So with GA school shooter dad getting charged

What I've heard thus far is that Colt is not old enough to have a firearm yet his dad provided him with one as a GIFT. Just like Crumbley
He can't BUY one, but he can be in possession of one on the property of his legal guardian (the father). Dumb of the father, but 2nd degree murder won't stand in a sane court. But then politicians will pander to the mob
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Hunter Biden was ~~~ in a coma for weeks, and suffered PTSD. Childhood trauma is seldom overcome.
Thus began his life of crime.

You Russian trolls keep attacking this sick and damaged man.

Your obsession with this man is depraved and sick.

This particular child had been investigated by the FBI for posting a threat to shoot-up a school on DISCORD.
What I've heard thus far is that Colt is not old enough to have a firearm yet his dad provided him with one as a GIFT. Just like Crumbley

Sounds like the FBI failed. Still doesn't change the fact that it keeps happening to government run public schools FOR AS REASON.
This means we can start locking up black parents of gang banger violent thug kids right? Is that the precedent this sets? Let's take all their EBT and tax payer funded welfare too while we're at it. Make them contribute like everyone else instead of being welfare state baby factories. Its only fair right?

Can't wait for this to turn around and bite you leftoids in the backside
does this parent, who after telling the fbi that his little angel would have a gun, to hear that the kid was talking full crisis actor, to give him an ar-15 for xmas.? maybe not "murder"but some kind of parental neglect?
He can't BUY one, but he can be in possession of one on the property of his legal guardian (the father). Dumb of the father, but 2nd degree murder won't stand in a sane court. But then politicians will pander to the mob
There was no "mob", he was charged the next day. Good charges IMHO.

As far as black parents of their feral yutes goes I say charge them too....Thing is you will find most of them reside with a grandparent who has no legal custody.
So your argument is a total limp dick.
Well then, no wonder your interest in the subject. :gay:

Age is the "question", genius....since the age of 18 determines whether or not someone is an adult.
Why is age the issue? Who says? The authorities say PARENTAGE is the issue.
And since the courts and schools have repeatedly ruled to keep secrets from parents and say minors have the right to change genders without the parent's knowledge nor approval and the schools have positioned themselves to know more about the kids than the parents, one can hardly now hold the father responsible for the kid's choices here. Maybe we should blame the SCHOOL.

Remember what your Diva Goddess Madam Hillary said: a child TAKES A VILLAGE to raise them now, not the parents.
To hear the news tell it, the FBI accepted the child's claim that he wasn't the one who posted the threat. Why they didn't check I can't fathom.

After leaving the most obvious place from which a sniper might try to assassinate a president open and unguarded at Butler Pa, nothing with the FBI or other "intelligence" agencies surprises me.

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