Women: What percentage of you wake up in the morning thinking about abortions and how cool it is that you can get one with ease? Dems are banking on U

Point was, you can't trust Trump, can you?

He gave the anti-Choice nutters everything they wanted with the nuts he put on the court.

Now he's trying to pretend it had nothing to do with him.

When in fact, if he had never been president, Roe would be alive and well.
Trump kept his promise. He put abortion policy in the hands of the states where it belongs.
Trump kept his promise. He put abortion policy in the hands of the states where it belongs.

Except it shouldn't be in the hands of the state.

And he promised to ban it nation wide. And said that women should be punished for having them.

Now that it's becoming a real thing in some parts of the country, he can't run away from the issue fast enough.

Women are coming for you, Donald!
The irony of a Repub calling out one issue voters is pretty funny.

The reason we have 35T in debt is due in part to the Repub voters putting abortion before any other issue.
They seem to believe abortions are all you think about…they don’t want you to care about foreign policy and affairs, REAL economics, energy policy, public safety, immigration policy, education, healthcare, inflation….etc etc.
They need you to be a single issue voter…Are you?

You are a disgusting pig of man. Women are dying for lack of medical care and this is your question.

Do you wake up every day and think how many women can we kill today?????
You're killing a child. Society has a say
No they're not. It's a fetus.

Pro Choice says the majority!

"In a Center survey conducted nearly a year after the Supreme Court’s June 2022 decision that ended the constitutional right to abortion, 62% of U.S. adults said the practice should be legal in all or most cases, while 36% said it should be illegal in all or most cases."


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