Harris admits Trump was right again: Features border wall in ad after trashing Trump for building it since 2017

Got to be a low point when you have Putin trolling you.. so much joy.. 😂

View attachment 1007308
/----/ So true. Where are the democRATs screeching RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA?
Short sections of wall in specific places seems to make sense. That giant monstrosity all across our southern border that trump wanted was just stupid.
Which, of course, is not what she said back then. When are you going to let what she actually said stand on its own without slavishly "translating" what she "really meant"?
Well, feel free to open up your property or house to non-Americans.. given you don’t like secure borders for entities

A Section of Border Wall in Texas Cost $27 Million a Mile. ...​

Texas Monthly
https://www.texasmonthly.com › ... › News & Politics

Apr 21, 2021 — Ladders and walls go together like peas and carrots,” says one McAllen Border Patrol agent.

Largest single group of migrants ever tunnels under border ...​

ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos
https://abcnews.go.com › story

Jan 25, 2019 — The largest single group of asylum seekers ever to cross into the US tunneled beneath the border wall near San Luis, Arizona, on Monday.

CBP Has Found 40 Tunnels under Trump's Border Wall​

Cato Institute
https://www.cato.org › blog › cbp-has-found-40-tunnels-...

Jan 31, 2023 — Customs and Border Protection (CBP) discovered 40 tunnels from 2017 to 2021, according to data obtained through a Cato Institute Freedom of Information Act ( ...


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A Section of Border Wall in Texas Cost $27 Million a Mile. ...

View attachment 1007315
Texas Monthly
https://www.texasmonthly.com › ... › News & Politics
Apr 21, 2021 — Ladders and walls go together like peas and carrots,” says one McAllen Border Patrol agent.

Largest single group of migrants ever tunnels under border ...

View attachment 1007316
ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos
https://abcnews.go.com › story
Jan 25, 2019 — The largest single group of asylum seekers ever to cross into the US tunneled beneath the border wall near San Luis, Arizona, on Monday.

CBP Has Found 40 Tunnels under Trump's Border Wall

View attachment 1007317
Cato Institute
https://www.cato.org › blog › cbp-has-found-40-tunnels-...
Jan 31, 2023 — Customs and Border Protection (CBP) discovered 40 tunnels from 2017 to 2021, according to data obtained through a Cato Institute Freedom of Information Act ( ...
Jan 31, 2023 — Customs and Border Protection (CBP) discovered 40 tunnels from 2017 to 2021, according to data obtained through a Cato Institute Freedom of Information Act ( ...
I wonder if HAMAS taught the illegals how to carve tunnels under walls.
Nuthin' Fancy You can copy paste links until your blue in the face… the border is a massive problem and walls work.
No, they don't.
You ignore facts.
Just like your dear leader.
Yet, you oppose them by your words, but use them by your deeds
That's what your dear leader and cult did.

WHINE about the border.
Then when a bill is presented to do SOMETHING about it.............KILL IT.
Then start WHINING about it again.

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