Kamala Harris, The Border Czar

Go back and read the politico link YOU posted.
I'm sorry you do not like the fact there are so many news articles which describe how Harris was appointed to...

-tackle the migration challenge at the U.S. southern border
-lead efforts to stem migration across the U.S.-Mexico border

-be the point person on immigration issues at the nation’s southern border,
-lead the administration's efforts to stem migration at the southern border

... but there are.

And they prove anyone who claims otherwise - like you - is lying.
As per the norm.
Why do you lie?

I'm sorry you do not like the fact there are so many news articles which describe how Harris was appointed to...

-tackle the migration challenge at the U.S. southern border
-lead efforts to stem migration across the U.S.-Mexico border

-be the point person on immigration issues at the nation’s southern border,
-lead the administration's efforts to stem migration at the southern border

... but there are.

And they prove anyone who claims otherwise - like you - is lying.
As per the norm.
Why do you lie?
News articles…

Oh that makes it official.

Odd that you ignore the news article that YOU posted which details her “duties”… none of which were full control of the border or “Border Czar”

So that begs two questions lady. Why do you lie?

Why do you eat shit?
News articles…

Oh that makes it official.

Odd that you ignore the news article that YOU posted which details her “duties”… none of which were full control of the border or “Border Czar”

So that begs two questions lady. Why do you lie?

Why do you eat shit?
The real question, despite your transparent and pathetic attempts to distract and deflect, remains thus: What actions did Harris take to carry out her responsibilities (and yes, she had responsibilities on illegal immigration, no matter how many times democrats want to stomp their feet and hold their breath), and how effectively did she do them? I have yet to see one democrat attempt to defend those actions, if they exist.

Could it be because they don't exist and she really didn't do anything? Nah, couldn't be that...
So Republicans voted against extra border security for political reasons? Tell us something we all didn't already know.... :lol:
Ukraine is not america, they wanted funding removed for them.

BTW, why would a USA border bill need funding for Ukraine in it? please explain that tactic?
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She was tasked to work with several Central American nations to implement policies and ultimately reduce the flood of illegal immigrants coming to and across the southern American border. Since the flood has increased instead of abated, it is legitimate to ask, and demand she respond to, "What exactly did you do?".
It's also legitimate to ask you what you imagine she's capable of doing in that regard.
Pretending she had no responsibility at all is ridiculous, as we only need dredge up the panting headlines from the time in question.
Pretending like she can make South American governments more hospitable to their own people such that they weren't fleeing in record numbers all by herself is also a bit ridiculous.
Why did it get so bad they needed to beg for Republicans to bail them out? Did she implement a policy that didn't work, or did she just not do anything at all? Voters want to know.
Who's begging? We have a representative government with co-equal branches. The executive can't execute the laws effectively if Congress doesn't do it's job and provide the legislation and funding to do so. We are dealing with a record surge at the border and we already had limited resources and weren't able to process them all in timely manner before that. This bill that Republicans negotiated was one that I was against. That I'm happy died. It would of made it harder for immigrants to seek asylum and would of allowed the government to shut the border down completely as well as provide additional funding. Your party killed a border security bill progressives hated because Trump wanted to play politics.
The only way -I- lied, toots, is if you can prove the quotes I posted do not exist.
You know you can't.
And thus, your claimed that I lied is... a lie.
All you do it lie.
Why do you lie?
Your OWN link disputes YOUR lie lady. Why do YOU lie?

Why do YOU eat shit?
It's also legitimate to ask you what you imagine she's capable of doing in that regard.
what they asked her to do and provide her report. She failed.
Pretending like she can make South American governments more hospitable to their own people such that they weren't fleeing in record numbers all by herself is also a bit ridiculous.
it was to provide input on how to improve the flow of people, but she provided zip.
Who's begging? We have a representative government with co-equal branches. The executive can't execute the laws
Why did creepy issue EO's then as laws? you seem confused.
effectively if Congress doesn't do it's job and provide the legislation and funding to do so.
funding for what?
We are dealing with a record surge at the border
We know, creepy has done absolutely nothing to stop it. pssst campaign issue.
and we already had limited resources and weren't able to process them all in timely manner before that. This bill that Republicans negotiated was one that I was against. That I'm happy died. It would of made it harder for immigrants to seek asylum
good, they need to ask before coming in. they would still be illegal unless request was made and approved before they arrived.
and would of allowed the government to shut the border down completely as well as provide additional funding.
implement existing laws, why are you against that?
Your party killed a border security bill progressives hated because Trump wanted to play politics.
Ukraine funding isn't a USA border need.
It's also legitimate to ask you what you imagine she's capable of doing in that regard.
She was assigned to work with various countries to address the root causes of their emigration issues. Imagination has nothing to do with it, unless you're a democrat desperate to deflect conversation away from her responsibilities. You know, if she had done an exemplary job you would be out crowing loud and long about it. Obviously, she didn't.
Pretending like she can make South American governments more hospitable to their own people such that they weren't fleeing in record numbers all by herself is also a bit ridiculous.
What exactly did she do? Did she visit the southern border to get a first hand impression of the conditions there? Did she visit the countries in question and meet with dignitaries? Did she carry out Quid Pro Joe's policies on immigration? What were those policies? See, you're trying to pretend she had nothing to do with it while ignoring the reality that she had responsibilities, and we want to know what she did.
Who's begging? We have a representative government with co-equal branches. The executive can't execute the laws effectively if Congress doesn't do it's job and provide the legislation and funding to do so. We are dealing with a record surge at the border and we already had limited resources and weren't able to process them all in timely manner before that. This bill that Republicans negotiated was one that I was against. That I'm happy died. It would of made it harder for immigrants to seek asylum and would of allowed the government to shut the border down completely as well as provide additional funding. Your party killed a border security bill progressives hated because Trump wanted to play politics.
What did they do that allowed the situation to get so bad they had to beg Republicans to bail them out? She was supposed to be working with these governments. Again, what did she do? Did she do anything effective or did she just not try at all?
Hey dipshit… how could Ukraine funding have been the reason for blocking the Border Bill when that funding was later approved in a clean bill?

/—-/ Post a link where it was the same funding including uranium production. Sorry, I can’t just take your word for it.
"Mr. Biden tasked the vice president, in 2021, with a diplomatic role to address the causes of migration from Mexico and Central America and to work with those countries to strengthen migration enforcement at their own borders.”

Seems the task was pretty clear. Harris was just too busy exploiting what she could from taxpayers while her inherent laziness didn't allow her to do her job.

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