Say goodbye to the 20% down payment. Zillow says you’ll need to put down roughly 35%, or almost $128,000, to afford a typical home

Interest rates are not high. They are if anything pretty normal. When I bought my first house in 1985 I paid 9.9%.

Money isn't supposed to be "free".

Housing prices can't be both high and unaffordable for people.

Interest rates indexed historically aren't high but compared to 10 years ago, they are. That doesn't address the housing market inflation tripling over the last four years though.
Yah, that's what you get when deregulation has allowed mega-corporations like Zillow to buy up all the properties and gouge the prices up to where they are literally unaffordable for those who are not wealthy.
Curious as to how you think deregulation caused this. What specific regulations went away? There is actually correlation that regulation drives prices up, not deregulation. The real question you should be asking yourself is what in Biden's historic economy is causing so many venture capitalists to prefer housing over stocks and bonds and such. I mean bonds don't require that you have someone go out and mow the grass.
The real question you should be asking yourself is what in Biden's historic economy is causing so many venture capitalists to prefer housing over stocks and bonds and such. I mean bonds don't require that you have someone go out and mow the grass.

Do you really think them buying up houses just started in 2021?
Yah, that's what you get when deregulation has allowed mega-corporations like Zillow to buy up all the properties and gouge the prices up to where they are literally unaffordable for those who are not wealthy.
Yeah but the problem is lack of supply. Few homes for sale drive up the prices of homes for sale. The nation’s big home builders have since the Great Recession, refused to build more homes to meet demand. Yet, US population has grown. Plus people with low interest rate mortgages aren’t selling, because a new mortgage is too costly.

One would think a federal government with a $35 trillion debt would have done something to help first time home buyers, but apparently that government only really helps the 1%.
Housing Starts
Yeah but the problem is lack of supply. Few homes for sale drive up the prices of homes for sale. The nation’s big home builders have since the Great Recession, refused to build more homes to meet demand. Yet, US population has grown. Plus people with low interest rate mortgages aren’t selling, because a new mortgage is too costly.

One would think a federal government with a $35 trillion debt would have done something to help first time home buyers, but apparently that government only really helps the 1%.
Housing Starts

Import 10 million illegal aliens, surprisingly they need to live somewhere.

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