REAGAN the movie

Which dictator was that? Ortega? You mean the guy who allowed free elections and got voted back into office several times after the guys we supported couldn't fix the country?

Compared to the US, which propped up Somoza for decades.
Ortega dictatorship in Nicaragua deports group of foreign priests and nuns
Lawyer and researcher Martha Patricia Molina has reported that the dictatorship in Nicaragua has deported a group of foreign ...

Ortega Dictatorship in Nicaragua Shuts Down 1,500 Nonprofits and Exiles 2 More Priests

Nicaragua opens the door for Russian troops to land in Central America
The report also pointed out President Daniel Ortega had authorized the entry of foreign military troops, ships, and aircraft for humanitarian purposes after extending an invitation to the Vladimir ...

Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega establishes diplomatic ties with the Taliban
The vice-president of Nicaragua, Rosario Murillo, enthusiastically announced the diplomatic news on June 21: her government ...
Ortega dictatorship in Nicaragua deports group of foreign priests and nuns
Lawyer and researcher Martha Patricia Molina has reported that the dictatorship in Nicaragua has deported a group of foreign ...

Ortega Dictatorship in Nicaragua Shuts Down 1,500 Nonprofits and Exiles 2 More Priests

Nicaragua opens the door for Russian troops to land in Central America
The report also pointed out President Daniel Ortega had authorized the entry of foreign military troops, ships, and aircraft for humanitarian purposes after extending an invitation to the Vladimir ...

Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega establishes diplomatic ties with the Taliban
The vice-president of Nicaragua, Rosario Murillo, enthusiastically announced the diplomatic news on June 21: her government ...
Awesome, can we deport priests from this country?

So we spent billions to drive him out, and the Nicaraguans put him back in office at the first opportunity.
It is their country.
A Hideout Is Not a Homeland

All these inferior races came from prehistoric bandit gangs that were forced into (literally) No Man's Land. Logic would tell you that nobody would pick those areas to settle down in. Criminals on the lam.

Kipling warned us:

"When you're wounded and
Left on Afghanistan's plains,
And their women come out
To dig out your remains,
Just roll over to your rifle
And blow out your brains.
You'll go to your God like a soldier!"
It is passing strange the Reagan gets so many "passes", especially regarding his end run around the Constitution by illegal funding methods. is extremely dangerous precedent never got the attention it needs.
very well said.the reagan apologists on here are so dense and clueless about the two major scandals the october surprise and the contra scandal Reagan was involved in up to his ears.
not only that,but pretend that Carter did not clean up the corruption of the CIA by firing the evil demonic monster George Bush as CIA director and bringing in stansfield Turner who cleaned up the corruption cleaning house by firing all covert operaters of the CIA which led to no wars being started under carter. Then they pretend that Reagan did not fire Turner and brought in william casey as CIA director who got the CIA back to its covert wars again and got the war machine going again for the deep state.

they pretend not to see this public statement Reagans handpicked CIA man made unable to accept realty they have been checkmated taken to school..:uhoh3::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::rofl:

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."-William J. Casey, CIA Director


This quote was originally spoken by Casey sometime in early February of 1981, at a meeting in the Roosevelt Room in the West Wing of the White House, at which the White House policy analyst Barbara Honegger was present (who was then acting as Assistant to the chief domestic policy adviser to the President). She then relayed it to her Godmother, the Senior White House Correspondent Sarah McClendon, who made the quote public without naming the original source, through the Radio host Mae Brussel.

gipper TNHarley sparky there4eyeM they try to dismiss these pesky DOCUMENTED facts as fake news.comedy gold,you cant make this shit up that they try to dismiss caseys public statement on the CIA as fake news comedy gold at its best .:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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