You aren't listening. The pro-life stance of the website doesn't invalidate the information. The fact that the results stated on the website is at odds with actual studies. In fact claim the exact opposite of those studies does.
As I said, studies make it clear that abortion regret is rare. Yet this website claim a whopping 93 percent of people who got pregnant via rape and decided to abort regret the decision to abort. A number that strains credulity even without those studies.
Most people don't decide to abort on a whim. I would even state that abortion would rank as one of the hardest decisions woman can make. I'm not a woman but I think it stands to reason.
I would further state that being raped would make abortion in general an easier decision. Yet you and that website claim that 18 out of 20 woman regret that decision. That to me is an extraordinary claim, and as such require extraordinary evidence. Yet the opposite is true.