dimocrap scum will fight. Like the cornered Rats they are, they will fight.
Their hope is that we will tire of the fight and just walk away, leaving them alone. They'll make noises like they're sorry, they'll pretend to have mended their sick ways, they'll whine and moan, they'll lie and they'll deny.
But if we let up on them, they will just bide their time until they can come back stronger than ever and continue to harm the Country and The People of the Country.
dimocrap scum are not rational. They lie, they cheat and they steal. You can't make deals with them becuase they're too dishonest and all they know is hate. They HATE America and they HATE Americans. Hate is all they have.
If we don't destroy them, completely, history will not fail to judge us. If we allow them to escape Justice, it would be the greatest sin we could possibly commit. It is our duty to destroy them. Like a poisonous viper, no mercy should be shown them.