Trump Admits He Lost in 2020

Trump will lose the next election by 14 million votes.


He could be on his way to being the Buffalo Bills of the 1990's. They went to the Super Bowl 4 years in a row. In their second, they gave up more points than their first; and in their third, they gave up more points than in their second.

Doesn't show he didn't declare himself the winner of the election in the past. He did. At least now he admits he lost.
Trump admits he lost the 2020 election. Finally.

I'm really curious as to how all of you who have been vociferously parroting the Big Lie, feel about a man who lied to you shamelessly, and sent his supporters to overturn an election he knew he did not win. People died for his lie.

Your desperation is showing….
Context is everything. But of course you know that because you're just adding in the context you want to create the narrative you want because you don't care about reality, only the reality where you get to be a contrarian and hate someone irrationally.

i Trump Admits He Lost in 2020 240906 {post•225}

NotfooledbyW Sep’24 Vtahli: Can you imagine for a second that you had been away from your home for a month but came back a few days early and there’s a reputable looking moving van and a crew of movers who have removed everything not bolted down in your house, including family heirlooms treasures, photo albums of your children All your money TVs sports memorabilia, art and had it loaded on a truck with engine started and began to pull away when you called the police. The police put up roadblocks which the driver of the truck crashes through but eventually they catch them and all your stuff is recovered.

Then you find out the culprit behind this attempted theft of everything you love and hold dear is the president of the major moving company itself.

Tell me honestly, since he didn’t get away with it and you got all your stuff back would it be unjust to charge a high ranking business executive with a crime? Would you just say “no worries“ I got all my stuff back I will use his company in the future.

nfbw 240906 Vtahli00225
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Doesn't show he didn't declare himself the winner of the election in the past. He did. At least now he admits he lost.
You are being an idiot.

Is this because you have a hard time with the fact that MSNBC are liars?

He has always claimed that the election was a fraud, and nothing has changed.
He has always claimed that the election was a fraud, and nothing has changed.
The difference is he’s not claiming that he won anymore. There can be fraud, but it doesn’t mean he was going to win. I think most of the prosecuted fraud has been from the Republican side anyway.
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That's not what he said, that's not what he meant. Good people on both sides.
You clearly don't know what he meant, because any person with an IQ above 10 knows what he meant, simply by watching that podcast.


No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People'​

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the difference is he’s not claiming that he won anymore.

And as I have pointed out, multiple times in this thread . . . this is old news. Three years old news.

WEB EXTRA: Donald Trump Acknowledges New Administration​

Jan 8, 2021
"President Trump acknowledged the Biden/Harris administration in a new Twitter video that was released by the White House late Thursday evening. He said, "My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly, and seamless transition of power." But he did not concede the election. The president also condemned the riots that took place on Wednesday in Washington, D.C."

"Why not say the same thing and make a big deal back then?

Oh yeah, b/c there isn't all the awful stories about Biden & Kamala to distract the public from, that is absolutely necessary.

You know what I think the real story here is? Is ALL the folks in this thread that bleev this narrative, just can't face the real truth, which is that MSLSD deceives and lies to them."
Why not say the same thing and make a big deal back then?
He did not say that he lost by a whisker back then. He did not say that he lost at all.

He only said he accepts the fact that he’s gotta get the fuck out of the White House.

Then he kept the eye going that he had one so he could build a couple hundred million out of his idiot, followers flaming he was going to prove that the election was stolen.

But he never did.

If he told his followers that he admits he lost, they probably would’ve quit sending him money.

You gotta remember MAGAs are stupid. They think Trump is still president operating out of the Mar-a-Lago Palace.
If he told his followers that he admits he lost, they probably would’ve quit sending him money.
He maintained then, that he thought the election was a fraud, which is the only way he believed Joe could have won. And he stated so.

IN the podcast, he makes it quite clear, he still believes the same about his loss.

There is no story here.

The media you trust lies to you.

No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People'
So if you go to a peaceful protest for a cause that you believe in such preserving monuments to confederate traitors and then a bunch of Nazis show up with swastikas Kiki torches matching khacki pants etc, Do you march with them or leave your cause as less important in the moment and turn your protest and anger at the Nazis..

People who march with or alongside Nazis even if they are not Nazis themselves, are not fine people in that situation. Trump was wrong to say what he said.
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