Approaching 50 and not much to show

You could be President

Had you ever considered becoming a democrat?
Yes, a change would be needed, because this poster clearly has the jobs skills of a lazy (R) and the Political Identity of a trump Cult Member.

Good Luck..........No Friends.....WTF?
I seem to know a lot of useless information like I can tell you all about periods of history or things about physics and natural phenomenas

Still I have only owned 2 crappy UPS stores .

I currently am unemployed and have zero friends .

I was enjoying MMA but I had to quit due to DDD in L4-5 hell
I can’t even fight anymore !! The one thing i was ok at
My back surgery was only partially effective

Now I am days away from 50 and not much to show

Life is cruel !!!

Also read Steve McQueen , Max Bier all died at 50
Also MJackdon , Bernie Mac , Chris Reeve and James Gandofini

Just venting

Life ain’t easy

Bub, just keep working at it. When you are old, you are happy just not declining too fast.

black lightfoot hell.jpg

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