Harris admits Trump was right again: Features border wall in ad after trashing Trump for building it since 2017

/---/ And NYC is up to her eyeballs in illegals at the cost of $375 a night in hotel rooms.

That's help for the hotel operators. NY voters love high taxes, so this is actually a point of positivity. They have driven out all of the conservative element years ago, from the Trumps to the Limbaughs.
It's a good first start, after fucking around for FORTY years and doing NOTHING.

Trump killed the Senate border deal, but the immigration ...

View attachment 1007296
https://slate.com › news-and-politics › 2024/02 › trump...
Feb 7, 2024 — Sen. James Lankford, a Republican and chief architect of the deal, acknowledged openly that Trump (and many Trump loyalists) did not ...

Senate Republicans Kill Their Own Border Deal to Suck Up ...

View attachment 1007297
The New Republic
https://newrepublic.com › breaking-news
May 23, 2024 — A border bill negotiated by Republicans and Democrats has died in the Senate—with the help of lots of opposition from Republicans, including the bill's main .
/----/ A private citizen with more power and influence over Congress than a sitting president and VP. Imagine that.
It's a good first start, after fucking around for FORTY years and doing NOTHING.

Trump killed the Senate border deal, but the immigration ...

View attachment 1007296
https://slate.com › news-and-politics › 2024/02 › trump...
Feb 7, 2024 — Sen. James Lankford, a Republican and chief architect of the deal, acknowledged openly that Trump (and many Trump loyalists) did not ...

Senate Republicans Kill Their Own Border Deal to Suck Up ...

View attachment 1007297
The New Republic
https://newrepublic.com › breaking-news
May 23, 2024 — A border bill negotiated by Republicans and Democrats has died in the Senate—with the help of lots of opposition from Republicans, including the bill's main .

Biden/Harris eliminated Trump border Policy soon after office, and that’s when the issues spiked.

Biden/Harris caused the problem, not the lack of passing of some bad, ineffective border bill.

Now, you’re being told by your overlords that you have to support the people who imposed this without even being to vote on it. You’re in the fetal position.. being dictated to and thanking the authoritarians for it
That's help for the hotel operators. NY voters love high taxes, so this is actually a point of positivity. They have driven out all of the conservative element years ago, from the Trumps to the Limbaughs.
And how is New York doing overall? LOL
Yep, that how STUPID the Trump cult is.
Trump can't do shit to them, but the traitors STILL cower in fear of the orange blowhard.
You don’t even want to be allowed to participate in the democratic process, so you can’t really say much.

You’re mindlessly supporting a candidate that was installed via authoritarianism. You’re cowering in the corner, desiring to be dominated by your DNC Overlords.

Get a spine and you can talk. You’re an American.. fight for liberty and have a little respect for yourself.. geez
CNN was even politely pointing out her complete hypocrisy

She said it was useless, wrong, immoral, and just a vanity project then. She refused to even use term “illegal”

Now she presents as if it’s hers, and is “tough” on “illegal immigrants”

A total fraud

he built what 80 miles worth? Biden built 21 miles worth but before Trump seven hundred miles were erected.
You don’t even want to be allowed to participate in the democratic process, so you can’t really say much.
You’re mindlessly supporting a candidate that was installed via authoritarianism.
You’re cowering in the corner, desiring to be dominated by your DNC Overlords.
You're FOS.
Get a spine and you can talk. You’re an American.. fight for liberty and have a little respect for yourself.. geez
You are a traitor, just like your dear leader.
You don’t even want to be allowed to participate in the democratic process, so you can’t really say much.

You’re mindlessly supporting a candidate that was installed via authoritarianism. You’re cowering in the corner, desiring to be dominated by your DNC Overlords.

Get a spine and you can talk. You’re an American.. fight for liberty and have a little respect for yourself.. geez
She was on the ticket with Biden during the campaign.

Biden/Harris eliminated Trump border Policy soon after office, and that’s when the issues spiked.

Biden/Harris caused the problem, not the lack of passing of some bad, ineffective border bill.

Now, you’re being told by your overlords that you have to support the people who imposed this without even being to vote on it. You’re in the fetal position.. being dictated to and thanking the authoritarians for it

Exactly. President Trump's "Stay in Mexico" strategery worked out tremendously and really limited the number of illegals coming in. But as soon as the people saw that Trump was leaving office, they started surging to the border and were ready to start storming it on 20 January 2021
he built what 80 miles worth? Biden built 21 miles worth but before Trump seven hundred miles were erected.
That’s not what we’re talking about.

Is a wall useless, immoral, etc as Harris says?

Or is it a positive thing as Trump says (and now Harris is lying about)

Remember, her values have not changed.
She was on the ticket with Biden during the campaign.
And you had no choice. They told you to support Harris, and you put your @ss in the air and asked for it. Grow a spine and have some respect for yourself before you say much of anything political


You're FOS.

You are a traitor, just like your dear leader.

Did you or anyone vote for Harris to be your presidential candidate?

No. Fact.

It was decided for you, and you’re on you knees accepting government authoritarianism. Seriously, grow a spine and adopt American values

Did you or anyone vote for Harris to be your presidential candidate?
I can't anyway.
I'm not a democrat.
I'm in a closed primary state.
No. Fact.

It was decided for you, and you’re on you knees accepting government authoritarianism.
As the 535 electoral college voters choose for 325 million people?
THEY are the authoritarians, and the Trump cult loves it.
Seriously, grow a spine and adopt American values
Tell that to your cult.
Got to be a low point when you have Putin trolling you.. so much joy.. 😂


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