If Trump loses, expect a Republican civil war

There are hundreds of prominent republicans supporting Harris. Once the election is over and if Trump loses they will head back and there will be a reckoning… we will see who wins control for the soul of the GOP, as tainted as it is.
I'll take that bet. Any Never-Trumper that dares to put his/her name on a primary ballot will lose, guaranteed.
The Republican Party had a great primary season proving that we have a very deep bench, ready to do battle again in 2028.
You moron the Ds are not pushing communism dipshit. You are right about the Rs and 2025 though. They are all over 2025.
You moron.
You may not recognize it as communism, but the democrat policies are all pushing toward one party rule, i.e. Communism.

Open the borders, let in millions of democrat votes
Mass amnesty, let millions of illegals vote
End the filibuster, make new Laws with small majority
Pack the supreme court, ensure Leftists control
Gun control, keep the population defenseless
Lawfare against Republicans, just like in commie Banana Republics
Teach CRT in all schools, keep the population riled up
Continued attacks on parental rights (take kids from parents to transition) ensure government control of everything
Add DC & Puerto Rico as states guaranteeing democrats permanent majorities
Hire 80,000 new IRS agents willing to kill. A new Waffen SS.
Tax unrealized gains of investment. Redistribute wealth, aka "Communism"
Tax unrealized gains on house value. Redistribute wealth, aka "Communism"
Supports Medicare for all and elimination of private healthcare insurance. Government control of healthcare
If Trump wins, what will democrats do?

Give the order to the army of invaders that killing Americans has a greenlight?
Comical comparing a protest for police brutality to a attempted over throw of our country and democracy with violence to force in the biggest piece of shit in history as a dictator for life. You just have to laugh.
All I'm doing is just responding to only the title of the post, not bothering with the replies.
There are a lot of factors you're not considering here, starting with the state of the Republican Party. Lara Trump closed all of the outreach offices, and fired all staff which refused to say the 2020 election wasn't stolen. They have nobody working on the ground, knocking on doors or getting out the vote.

Many of the State Parties in swing states have been bankrupted by endless court challenges to both the 2020 election and the 2022 elections - all of which they've lost. Michigan, Arizona, Pennsylvannia, Nevada. They have no money for down ballot races, or staff.

This is the first election which will be decided by Gen X and Z. Boomers are no longer the majority of voters. People who have grown up with student debt, having mass shooter drills, and who are in their child bearing years. They NEED access to reproductive health care. Polling companies tend not to be calling them, because they're new voters.

20% of Republican voters voted for Nicki Haley in the primaries, months after she dropped out. They got in their cars, drove to the polling station, to vote for someone they knew wasn't running.

There were 8 million more women voters than men in 2022. That number is a LOT bigger now. MEN continue to under estimate how pissed those women truly are. And they are not voting for the Republicans who refuse to listen when they tell them they're KILLING women.
And much of that doesn’t matter given the fact that presidents are installed via a process both undemocratic and antimajoritarian – at times contrary to the will of the majority of voters.

All Trump needs to do is cobble together enough razor thin majorities in enough swing states – Trump voters motivated by fear, ignorance, stupidity, racism, bigotry, misogyny, and hate.

2000 and 2016 could very well happen again – indeed, Republicans are counting on it.
The only way you get my gun group is pulling it from your cold dead hand group , when confronted will shit in their pants, piss all over themselves, cry like a baby as they throw their guns away. Whimpering like a puppy. Right before the tank rolls over them and you can year the Crunch of victory for democracy and they future of this country, Simply just one less traitor.
And here’s an example of the stupidity in support of Trump.
If Commiela wins, likely so from then on. It is not enough for Trump to win this election. Democrats must be erased as a political force. They cannot win another election ever again.
Oh, then you better definitely stay in your hidey hole forever. Because democrats will win elections. So will Republicans.
The democrats suck too, they just suck less, from where I am standing.

One can find flaw in anything. You don't even have to be smart.

And stop whining about me, a grown man whining is not a good look.
like you dont whine around here... and keep on voting for something you dont like ....it makes a lot of sense....

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