Political Cartoon

Is it me or do these folks truly look a little WEIRD ?
Because the border is tied up in politics, otherwise it is immune from scrutiny as long as the government or rather one side of it is controlled by Democrat's.

Who would have ever thought that the Democrat nerds would become the authoritarian tragic party that it has now since become ?

Mass shootings undoubtedly have become possibly an indirect or direct result of year's and years of Democrat agenda's in an attempt to social engineer society, along with the hollyweird grooming of America's young minds for the ultimate finishing touches.

Anyone that has lived from the late 1940s after world War two, and all the way up too the 1980s, knows that our society wasn't engaging in these sorts of thing's even on a large scale throughout our nation. Why ???

Yes in pockets of society we definitely had thing's being ironed out always, but we never experienced this type of psychotic mental retardation until the Democrat's began to change societies in a very bad way. Just my assessment... Now what ?

A steady diet of violent video games that have captured these young mind's is another intense needed area of debate. Something needs to be done.

Hiding the motives and the causes of these shootings, and doing so for fear that individual group's might be producing these killers from a popular political party, uhhhh is a tragedy that will have no equal or comparison in a supposed civilized society looking back or forward.
The organizations and politically motivated individuals behind these dark and evil shootings will answer for their sins in hell. That's no joke.

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