Interactive map: Where in the U.S. can you afford a home on your income?

Maybe where you live.

In my State* and county it is the so-called "progressive"~pseudo-liberal~Leftist~socialist/communists whom have enabled growth management acts, constrictive zoning, out-lawd use of natural gas, and scores of other envir-wacko nonsense.

All of which drive home prices, and rents, up by constricting available land to use and adding un-necessary extra-costs to building and selling.

* More people wanting to live here and driving up demand than appears to be happening in state of Mizzery where you claim to be.
I live next to Wal Martville, Arkansas with a shortage of housing since 1993.
The Democrats may have not put the emphasis on taxation more on the backs of the very wealthy, and hence the working class are still getting stiffed for government's bills.
Maybe Trump will do that? He's certainly promised enough times to do it!

I think that the capitalist principle of 'supply and demand' was responsible. Do you know what that is?

Is there any other explanation for the huge rise in real estate?
Yes, local governments increasing the taxes on homes and rental property. Rental prorty by multiples and single family homes by a large percentage as well. Corporate house buying driving up the cost and alleged value of homes.

It looks like I'm in a place I can't afford. :aargh:
The tongue-in-cheek was a reflection on not seeing anything in what you post as intelligent or truthful. :rolleyes:
You present as a welfare parasite who barely qualifies for Section 8 housing.

That just means so much coming from some mindless partisan drone on an internet forum. :itsok:

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