Trump Admits He Lost in 2020

Ok, maybe you can just ask a foreigner in person then, its probably more convenient for you. You have, what? 20M illegally in your country?

Or maybe you can STFU because Candians can come here visa free and stay 6 months because of the visa waiver program. So we don't know how many Canadians are here as illegal overstays. Perhaps we should should end that program.

You see canuck, Obama was called the deporter and chief. When he left people weren't living in tent cities waiting to cross the border. But that's what Trump left for Biden. So you go talk to Trudeau if you have problems with government. Because you won't have to live under Trump and we don't need to live under his punk ass either.
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Trump admits he lost the 2020 election. Finally.

I'm really curious as to how all of you who have been vociferously parroting the Big Lie, feel about a man who lied to you shamelessly, and sent his supporters to overturn an election he knew he did not win. People died for his lie.

Yes, people died for Trump's lie.

The cult will still cling to the criminal geezer's blatant lie that he had a landslide stolen, even after all 50 states certified their electoral votes, no evidence to the contrary could ever be concocted, neither who nor how explained, and Trump even finally admitted that he had "lost by a whisker" (306-232, seven million popular)

That's a cult for you!
Trump publicly acknowledged that he did not win

Not only is this a duplicate thread, but it is fake news. Once again spinning something Trump said taken out of context. Everyone knows Trump did not win, otherwise, he'd be in the WH right now! His point is that he should have won, anyone else would have won, and the fact that somehow the election changed miraculously in the middle of the night at the last minute to award it to Biden against all reason, stats and data just proves that it was rigged.

Of yeah, and ALL THESE PEOPLE ADMITTED in national print that they rigged the election for Biden to "save" the election:

Screen Shot 2024-06-28 at 1.06.05 AM.png

Biden was selected not elected, and installed.

Now he is deselected and uninstalled.

Joe is now like a turd floating down a sewer pipe.

No, at least 20M.

Looking forward to the next four years on earth G-d willing...
If Trump loses, what we have to look forward to the dismantling of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and instead become reset to harsh global dominance.
And it will be hell. Our grandchildren will be nothing more than slaves. They will never realize a freedom that was fought for and died for to preserve.
Trump is mentally ill.
That's certainly possible.

The worst thing you can do to the mentally ill? Lie about them, slander them, or gas-light them.

The establishment has dealt with him terribly, and thus? He only gets more support.
Not only is this a duplicate thread, but it is fake news. Once again spinning something Trump said taken out of context. Everyone knows Trump did not win, otherwise, he'd be in the WH right now! His point is that he should have won, anyone else would have won, and the fact that somehow the election changed miraculously in the middle of the night at the last minute to award it to Biden against all reason, stats and data just proves that it was rigged.

Of yeah, and ALL THESE PEOPLE ADMITTED in national print that they rigged the election for Biden to "save" the election:

View attachment 1006675

Biden was selected not elected, and installed.

Now he is deselected and uninstalled.

Joe is now like a turd floating down a sewer pipe.

Only the whiny loser's cult swallows this crap.

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