If Trump loses, expect a Republican civil war

You moron.
You may not recognize it as communism, but the democrat policies are all pushing toward one party rule, i.e. Communism.

Open the borders, let in millions of democrat votes
Mass amnesty, let millions of illegals vote
End the filibuster, make new Laws with small majority
Pack the supreme court, ensure Leftists control
Gun control, keep the population defenseless
Lawfare against Republicans, just like in commie Banana Republics
Teach CRT in all schools, keep the population riled up
Continued attacks on parental rights (take kids from parents to transition) ensure government control of everything
Add DC & Puerto Rico as states guaranteeing democrats permanent majorities
Hire 80,000 new IRS agents willing to kill. A new Waffen SS.
Tax unrealized gains of investment. Redistribute wealth, aka "Communism"
Tax unrealized gains on house value. Redistribute wealth, aka "Communism"
Supports Medicare for all and elimination of private healthcare insurance. Government control of healthcare

If communism is defined as one-party rule, then that would make Republicans Communists too since they also want one-party rule.

Reagan is the only president to give amnesty to illegal aliens. Guess that too makes Republicans Communists.

The left did not pack the Supreme Court, even when they had the chance. Republicans did block Obama's pick though, which gave Republicans an advantage on the bench. Guess that too makes them Communists.

Democrats do not seek to confiscate all weapons, just some of the ones which kill at a much higher rate.

There is no lawfare. Trump was already proven guilty in one indictment and there's evidence he's guilty in the other 3. And regardless, Communism isn't defined by lawfare.

Commumism is also not defined as teaching CRT in schools. Banning books in schools might be considered Nazism though.

Seems to me you don’t even know what Communism really is. You just know it's a pejorative with which you want to tar & feather your political opponents.
There won’t be a Republican civil war should Trump lose.

There also won’t be any analysis of what went wrong, no introspection, no postmortem.

Instead, we’ll see the same childish whining and stupid lies.

Lies about the election being ‘rigged,’ lies about Democrats ‘cheating,’ and lies about the election being ‘stolen’ from Trump when Democrats lawfully, constitutionally nominated Vice President Harris.
What did she do. You haven't told us ANYTHING AT ALL except you were there and you know what she did.

Alright, Harry, Tell us what she did. Give us examples. GIVE US FACTS FOR A CHANGE. Stop telling us how you feel about her, because your feelings are irrelevant. FACTS Harry, not feelings.
why are my feelings about her irrelevant?...why cant you accept the fact that i dont care for her?...did you like every politician you ever encountered?..she wasnt as great as you people think she is ...she was embroiled in quite a few controversies while AG out here which are easy to look up.....she is a hypocrite about pot....she also right now proved she cant be trusted because she withheld what she knew about bidens mental problems,which she shouldnt have done,the guy isnt head of of a corporation he is the president, there is a difference and the people deserved to know....6 months ago there were people wondering if biden should consider replacing her....now all of a sudden she is gods gift to politics...my opinion of her is on just what i have experienced with her....she is in over her head and when all the problems in this country fall onto her lap if she wins,you might just see what i mean.....i hope she proves me wrong....but i aint going to hold my breath...

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