Have trump voters Considered The Topographic Obstacles To his Border Wall?


See all those brown bumps along the red line?
We call those "mountains".
Do you know what mountains are boys and girls?

Mountains are something that the wall can move around. Our engineers aren't as stupid as you are...
--------------------------------- we defeated natural barriers hundreds of years ago and i repeat that we built Rail Road Track through and over mountains , lakes , river , forests back in the 1860s as we built a trancontinental Railroad using dynamite , pickaxes , shovels and man power .
--------------------------- well its true , see the transcontinental railroad built in the 1860s Lysis. The TRUMP WALL is easy to build and it pizzes off YOU , the world and the 'mex' , guats and other third worlders Lysis .

Don't forget the Chinese laborers! BTW: this isn't 1860. The orange whore's wall is an expensive boondoogle thought up by absolute morons. You people who follow him are absolute idiots.
------------------------------------- did i not say MAN POWER and labor , all under direction of the Westen thinkers and builders . Sure , the labor worked for MONEY and food or they coulda stayed and starved back in 'china' Lysis .

And to think, you were there, all of those years ago. You must be very old by now.
So not wanting to have women stoned for being raped and gays thrown off buildings is not logical?

This has nothing to do with building this dumb-assed wall. But somebody had to raise radical Islam sometime. It's usual and expected.

When the idiot trump first announced the construction of his “wall” to keep the rapists and murders from Mexico out of the U.S., he told his gullible followers he would force Mexico to pay for it. His mindless minions cheered wildly.

Mexico’s president, Enrique Peña Nieto has repeatedly told the idiot trump that Mexico footing the bill ain’t gonna happen. But, the idiot trump keeps swearing to his mindless minions that Mexico will pay, and the dupes and suckers always cheer wildly.

Since conservatives, especially those who are devoted to the idiot trump, see themselves as experts in constitutional law, economics, foreign and domestic policy, science, and most everything else, have these self-proclaimed experts-in-all-things who are willing to debate true experts, ever given a thought to the topography of the border regions between Mexico and the United States? (to·pog·ra·phy - noun - the arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features of an area.)

If the entire border of the U.S. and Mexico was a ridge line it would be ideal for a defensive wall because water flows either to one side or the other. When a wall is built that crosses a valley, canyon, small arroyo, etc., it then becomes a “dam”.

The Continental Divide would be an ideal placement for a the idiot trump‘s “wall” because no river crosses this natural ridge line that runs from Montana to New Mexico. All water from the Continental Divide will flow either to the east, Atlantic; or to the west, Pacific.

The borderland along these Southwest States generally runs over high deserts with at least a thousand canyons crossing the international border. People who live in these desert states know that when it rains, the flash floods can be massive and ferocious, with walls of water hurling boulders and debris through anything in its way.

The cost to build a human proof barrier across this lengthy section of land would be staggering. Even a small “high security” dam would require elaborate engineering to block illegal human transit and yet allow the water and natural debris to pass through. And this water and debris arrives with little advance warning.

Conservatives don’t want to pay the taxes needed for their own local police and fire protection. So, how are conservatives going to react when they see the first bids for constructing a thousand of these “specialized” dams? Dams that jump up to allow the passing of a flash flood’s water and debris, then immediately drop precisely back into place to block the illegal human traffic waiting on the “other” side.

As much as the conservatives would hate paying the bill to construct these many dams, building them is just the beginning. The expense maintaining the intricate machinery and electronic technology involved in these dams to keep them operational at all times would dwarf their construction costs, and the wall sections could only be built after the inevitable engineering “bugs” in all of these dams have been worked out. Otherwise, the wall sections would be useless.

Rational people understand we’re talking decades and trillions-of-dollars to complete such a massive undertaking, which is why no one ever seriously proposed such a ridiculous project in the past.

Only the idiot trump would be so arrogant and ignorant, which speaks volumes about his mindless minions.

Now the conservative idiocy will follow, none of which deserves a response.

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Apparently there are no estimates for the more expensive specialty dams the idiot trump never mentioned.


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