American woman Aysenur Ezgi Eygi is murdered

The land they were given belonged to the British Empire. 71.2% of it to be exact.
The territory in question never "belonged" to the British Empire. It was held in trust by the Mandate system. It could not have been "given away".

The Jewish people claimed that territory as indigenous peoples with a right to self-determination, "by right and not on sufferance".
The land they were given belonged to the British Empire. 71.2% of it to be exact.
8.6% was owned by Jews.
3.3% was owned by resident Arabs.
16.9% was owned by non-resident Arabs.

Egypt created this mess when they told the Arabs to get out because Egypt was going to invade Israel, and then wouldn't let them into Egypt. So the squatted on Israeli land.
Do you actually disagree with something I said in my post, because it's far from clear if you do. Reread my post and show me what it is exactly that you think is incorrect.
The territory in question never "belonged" to the British Empire. It was held in trust by the Mandate system. It could not have been "given away".

The Jewish people claimed that territory as indigenous peoples with a right to self-determination, "by right and not on sufferance".
It absolutely belonged to the British. To the victor go the spoils. After WW1 the British broke up the Ottoman Empire. Nevertheless, 80% of the land that was supposed to go to the Jews, as per the League of Nations, was whittled down to less than 1/5 the of 1 percent. The Arabs got ALL THE REST. Leave that little sliver of Israel alone. That is all they ask.
It seemed to work well enough for the countries that received the 80%.
I'm just being a stickler for the details of international law, which is a particular interest of mine. It is important in this instance to counter the whole silly idea about "British colonization".

It should have worked for Israel as well. Except for the belligerent invasion by other States.
I'm just being a stickler for the details of international law, which is a particular interest of mine. It is important in this instance to counter the whole silly idea about "British colonization".

It should have worked for Israel as well. Except for the belligerent invasion by other States.
Look at this map. How DARE the Jews take over the land and leave Arabs with nothing!


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