So with GA school shooter dad getting charged

Anyone dumb enough to buy an AK-47 for their kids should go to jail.

I get your point but WHERE WAS THE CRIME? What would you charge them with--- Stupidity?

Bottom line is that if you gave me a Thompson machine gun as a teen, I still had enough sense not to go out and gun my school down with it.

AFAIK, there still isn't a reliable test for predicting a person's future actions or ultimate strength of character.
This means we can start locking up black parents of gang banger violent thug kids right? Is that the precedent this sets? Let's take all their EBT and tax payer funded welfare too while we're at it. Make them contribute like everyone else instead of being welfare state baby factories. Its only fair right?

Can't wait for this to turn around and bite you leftoids in the backside


That is if there is any Justice left.

I say that on Jan.21st when Joe leaves office, the FBI be waiting right there to take him into immediate custody for Hunters gun crimes, tax crimes, and having sex with minors. Then we ought to take Barry Obumma into custody for the thousands he allowed killed by his "JV" team ISIS which he allowed to ravage the Middle East. Then finally, arrest Hillary for her failures to coach her husband Bill to not get Osama Bin Laden the two times he could have which would have prevented 9/11. Then arrest Dr. Fauchi and others for their failure to provide an effective defense platform for Covid-19 while suppressing the use of Resveritrine and Hydroxychloroquine to boost sales of gov. sponsored agents backed by Big Pharma despite both now having been proven very effective against the virus.

If we are gonna do this, I say we do it RIGHT. :rock:
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I say that on Jan.21st when Joe leaves office, the FBI be waiting right there to take him into immediate custody for Hunters gun crimes, tax crimes, and having sex with minors. Then we ought to take Barry Obumma into custody for the thousands he allowed killed by his "JV" team ISIS which he allowed to ravage the Middle East. Then finally, arrest Hillary for her failures to coach her husband Bill to not get Osama Bin Laden the two times he could have which would have prevented 9/11. Then arrest Dr. Fauchi and others for their failure to provide an effective defense platform for Covid-19 while suppressing the use of Resveritrine and Hydroxychloroquine to boost sales of gov. sponsored agents backed by Big Pharma despite both now having been proven very effective against the virus.

If we are are gonna do this, I say we do it RIGHT. :rock:
I like where this is going. I hope President Trump is listening
This means we can start locking up black parents of gang banger violent thug kids right? Is that the precedent this sets? Let's take all their EBT and tax payer funded welfare too while we're at it. Make them contribute like everyone else instead of being welfare state baby factories. Its only fair right?

Can't wait for this to turn around and bite you leftoids in the backside
Black parents?
Dumb. Was Hunter Biden a minor when he committed his crimes?

Hunter has been showing all the signs of criminal tendencies all his life. If you are respionsible for your children as minors, then so should you be for when they are adults. Both the Bidens need arrested for not spotting this and nipping it in the bud before he grew up to be a now convicted felon.

I would invoke the law to not only charge the Bidens but to seize all their property and assets for allowing this crazed drug porno felon on the loose!

Support a better world! Get every loose Biden off the streets before they do more harm! :rock:

BTW, is it too late to arrest the Peanut Farmer for his 500 day hostage debacle with Iran?
Hunter has been showing all the signs of criminal tendencies all his life. If you are respionsible for your children as minors, then so should you be for when they are adults. Both the Bidens need arrested for not spotting this and nipping it in the bud before he grew up to be a now convicted felon.

I would invoke the law to not only charge the Bidens but to seize all their property and assets for allowing this crazed drug porno felon on the loose!

Support a better world! Get every loose Biden off the streets before they do more harm! :rock:

BTW, is it too late to arrest the Peanut Farmer for his 500 day hostage debacle with Iran?
Except you have no evidence that Hunter Biden committed crimes as a minor.

And, therefore, your whole argument is juvenile and just plain stupid.
This means we can start locking up black parents of gang banger violent thug kids right? Is that the precedent this sets? Let's take all their EBT and tax payer funded welfare too while we're at it. Make them contribute like everyone else instead of being welfare state baby factories. Its only fair right?

Can't wait for this to turn around and bite you leftoids in the backside

When your child is threatening to shoot up a school, it's completely irresponsible to buy him an AR15.

I notice the father has been charge with child cruelty. Reports are he beat the kid. Monsters are made, not born. This is your white boy gun toting toxic male asshole.
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Hunter has been showing all the signs of criminal tendencies all his life. If you are respionsible for your children as minors, then so should you be for when they are adults. Both the Bidens need arrested for not spotting this and nipping it in the bud before he grew up to be a now convicted felon.

I would invoke the law to not only charge the Bidens but to seize all their property and assets for allowing this crazed drug porno felon on the loose!

Support a better world! Get every loose Biden off the streets before they do more harm! :rock:

BTW, is it too late to arrest the Peanut Farmer for his 500 day hostage debacle with Iran?

Hunter Biden was a toddler when his mother and sister were killed right in front of his eyes. He was in a coma for weeks, and suffered PTSD. Childhood trauma is seldom overcome.

You Russian trolls keep attacking this sick and damaged man. Your obsession with this man is depraved and sick.
I get your point but WHERE WAS THE CRIME? What would you charge them with--- Stupidity?

Bottom line is that if you gave me a Thompson machine gun as a teen, I still had enough sense not to go out and gun my school down with it.

AFAIK, there still isn't a reliable test for predicting a person's future actions or ultimate strength of character.
This particular child had been investigated by the FBI for posting a threat to shoot-up a school on DISCORD.

What I've heard thus far is that Colt is not old enough to have a firearm yet his dad provided him with one as a GIFT. Just like Crumbley
So what? His age is not the question, his crimes are a fact, and we have now established that parents are responsible for their children's errant behavior.

Maybe Joe Biden ought to be sent to GITMO and waterboarded. What say you?
So your argument is a total limp dick.

That's what.

Age is the "question", genius....since the age of 18 determines whether or not someone is an adult.

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