Democratic President's 50 Million Jobs Added Republicans 1 million

The "southern red states" you talk about being so awful also have the highest percentages of blacks. And blacks vote Democrat at a 93% clip. So why don't you just say what you mean. Democrat-voting blacks are the cause of these maladies you mention.

If the problem was truly because of Republican control, then Utah, Iowa, and the Dakotas would also be at the bottom of all these categories: low crime, income, good schools, etc. Instead, they're towards the top,
What do you want stats on maybe rape of the highest number of white supremacist, which states are welfare states , homicide. Pick anyone you want loser.
The "southern red states" you talk about being so awful also have the highest percentages of blacks. And blacks vote Democrat at a 93% clip. So why don't you just say what you mean. Democrat-voting blacks are the cause of these maladies you mention.

If the problem was truly because of Republican control, then Utah, Iowa, and the Dakotas would also be at the bottom of all these categories: low crime, income, good schools, etc. Instead, they're towards the top,
Come on loser show us what you have. You have to be a idiot to vote for a republican for president and you would have to be a idiot to choose to move to a red states especially if you have a daughter you want to protect.
show on this chart where any president added so many jobs that it would equal 50 million for just the democrats. The chart clearly shows that through all Presidencies the numbers went up and since more republican years exist then democrat years your numbers are bullshit.

This is how it is done idiot
Only president that have down numbers are Republican Take their plus years and subtract the losses , They are losers. Now everyu year during the dems presidency's' they gain so add all of them together and subtract nothing. You people are idiots.
all the worst places to live are in red states. Most bigots , most white supremacist , most hate , worst education, worst standard of living, worst place to raise a family , most dangerous place to live, most rapes most homicides , most homicides by gun, most crime across the board ,they are the top welfare states and by far get way more money from the fed then they pay in , by the way being paid by blue states. Hell without blue states red states wouldn't even be civilized , worst education, lowest pay, stupidest people. What a hoot, Don't come with “they have blue cities in them” , if that was the case then the worst states would be blue states with blue city's in them , but that's not the case , you have to be an idiot to live in a red state. We must add there are 13 states that are literally worse for crime than New York , and they are all red states. The hate party should never open their mouth on this subject because the facts bury their dumb asses.
We should understand Democrat overspending and mismanagement caused ALL these crises.

1990 GWHBush. Democrat Congress raised taxes and lied about tax cuts
2000 Bill Clinton bubble. Minor downturn GWB created a roaring economy in short order via tax cuts.
2007 Democrat Congress making bad loans to unqualified (black) borrowers crashed the economy.
2020 Democrats shut down CA and NY and kept them shut for over a year.

Democrats DO NOT get credit for inevitable rebounds for jobs they were responsible for losing.
The biggest part of the debt was done is added by the red side , Not democrats .you people are liars and total bullshitters. Add in the tax cuts for the ungodly wealth and our troubles are all republican just about. Tax cuts for the wealthy as they add the most to the deficit . You people are total brain dead liars.
All you have to do is look at your chart ace. Subtract the losing years from the plus years. It just isn't that complicated unless you are totally MAGA stupid.
every year even in republican years the work force went up and on my chart there is no huge gap between dem and republican, there is no way the dems since carter saw 50 million and the repubs only saw 1 million. Take your lies elsewhere.
every year even in republican years the work force went up and on my chart there is no huge gap between dem and republican, there is no way the dems since carter saw 50 million and the repubs only saw 1 million. Take your lies elsewhere.
who in the hell said anything about those number fuck head. You are to stupid to even look at your own chart. You see fuck head if someone loses the first year in office and then takes the other three years to catch up, that a zero gain , so fuck head look at your chart again.
every year even in republican years the work force went up and on my chart there is no huge gap between dem and republican, there is no way the dems since carter saw 50 million and the repubs only saw 1 million. Take your lies elsewhere.
Buried your ass.
every year even in republican years the work force went up and on my chart there is no huge gap between dem and republican, there is no way the dems since carter saw 50 million and the repubs only saw 1 million. Take your lies elsewhere.
Want to see a idiot , this guy is a vet and Trump hates vets and the republicans will do nothing for vets.
who in the hell said anything about those number fuck head. You are to stupid to even look at your own chart. You see fuck head if someone loses the first year in office and then takes the other three years to catch up, that a zero gain , so fuck head look at your chart again.
hey stupid read the thread. Sealybuttboy claims that democrats created 50 million jobs and republicans only 1 million in the last 38 years.
Fuck you worm Quote from you shithed "there is no way the dems since carter saw 50 million and the repubs only saw 1 million. Take your lies elsewhere."
in response to the thread you fucking MORON read the title read the thread dumbass.
Read the threrad yourself everyone here know you are full of shit , like all worms you solution for me making a idiot out of you is to try to worm your way out of it. again what you said to me that now you are denying" there is no way the dems since carter saw 50 million and the repubs only saw 1 million. Take your lies elsewhere."

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