Israel Rescues Another Hostage

DEI is part of the Left's hatred for Israel. Ludicrously, they see all Israelis -- and therefore Jews -- as white. Gazans are brown.

So, the white people are automatically evil, and the brown people are oppressed. Yes, they really do "think" that simplistically.

That, and the almost genetic hatred for Jews built into Leftist ideology.

And I am a Constitution-supporting conservative.
The strange thing is that thr Palestinians and the Israelis are the pretty much the same color - sort of what we used to call olive-toned. I just think the left consider the more successful people (who would be the Jews) to be white, and less successful people (who would be the Muslims) brownish.
Yup. I have no clue if you’re Jewish - or just a decent gentile! - but I can tell you that as a Jew, I am getting the leftist hate from both ends: because I’m a whitey, and because I’m a Jew.
Raised indifferently Southern Baptist. I consider myself a non-denominational Christian now.

I stand with Israel and her fight for survival.
Can’t even wear my Jewish Star in public for fear of getting assaulted.
And that's a damn shame. Too few Americans believe in what America stands for -- or at least, used to stand for. They're busy trying to burn the whole thing to the ground.
The strange thing is that thr Palestinians and the Israelis are the pretty much the same color - sort of what we used to call olive-toned. I just think the left consider the more successful people (who would be the Jews) to be white, and less successful people (who would be the Muslims) brownish.
That is it exactly. The Left has always been patronizing towards non-whites. "Those poor black people, they're simply not good enough and smart enough to succeed on their own without our [white] help!"

Israelis are good enough and smart enough to succeed, so they're automatically white.

It must be horrible to go through life so utterly unable to think.
That is it exactly. The Left has always been patronizing towards non-whites. "Those poor black people, they're simply not good enough and smart enough to succeed on their own without our [white] help!"

Israelis are good enough and smart enough to succeed, so they're automatically white.

It must be horrible to go through life so utterly unable to think.
The Left don’t even think that blacks are smart enough to get an ID card.
Every citizen (Jewish and Arab) of the Province of Gaza would have the same rights under the law. Citizens of the Province of Gaza would be distinct from citizens of Israel (dual citizenship permitted). Israel ensures and manages infrastructure, health care, education, internal and external security. Every citizen votes and has a say in the government of the Province of Gaza (within parameters of security as set by Israel). Gaza gets prosperity. Israel gets peace. In 50 years, the citizens of Gaza decide (by referendum) whether they would prefer to be fully incorporated into Israel or whether they would prefer independence.

This really isn't saying anything about particular rights and reads like a more literal occupation which Palestinians continue to rebel against. Apart from Gazan's hangups with internationally recognized Israel proper, is there any evidence that they wish to be Israeli citizens?

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