Kamala Harris, The Border Czar

/---/ Yes she was. How many times do we have to beat you over the head, until you admit you are wrong?
NBC - March 24. 2021 WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that he has appointed Vice President Kamala Harris to lead efforts to stem migration across the U.S.-Mexico border...
A senior administration official said Harris' role would focus on "two tracks": both curbing the current flow of migrants and implementing a long-term strategy that addresses the root causes of migration. Cabinet members, including the secretary of state, are expected to work closely with Harris on these issues.
I'm sorry if you don't understand the difference between studying the reasons and routes taken to reach the border and actual border security (preventing actual border crossings) I guess it's just too complex for a crazy MAGA such as yourself to grasp.
In response to immigration concerns, Harris’ call to action was the public-private partnership Central America Forward (CAF). The idea behind CAF is to support the creation of local jobs and other measures in order to slow the flow of mass migration.

CAF has generated more than $5.2 billion since its launch in 2021, and its partners include more than 50 companies and organizations that have committed to supporting economic growth in the Central America region. The entities represent the financial services, textiles, apparel, agriculture, technology, telecommunications, nonprofit sectors, and others, according to the White House.

What has Kamala Harris accomplished as vice president? Here's a quick look.

A review of the work accomplished by Vice President Kamala Harris during her term in office with President Joe Biden.

Seeing as Harris's actual responsibility regarding the border was to try to make conditions better in those countries immigrants were fleeing, her goal was to improve economic opportunities there. To try to make it so migrants were not so desperate that they would travel thousands of miles by foot for a better life.

The part of the immigration equation often left out of the conversation is how deteriorating conditions in countries like Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras have lead to increased numbers of migrants showing up at the border. Harris was asked to try to do something about it. She was not put in charge of the border. That persistent, pernicious lie has been thoroughly debunked..............yet it is still being spread because that is how Repubs and conservative media roll.
Yes she was, by Biden himself.

I'm sorry if you don't understand the difference between studying the reasons and routes taken to reach the border and actual border security (preventing actual border crossings) I guess it's just too complex for a crazy MAGA such as yourself to grasp.
Looking like you don't either.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden has tapped Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the White House effort to tackle the migration challenge at the U.S. southern border and work with Central American nations to address root causes of the problem.

Oh dear, two separate issues.
Looking like you don't either.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden has tapped Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the White House effort to tackle the migration challenge at the U.S. southern border and work with Central American nations to address root causes of the problem.

Oh dear, two separate issues.
And then you forget the part where Democrats negotiated 20 billion for border security that Republicans rejected. You can't escape the facts of your party's record you dumb Simps. :lol:

We all watched Trump command Republicans to vote against it and then they did as they were told. By Trump.
I'm sorry if you don't understand the difference between studying the reasons and routes taken to reach the border and actual border security (preventing actual border crossings) I guess it's just too complex for a crazy MAGA such as yourself to grasp.
/——/ Thanks for the non answer. Side Piece Harris had one job to do and failed miserably.
In response to immigration concerns, Harris’ call to action was the public-private partnership Central America Forward (CAF). The idea behind CAF is to support the creation of local jobs and other measures in order to slow the flow of mass migration.

CAF has generated more than $5.2 billion since its launch in 2021, and its partners include more than 50 companies and organizations that have committed to supporting economic growth in the Central America region. The entities represent the financial services, textiles, apparel, agriculture, technology, telecommunications, nonprofit sectors, and others, according to the White House.


What has Kamala Harris accomplished as vice president? Here's a quick look.

A review of the work accomplished by Vice President Kamala Harris during her term in office with President Joe Biden.

Seeing as Harris's actual responsibility regarding the border was to try to make conditions better in those countries immigrants were fleeing, her goal was to improve economic opportunities there. To try to make it so migrants were not so desperate that they would travel thousands of miles by foot for a better life.

The part of the immigration equation often left out of the conversation is how deteriorating conditions in countries like Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras have lead to increased numbers of migrants showing up at the border. Harris was asked to try to do something about it. She was not put in charge of the border. That persistent, pernicious lie has been thoroughly debunked..............yet it is still being spread because that is how Repubs and conservative media roll.

Vice President Kamala Harris will be the White House’s point person on immigration issues at the nation’s southern border, President Joe Biden announced Wednesday, tasking her with stemming the rising tide of migrants, many of them unaccompanied children, arriving in the U.S

I can just keep pasting this, as it completely refutes your claim

She was in charge

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden has tapped Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the White House effort to tackle the migration challenge at the U.S. southern border

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that he has appointed Vice President Kamala Harris to lead efforts to stem migration across the U.S.-Mexico border,

Vice President Kamala Harris will be the White House’s point person on immigration issues at the nation’s southern border, President Joe Biden announced Wednesday, tasking her with stemming the rising tide of migrants, many of them unaccompanied children, arriving in the U.S.

President Biden announced Wednesday he had tapped Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the administration's efforts to stem migration at the southern border.

Who is lying, and why?

See above.
Who is lying?


Your own politico link states she had two duties. Dealing with the root causes of immigration from Central America and dealing with Mexico

You fucked yourself
You fool.................it was an election year set up issue by the dems, they do this every cycle. They knew it would never past with or without comments by Trump.

Funny, HR-2 been on the table for some two years, why wasn't it used as a framework?
So Republicans voted against extra border security for political reasons? Tell us something we all didn't already know.... :lol:
Why don't one of you Morons tell us exactly what kind of authority you imagine Kamala Harris has on the border. :lol:
She was tasked to work with several Central American nations to implement policies and ultimately reduce the flood of illegal immigrants coming to and across the southern American border. Since the flood has increased instead of abated, it is legitimate to ask, and demand she respond to, "What exactly did you do?".

Pretending she had no responsibility at all is ridiculous, as we only need dredge up the panting headlines from the time in question.
So Republicans voted against extra border security for political reasons? Tell us something we all didn't already know.... :lol:
Why did it get so bad they needed to beg for Republicans to bail them out? Did she implement a policy that didn't work, or did she just not do anything at all? Voters want to know.
This is, of course, a lie, as everything I posted is true -- the news agencies said exactly what I said they said.
Go back and read the politico link YOU posted.

It says exactly what I said it says.

YOU need to stop lying lady. And stop eating shit

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