I guess I have to explain reality to the Trumpers, so they can understand!

You are correct. We are presently living in a world that is losing sanity and especially here in the U.S. and under Trump and the Far right, who have been mesmerized (conned) by Trump.

Having said that, data, statistics, and facts do not go away and in a moment of sanity, they may enter their brains. Proof is in the pudding as there are now many Trump loyalists that have ended up leaving him. It is a small percentage (compared to the number of members of the cult) but it does keep hope up that if you try, ultimately some will open their eyes.

Thanks for your post.
keep up with the good fight

Trump is finished and now we just have to worry about the wannabe's like Musk
My children are black you bigoted dumb fuck, need a link for that as well, asshole.

Democrats again, prove they are a party of bigots and hate. When cornered wuth facts they think the can people racist. Like idiots, they call peiple racist without seeing what color they are.

This is Luckone's second account, why else would he/she call me a racist over 6 comments on wind turbines

2nd account or a complet moron
Yeah the fact he she just registered in august you know this is another sockpuppet shill.probably the banker. :rofl: Knowing this stupid fuck,I’m sure your right,thst he wants you to give a link to provide proof that your children are black :abgg2q.jpg: sense he never did his research on the facts of Obama being a homosexual and every other fact you listed there on his corruption he committed while in office elektra :rofl:
You have not quoted and commented one link. You think a link makes you right?

Your first link is toban article by MIT. That proves you have no idea what you are talking about.

I happen to be working for MIT right now on the experimental Fusion Reactor being built. I work through Commonwealth Fusion Systems.

You little rant and game, that a link makes you right is infantile.
:thankusmile: :abgg2q.jpg: :thup: :yes_text12: :TH_WAY~113:
keep up with the good fight

Trump is finished and now we just have to worry about the wannabe's like Musk
Trump is unique. There are very few people that have NO morals, ethics, principles or humanity.

There have always been people to worry about and there will always be people to worry about but Trump is a worry like no other has ever been or will be again. The worst part is added to the immorality, unethical behavior, unprincipled actions and inhumane feelings, Trump is incompetent, meaning he only destroys. I mean, if he was like Putin (who is also immoral, unethical, unprincipled and inhuman) at least the country could continue with some success for its people. Trump will destroy our nation in every way.
Trump is unique. There are very few people that have NO morals, ethics, principles or humanity.

There have always been people to worry about and there will always be people to worry about but Trump is a worry like no other has ever been or will be again. The worst part is added to the immorality, unethical behavior, unprincipled actions and inhumane feelings, Trump is incompetent, meaning he only destroys. I mean, if he was like Putin (who is also immoral, unethical, unprincipled and inhuman) at least the country could continue with some success for its people. Trump will destroy our nation in every way.
As always.:dig:
Yes biden,Harris and Obama are unique in the fact as you just mentioned,they are incompetent,immoral,unethical,unprincipled and inhuman and have no morals,ethics,principles or humanity.yes you are correct on that :thup:

The fact that Harris is the same cloth as America haters Obama and Biden,to stop looking like a stupid fuck all you need to do is put her name in that last sentence of someone who will destroy our nation same as Obama and Biden did and for the first time on this thread,you will have an actual accurate truthful post America hater. :thup: :up:

The dnc sure pays you a lot of money fir all the ass beatings you have suffered here sockpuppet paid shill.
Whatever you say. I don't care. I am not listening to you anymore
Yeah you are not listening to him anymore because you are butthurt over all the ass ratings you have suffered in this thread from him,myself and many others. :rofl: Yeah you don’t care,that’s why you invent lies all the time he has shot down.:abgg2q.jpg:
You’re overpaid at a nickel a post.
Indeed LAUGHatLEFTISTS :thup: ,another overpaid paid shill fir the DNC.a troll just seeking attention,I am betting this is a sockpuppet of the banker,seems like the banker dissapeared a long time ago and we never hear a peep from him anymore.so he wants to troll again and knows he was humiliated and suffered so many ass beatings as the banker so the banker in embarrassment from those ass beatings,does not want to show his face again so he reregisters under this user name to try and start a new life again.what do you think of my theory Nostra westwall BluesLegend Billiejeens JGalt skye deannalw Hossfly think I’m on to something here maybe? :biggrin: :abgg2q.jpg: Same immo,same meltdowns when confronted with facts,same lies and same juvenile behavior the banker always demonstrated who high tailed it out of here several months ago having a sore ass from all the ass beatings he suffered from us.
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/—-/ He’s done nothing for Russia.
He has done nothing for Russia?

Lets see what the data says:

1) he brought them Miss Universe because Putin asked him to.
2) he did not punish them when his own intelligence agency declared that they had interfered in the 2016 election
3) when Putin annexed Crimea Trump broke U.S. policy and said it was "OK for Russia to keep Crimea"
4) in 2016, Trump blocked language in the Republican platform that would have allowed the U.S. to send lethal weapons to Ukraine, meaning that he prevented Ukraine from being a big risk for invasion
5) Trump was made aware of Russian hacking into our systems but he did not do anything to stop it.
6) Trump gave Russia classified intelligence "free of charge or consequences"
7) Trump never criticized the sham elections in Russia
8) Trump defended Russian invasion of Afghanistan

all of the above were actual actions done that helped Russia. They do not include all the times that Trump praised Putin, making him be more likeable rather than more hateable in the eyes of the world. In addition, there were many times that Trump could have imposed penalties, sanctions, condemnations of Putin and of Russia but didn't

37 times Trump was soft on Russia

He has done nothing for Russia?

Lets see what the data says:

1) he brought them Miss Universe because Putin asked him to.
2) he did not punish them when his own intelligence agency declared that they had interfered in the 2016 election
3) when Putin annexed Crimea Trump broke U.S. policy and said it was "OK for Russia to keep Crimea"
4) in 2016, Trump blocked language in the Republican platform that would have allowed the U.S. to send lethal weapons to Ukraine, meaning that he prevented Ukraine from being a big risk for invasion
5) Trump was made aware of Russian hacking into our systems but he did not do anything to stop it.
6) Trump gave Russia classified intelligence "free of charge or consequences"
7) Trump never criticized the sham elections in Russia
8) Trump defended Russian invasion of Afghanistan

all of the above were actual actions done that helped Russia. They do not include all the times that Trump praised Putin, making him be more likeable rather than more hateable in the eyes of the world. In addition, there were many times that Trump could have imposed penalties, sanctions, condemnations of Putin and of Russia but didn't

37 times Trump was soft on Russia

/—-/ Hey dummy, you realize Putin annexed Criema in 2014. Who was POTUS in 2014? Got any fake out over that?
What does history say about those who became president and then lost an election. Then decided to run again for a third time

All four previous guys who did what Trump is trying to do failed

History is not on his side

The instrument for a riot. He might have had a chance if he had accepted defeat and wait for another 4 years.

They each had their demons.

Still Power is a fickle mistress.

Which is stronger the power of hate or the power itself which is a fickle mistress.

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