Harris Has A Plan To Help The Poor And The Middle Class

You must have been asleep during the Clinton presidency:

Through executive order, he marshaled 10 federal agencies under a little-known task force to enforce new "flexible" mortgage underwriting guidelines to boost low-income and minority homeownership.

For the first time, banks were ordered to qualify low-income borrowers with spotty credit. The 1994 policy planted the seeds of the mortgage crisis, as lenders eventually abandoned prudent underwriting altogether.

Banks were forced via Clinton executive orders

Stop getting history wrong. I’m glad I could correct you. Just tell the truth going forward.
He's asleep during all democratic presidencies. He only wakes up to resist Republican presidents.
Wait, are you trying to say that the poor who normally would not qualify to borrow large sums of money to buy a house made all those mortgage payments on time and didn't default on them? Are you sure you were around then?
A lot of their policies forced banks to make questionable loans.
Foster young people to be weak, lazy and useless tits and then bring in millions of bottom feeding illegals, and finally talk about how you're going to make everyone equal.

Well those people won't rise up to the middle class so the middle class is going to have to be drug down to their level.
What could possibly go wrong?
Wait a minute, what was that again? I was thinking recently as lefty posters on here proudly proclaim that Harris has a plan to help the poor and the middle class and I was wondering, why do they need help? Then the answer occurred to me. The poor and the middle class need help because Biden/Harris have done so badly and Americans are hurting so much after 3 1/2 years of them, with polls showing Americans trust Trump more on the economy than Kamala Harris, someone needs a plan to help the poor and the middle class.

The only remaining question is, do we trust the very people who messed it up to begin with or do we trust Trump? Polls have consistently shown that Americans trust Trump more than Harris when it comes to the economy and some other issues as well. So, I guess the answer is simple. If we want to help the poor and the middle class, VOTE TRUMP because the other way has been going on for 3 1/2 years now and it hasn't been working. Things keep on getting worse.
As President, Trump ran up our deficit more than any other President in history.

Under Biden/Harris, we have the strongest economy in the world!

Don't believe me? How's your 401k?
As President, Trump ran up our deficit more than any other President in history.

Under Biden/Harris, we have the strongest economy in the world!

Don't believe me? How's your 401k?
Ummmmmmm, the US always has the strongest economy in the world. It was the strongest economy in the world under Trump, even during Covid.
The poor and middle class need help because we abandoned them in our pursuit of Supply Side Economics since Reagan
Throw money at the top and money will trickle down in the form of more jobs and higher pay.
Never happened….they just kept the money

Harris wants to direct the economy at the middle class through incentive based programs, investments in small business, education and subsidies.

Long overdue

BS all she wants to do is pump billions more in welfare through the tax code. That will cause more inflation, then she'll ask for more money to provide even more welfare. Commies cause the problem by spending too much and then claim spending more will fix it. It's all part of their plan to destroy the country.

BS all she wants to do is pump billions more in welfare through the tax code. That will cause more inflation, then she'll ask for more money to provide even more welfare. Commies cause the problem by spending too much and then claim spending more will fix it. It's all part of their plan to destroy the country.

Incentives to the middle class instead of the wealthy
Incentives to the middle class instead of the wealthy
What a joke you are. There are no incentives. There is taking from one group, and giving it to another. Cali wants to tax the poors, and give their money to illegals!

That sounds real "smart".
Incentives to the middle class instead of the wealthy

Why is it you commies always want to bite the hand that feeds ya? Do the people that pay you to put out your propaganda have less money than you? You criticize the wealthy, but have no problem taking their money for your paycheck. What the fuck is your plan when you run out of other peoples money?

Harris’ plan is to move the middle class to the poor side and then get them on welfare.
Right! More taxpayer relief to the rescue as a step for the continuation of growing government control. As most of us know, "A government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have." 😱
Why is it you commies always want to bite the hand that feeds ya? Do the people that pay you to put out your propaganda have less money than you? You criticize the wealthy, but have no problem taking their money for your paycheck. What the fuck is your plan when you run out of other peoples money?

Because they are very stingy on how much they feed us
The poor and middle class need help because we abandoned them in our pursuit of Supply Side Economics since Reagan
Throw money at the top and money will trickle down in the form of more jobs and higher pay.
Never happened….they just kept the money

Harris wants to direct the economy at the middle class through incentive based programs, investments in small business, education and subsidies.

Long overdue
Neither of these candidates have any clue about supporting workers. The dems want to give money to breeders. That will incentivize them to breed and not work. We just heard the Old Weird Guy's views of paying for child care .... don' worry 'bout it.

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