Women prefer alpha males

desire a strong, confident man
Breaking News......

Most Male Professional Athletes are Alpha Males.

Most Male Politicians are Alpha Males.......Oh wait......I am WRONG.

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Most Male Conservative Media Figures are Alpha Males ......... LOLLOOLLLL

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Breaking News......

Most Male Professional Athletes are Alpha Males.
They have toxic levels of testosterone. I used to ride horse a lot which often requires rough handling and imposing your will on the animal. I was making out with my girlfriend and I unknowingly got a little rough. She said, "Take it easy, I'm not one of your damn horses."
Again, just going by the words you post on here.

I am starting to think even you do not believe the things you post
What I post happened over fifty years ago when I was a young man.

Why this obsession with what I post? And why refute something that you know nothing about?
What you post sounds like the stories of an old fisherman telling this tales of all the fish he caught.

Do you have children?
A grown son and daughter, three grandchildren, and several 'illegitimate' kids, one who is going to visit me this month. She calls herself "my favorite illegitimate daughter".
A grown son and daughter, three grandchildren, and several 'illegitimate' kids, one who is going to visit me this month. She calls herself "my favorite illegitimate daughter".

Did you raise your daughter to be submissive to males?

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