Trump is Slamming the Appreciation in Home Values

Why don't you talk to the leader of your cult about that,
I have no leader and I have no cult. Putting America first isn't a cult--- but following a cackling power-mad slut-whore opportunist
whose never done a damn thing who speaks in gibberish IS a cult!

since it was his administration that caused all the inflation with his record levels of money printing and spending.
QE1 and QE2 all happened under Obumma and Biden. Things were affordable and great under Trump. Costs didn't start going up until 2021 when Biden took office. Or don't you remember?
Of course, the mad economic Covid shutdown forced on us by Blue States along with the 350 cities in riot for 5 months by far leftists over George Floyd helped too.

Now Janet Yellen wants to spend an additional THREE TRILLION A YEAR FIGHTING "CLIMATE."

How can a smart person like you not see you are barking up the wrong tree?
Why don't you talk to the leader of your cult about that,

BTW Taz, I notice you totally deflected from the questions I asked! Why don't you address my actual questions? Your home may be worth more on paper, but tell me how you think you'd actually make out selling it, moving elsewhere, including the vastly higher cost of living these past three years.

Then maybe you'll have the answer you asked in your OP about why Trump was posting soaring home costs as a PROBLEM.
Well, if they are in their 20's that's on them. Both my granddaughters and their fiancees bought houses this year, the one that is 22 just closed today. They saved their money and worked hard.

So at 22, they were able to save the 20% down payment? Plus a few extra thousand for any upgrades, maintenance, or repairs????
I've always said Trump is no where near a conservative.
A home is most peoples biggest investment. The rise in values brings stability and security to the country. Prices are generally dictated by supply and demand..
Just build some more houses.
i would also kick out the corporations buying up homes. They distort the market. They have done before.
It is a tough time for people that sell homes because of higher interest rates.
Absolutely. Why would you give up a 2 - 3% rate for a 7%+ rate and pay more for the property? A $500K loan today would cost you $3400 / month vs. your existing mortgage of $2100, and it would yield less space and amenities.
How on earth is this a bad thing? Why would anyone be unhappy about their house being worth more than when they first bought it? This sounds more like something Bernie Sanders would say.

That "appreciation of home values" is also known as a "bubble", knucklehead....The biggest recurring malady of centrally controlled banking...Any proclaimed "libertarian" who knows his ass from a hot rock understands this.

But since Cheeto Jesus said something about it, it just has to be ridiculed.
That "appreciation of home values" is also known as a "bubble", knucklehead....The biggest recurring malady of centrally controlled banking...Any proclaimed "libertarian" who knows his ass from a hot rock understands this.

Home values have gone up 544% since 1980. That is not a bubble, that is a feature.

During that same time inflation has been 281%
Heeeey!....If people who've worked all their lives to get a piece of the action get taxed out of their homes because they've "appreciated" so much, fuck ' em! :banghead:
Wow that is a very socialist opinion. Never took you for a socialist. Who knew! Seems a lot of Trumpers are closeted socialists the way they are ranting against the free market.

Oh, my heaven's, home prices are appreciating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a catastrophe! LOL
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