The irony of the abortion issue.

Women trumpet their right to exercise control of their own bodies regarding reproduction. However, abortion is needed when a woman loses control of her reproductive cycle and gets pregnant unintentionally. A woman who is in control of her reproductive life knows when she is likely to get pregnant and has little need for abortion.
The so called 'rhythm method' is very inexact though and while birth control products have improved immensely over the decades, they still are not 100% fool proof.

But by the onset of puberty, every parent should be raising his/her sons and daughters to be aware of the consequences of having sex, protected and unprotected, and the responsibilities that come with that. It should again be a cultural norm that choosing not to have sex is perfectly okay for those who shouldn't take risks at a particular stage of life, and those women who don't want children should choose that option unless they are willing to accept the consequences of the risks they take.

I am speaking of voluntary sex now. Rape and incest is a separate discussion.

Though they are quite rare--fewer than 1% of pregnancies--there are valid and ethical reasons in which an abortion can be necessary. And those situations should be between the doctor and the woman and abortion should be legal.

But abortion on demand--discarding an unwanted developing human in the womb because he/she is not wanted--does seem odd when the federal government considers harming the unborn child in the commission of something like 60 crimes to be a felony and 38 states have similar laws protecting the unborn from outside assault, attack, illegal acts. Even California that has unrestricted abortion on demand considers murder of a pregnant woman to be a a double murder.

Which always brings us back to the original question. Is the unborn a woman's right to have a doctor kill because it isn't yet a human being with rights, but if somebody else accidentally or intentionally kills that unborn child, it is murder?

Doesn't quite compute does it?

I am opposed to unconditional banning of all abortion and equally opposed to unrestricted abortion on demand. But somewhere in there is the moral and ethical choice and the national debate should be focused on finding it.
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