Women: What percentage of you wake up in the morning thinking about abortions and how cool it is that you can get one with ease? Dems are banking on U

Just a reminder:

“Safe, legal, and rare”
- Democrats in the 90’s

They have sprinted radically left, and now view moderates and classic liberals as far right extremists

Please post how the republic side has changed in last 20 years....
Just a reminder:

“Safe, legal, and rare”
- Democrats in the 90’s

They have sprinted radically left, and now view moderates and classic liberals as far right extremists
Not sure why you think that's a radical departure.

We are still in favor of safe and legal.

It's how we get rare that is the difference.

Standing outside a clinic with big posters of aborted fetuses screaming at the women isn't going to get you there. Neither are passing dumb and dangerous laws to make it harder to get one.

If you want to get to less abortions, it's all the other stuff you don't like.

Comprehensive sex education
Easy access to contraception
Paid medical and family leave
Universal Health Care.

if you are going to make it a choice between a $300.00 abortion and a $10,000 live birth, the $300 abortion wins every time.
They seem to believe abortions are all you think about
I didn't think about laws that restricted my right to have an appendectomy when my life was in danger. American women shouldn't need to worry about laws restricting their access to life saving procedures either, but they do in several states now.

All thanks to Donald "Jail the women" Trump. Remember that in Nov. ladies.

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