Zone1 Two Classic Movies Are Getting “Diverse” Remakes That No One Wants

Interesting but sort of stupid. Are they going to have Cardi B have the "Dorothy" role accompanied by a pit bull in the role of Toto? Maybe replace the Flying Monkeys with Flying Honkies?

And have all new rap numbers composed for the musical score?

The main difficulty will be recruiting enough black midgets able to sing and dance to fill the Munchkin roles. Maybe the producers could work out a deal with the chiefs of the Pygmy Tribe in deepest darkest Africa to send over a boat load?
/----/ Disney's remake of Snow White has a Hispanic woman as the lead, and the dwarfs will be replaced with CGI created "magical people" putting dwarfs the movie is named after out of work.
Disney stated that it wanted to consult with members of the dwarfism community on the film. A day later, the studio changed tactics: It would change the dwarf characters to “magical creatures” created with CGI. And that’s where the real trouble began.

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Who the shit cares?
/----/ Those who are sick and tired of all the DEI and WOKE crap ruining everything we have.
Say, lets remake the 2018 movie, I Am MLK Jr. and have Jerry Seinfeld play the lead role? Ya know, for the sake of diversity.

"I gotta dream, and it involves Elaine, George, and me in the back seat of my Volvo."
Some people don’t like Negroes in their movies
Hollywood should listen

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