As VP, what is Kamala Harris’s most noticeable achievement we now experience?

Not only did voters and donators reject her, but she was one of Biden's harshest critics.
So how did she end up VP? Just as how now Harris might pick Shapiro the gov of PA as her VP ONLY BECAUSE she hopes to BUY the Pa vote, Joe picked her ONLY because he wanted the black and woman's vote. Not only does this speak poorly of the voters as very shallow, but it speaks to the real mechanisms of electioneering.

While Trump and GOP are largely ISSUE-driven (Vance after all matches Trump on ISSUES, while his being southern and white hardly work for Trump as whites and the south are already two groups most sewn up by Trump), democrats like Harris are IDENTITY-driven, in that they pick their candidates by how they identify, in that just because you might be a woman, you think another woman will better represent you, or just because you are black (or Jamaican Hindu), that another black, etc., will better represent you--- without even looking at the person's history.

Yes, this tells me that by and large, the voters are NT getting who they want but are MANEUVERED into ACCEPTING who THEY pick believing that these choices reflect you when in fact, they reflect THEMSELVES.

Probably both.
  1. The fact that a twice impeached convicted felon insurrectionist dictator is neck-n-neck with Harris and Biden does not bode well for them and is a mnajor embarrassment! Why aren't they crushing Trump in the polls? If nothing else, it says that the democrats really SUCK.
  2. Everything democrats claim is a lie. Rather than ever admit the truth, a democrat will simply say NOTHING. So I expect that the figures they are sending imn about Harris killing it in donations and volunteers is mostly a lie, and also partly because Biden SUCKED EGGS so much for them.
  3. The democrats would be NOTHING wiithout 95% of the media behind them. If the GOP had as much of the media backing them, no democrat would ever get elected.
Yup. I just googled a political topic, and the articles on the first page were from CNN, NPR, Washington Post, NYT, and the like. Not a single comserative source.

If, GD FORBID, the DEI Marxist wins this election, it is because the Democrats now have an “enslaved media” - one of the two things Madison warned is necessary for a government to oppress. Without googling it, can you guess what the second thing is?

She's put the fear of God into MAGA and Trump​

You fear Kamala! Great! Thank you.

Now onto The Prosecutor vs the Convicted Felon/sexual abuser/rapist.

Trump is a convicted felon.

Harris is a former prosecutor.

The prosecutor vs the sex abuser/convicted felon:

"I prosecuted sex predators. Trump is one."

"I shut down for-profit scam colleges. He ran one."

" I held big banks accountable. He's owned by them."

" I'm not just prepared to take on Trump, I'm prepared to beat him." -

Kamala Harris
This is great for all of the Trump haters but does nothing for the swing voters. The swing voters want to see measured results. So, as Vice President, what has she accomplished?

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