong ... and being right are not the same thing.
Amazingly, the submissive cult still surrenders to the criminal geezer's baseless fantasy that he won "in a landslide!" (much later amended to "lost by a whisker") when not even the most fanatical Trump worshiper anywhere has contrived, at any time over the past few years, any charges against anyone that can stand up to scrutiny in any court or legislative body, no matter how sympathetic to the sniveling loser.

Their hysterical delusion requires that thousands if not tens or hundreds of thousands of covert conspirators contrived, executed, and completely escaped detection in the most monumental caper in history.

Back in reality, The geezer's Republican cyber-security expert, Christopher Krebs, long ago confirmed the legitimacy of the democratic process:

Even the sexual abuser/business fraud/ convicted felon's most virulent propaganda outlets had to admit the truth:

Screen Shot 2024-06-26 at 12.50.44 PM.png
By continuing to crap on American democracy (as well as the U.S. justice system, and law enforcement) the cult is serving Putin and other enemies of the United States.
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He's not a liar. The criminal geezer is just a little slow.

Trump publicly acknowledged that he did not win the 2020 presidential election, telling podcaster Lex Fridman that he "lost by a whisker."...
"I was told if I got 63 million, which is what I got the first time, 'You would win. You can't not win.' And I got millions more votes than that and lost by a whisker," Trump added.
Trump received about 74 million votes nationally in 2020, compared to 81 million for Joe Biden.

His admission is a departure from his usual rhetoric about the 2020 presidential election results, which he often claims were

Context is everything. But of course you know that because you're just adding in the context you want to create the narrative you want because you don't care about reality, only the reality where you get to be a contrarian and hate someone irrationally.

You're becoming too tiresome. Time to put you on ignore.
Context is everything. But of course you know that because you're just adding in the context you want to create the narrative you want because you don't care about reality, only the reality where you get to be a contrarian and hate someone irrationally.

You're becoming too tiresome. Time to put you on ignore.
Trump lost.

No court or legislature anywhere in the land denies it.

Stop crapping on American democracy.

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