Zone1 How do we know if the Bible is true?

That's what's Biblical, but since "Christian Zionists" are under the spell of anti-Christ, Zionist Jewry, they think the "Israel" on the map, led by demonic, anti-Christ Jews, is the actual Israel of God

Jesus is going to return to the Jews. The specific spot of His return is the Mount of Olives. And He will set up His kingdom in Jerusalem. The same Jerusalem that King David ruled from. The Jews will accept Jesus as their Messiah the next time He shows up.
Jesus is going to return to the Jews. The specific spot of His return is the Mount of Olives. And He will set up His kingdom in Jerusalem. The same Jerusalem that King David ruled from. The Jews will accept Jesus as their Messiah the next time He shows up.
Christians are the Israel of God, that will rule with Christ over the nations, not anti-Christ Jews, who aren't even really Jews. They're the synagogue of Satan. Genetically an Ashkenazi Jew from Poland or Crown Heights, Brooklyn is less likely to be a descendent of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob than Christian and Muslim Palestinians. One is not a Jew genetically or through pedigree today, but in Spirit and in Truth. Those are the people who God recognizes as Israel, not anti-Christ Jews who spit in the face of Jesus and pull his beard. You're with the enemies of Jesus, hence you're not His disciple according to the NT.
Jesus is going to return to the Jews. The specific spot of His return is the Mount of Olives. And He will set up His kingdom in Jerusalem. The same Jerusalem that King David ruled from. The Jews will accept Jesus as their Messiah the next time He shows up.

That's from Cyrus Scofield.
Jesus is going to return to the Jews. The specific spot of His return is the Mount of Olives. And He will set up His kingdom in Jerusalem. The same Jerusalem that King David ruled from. The Jews will accept Jesus as their Messiah the next time He shows up.
Ok ---if that happens----ie would be nice and the prophesy of
ISAIAH is supposed to kick in UHM---sorta--"Lo Ysah Goy AL Goy
cherev. V' lo yilmadu Od Milchamah" ----the approx. translation
----Nation shall not lift up sword against Nation and no longer learn the way of WAR!!!!
Let me know when Isaiah kicks in
jesus is going to return to the Jews.

you are a more lost cause than most, ram - the 1st century is the repudiation of judaism's false commandments, hereditary idolatry ... who know the truth of the present tense.

* (hint) - those jews in that area had better discover heavenly tank shells that will blow up heavenly spirits because they will be the first to disappear were any around when the heavens return.
you are a more lost cause than most, ram - the 1st century is the repudiation of judaism's false commandments, hereditary idolatry ... who know the truth of the present tense.

* (hint) - those jews in that area had better discover heavenly tank shells that will blow up heavenly spirits because they will be the first to disappear were any around when the heavens return.
In your islamo-nazi dreams
Says it will happen soon...within a generation. I suppose if you take things literally you have to invent a new scenario.
take things "LITERALLY" ? ----not me. OK how is it supposed to be in the OLD TIME RELIGION SCENARIO? ----uhm----
In your islamo-nazi dreams

islamo is an offshoot of judaism - false commandments et al ...

there will be no biblical desert religions remaining as certainly prescribed, the heavenly religion of antiquity - for the return of the heavens ... as the triumph of good.

- being their reason to return. and humanity allowed to survive.
Zechariah 14:4 “On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west, forming a great valley, with half of the Mount moving north and half moving south.

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob than Christian and Muslim Palestinians. One is not a Jew genetically or through pedigree today
Not only is their pedigree intact but God takes 10,000 Jews from each of the original Jewish tribes, marks them to keep them from harm and sends them throughout Israel during the Tribulation to preach the gospel.
islamo is an offshoot of judaism - false commandments et al ...

there will be no biblical desert religions remaining as certainly prescribed, the heavenly religion of antiquity - for the return of the heavens ... as the triumph of good.

- being their reason to return. and humanity allowed to survive.
Almost true---the fact is that Islam is an offshoot of christianity-----most significantly the details of SHARIAH SHIT---which is nothing more than a recapitulation of the FILTH of Shariah law which presists today as the NEUREMBURG CODE and dominated the "WEST" as CANON LAW and the INQUISITION. Imperialism upon Imperialism

Caspar? You lost me.

The return of Jesus and the end of the world aren't the same thing.
Did I suggest anything about the "end of the world"? ----the END
is not a jewish concept----it exists in the religions of the "new world" like that of the Mayans and Aztecs and more "western"
in the religions of North Europe. You are remarkably uneducated
Zechariah 14:4 “On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west, forming a great valley, with half of the Mount moving north and half moving south.

Not only is their pedigree intact but God takes 10,000 Jews from each of the original Jewish tribes, marks them to keep them from harm and sends them throughout Israel during the Tribulation to preach the gospel.

The tribulation was over by the fall of Masada or by 70 AD.. depending on the scholar. Christians fled to the Pella... and avoided the whole thing.
Did I suggest anything about the "end of the world"? ----the END
is not a jewish concept----it exists in the religions of the "new world" like that of the Mayans and Aztecs and more "western"
in the religions of North Europe. You are remarkably uneducated

Lolol 😆😂 not everyone in northern Europe got sucked in by Samuel Untermyer and Christian Zionism.
Zechariah 14:4 “On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west, forming a great valley, with half of the Mount moving north and half moving south.

Not only is their pedigree intact but God takes 10,000 Jews from each of the original Jewish tribes, marks them to keep them from harm and sends them throughout Israel during the Tribulation to preach the gospel.
What tribes? That's obviously not to be understood literally because the ten tribes are lost. The church or body of Christ, is the Israel of God, not the Jews that are cut off from the vine as Paul explicitly argues. Jesus in Matthew stated that the Jews of his age would lose the kingdom of God. It would be given to another nation, bearing the fruits of his father's kingdom. The Palestinians have more Middle-Eastern genetics, than the Ashkenazi European Jews. Assuming they even have any Middle-Eastern DNA at all. The Palestinians in general, have unique genetic connection to the Holy Land, going back thousands of years. They are the Israelites who converted to Christianity and Islam.

Your eschatology is flawed.
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I can say, Christ, I am for you, I believe, I submit to your will, for I know that you have chosen me, I have submitted myself to my pastor and my Church every Sunday, I worship thee.

This I know to be true, on one can come to Christ of his own free will, because the truth is, Christ chooses out of millions of denominations who call and qualify to enter Christ's rest.

He alone with His Father chooses who He wishes, no one can say I am, but one can petition and ask, and if and only if Christ chooses to do so.

Christ is Majesty; His divine will is to choose and resurrect the dead in Christ’s body to His own eternal Church.

Matthew 7:21-23 "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.
Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?'
And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'

Matthew 25:42-46 (NKJV) for I was hungry and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink;
I was a stranger and you did not take Me in, naked and you did not clothe Me, sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.'
Then they also will answer Him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You?'
Then He will answer them, saying, 'Assuredly, I say to you, since you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do

as crucified.

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