Did Biden add 13 million jobs or were the 13 million RE-HIRED employees that were let go due COVID ?

Umm... 4 years ago a record breaking 20 million people lost their jobs. Hell yes, we're doing better now.
So you agree all the Biden jobs are just people going back to work.
Or…the job isn’t closed when pandemic forces people to stay home and when they come back to work, they come back to the job they previously left. It’s not like these companies just decided to shut down. As soon as they could get people back to work, they opened everyting back up.

Those were not jobs created those were jobs recovered.
That’s false. Many companies failed. Those jobs were gone.

Many companies realized that they had an opportunity to cut staff and did so.

Those jobs are gone

Many more companies WOULD have failed had they not gotten PPE loans and grants. Those jobs would have been gone.

There was never any guarantee that those jobs would come back but they did.

Thank you Joe Biden

And beyond getting those jobs back six million NEW jobs were created.

Thank you Joe Biden
That’s false. Many companies failed. Those jobs were gone.

Many companies realized that they had an opportunity to cut staff and did so.

Those jobs are gone

Many more companies WOULD have failed had they not gotten PPE loans and grants. Those jobs would have been gone.

There was never any guarantee that those jobs would come back but they did.

Thank you Joe Biden

And beyond getting those jobs back six million NEW jobs were created.

Thank you Joe Biden

Ok, so again, show us the 15 million NEW jobs he created. The fact checkers are even saying, yeah..that claim is dubious.
Why on Earth would I agree to a statement as mentally retarded as that, Dumbfuck??

They're talking about you in this clip, aren't they?

According to the numbers you posted, you do agree with that statement...........or at least did before I pointed it out.

Now you will run down your rabbit hole of semantic dumbassery to try to cover your tracks.

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

It’s all the same right?

You stupid fuck
1-3% monthly you fucking rube
Rube, people make LESS now than they did 6 years ago adjusted for inflation.
Choke on that
In 2023, 25% of all "new jobs' were government jobs, Moron.

March 2024, same story.
Inflation isn’t up 40% moron
well let's start with food,

During the last federal election on Nov. 3, 2020, food inflation was running at just 3.9% annually. Fast forward to March 2024, and the latest data shows food prices have risen a whopping 25.8% since then. Costs for cars, car insurance, homes, home insurance, taxes on these, utilities, medical insurance and groceries are just a few of everyday expenses that have increased dramatically. Wages have only dramatically increased for minimum wage earners.

There is an alternate universe, and you had better wake up and acknowledge that. You and I are more than capable of dealing with the rising costs, it is the 60+% of America that is NOT capable of dealing with this and YOUR party is trying to do everything to deny it.

I don't care how the Government measures inflation. When you live paycheck to pay check and you have NEVER had any money left over to save, people are having to make MASSIVE sacrifices. Compound that with people being forced to pay with credit cards and the extremely high interest rates, it all adds up at the end of the month. YES the real number is closer to 40% than the 3.9% they claim.
well let's start with food,

During the last federal election on Nov. 3, 2020, food inflation was running at just 3.9% annually. Fast forward to March 2024, and the latest data shows food prices have risen a whopping 25.8% since then. Costs for cars, car insurance, homes, home insurance, taxes on these, utilities, medical insurance and groceries are just a few of everyday expenses that have increased dramatically. Wages have only dramatically increased for minimum wage earners.

There is an alternate universe, and you had better wake up and acknowledge that. You and I are more than capable of dealing with the rising costs, it is the 60+% of America that is NOT capable of dealing with this and YOUR party is trying to do everything to deny it.

I don't care how the Government measures inflation. When you live paycheck to pay check and you have NEVER had any money left over to save, people are having to make MASSIVE sacrifices. Compound that with people being forced to pay with credit cards and the extremely high interest rates, it all adds up at the end of the month. YES the real number is closer to 40% than the 3.9% they claim.
“I don’t care how the government measures inflation…”

You’ll just make up your own definitions

FACT. Inflation is NOW running at about 3% as measured on a yearly basis as it always has been.

You can’t ask for much better than that because DEflation would be a disaster for the economy.

Did it suck that two years ago inflation was 9% ? Sure. But we had checks in our pockets to help get through that.
No stupid.

3% on a yearly basis

Christ you’re too moronic for words
excuse me

In January 2024, consumer prices rose 3.1%.
In February 2024, consumer prices rose .4%.
“I don’t care how the government measures inflation…”

You’ll just make up your own definitions

FACT. Inflation is NOW running at about 3% as measured on a yearly basis as it always has been.

You can’t ask for much better than that because DEflation would be a disaster for the economy.

Did it suck that two years ago inflation was 9% ? Sure. But we had checks in our pockets to help get through that.

See you fairytale to the people going in the hole every month or working 2 or 3 jobs.

And Trump was the person that gave YOU the check, yet YOU and your Vermin blame him for increasing the deficit.

Do explain your outrage of the Orange Mans checks.
excuse me

In January 2024, consumer prices rose 3.1%.
In February 2024, consumer prices rose .4%.
Projected on a yearly basis ya fucking moron

You’re too stupid for words
And Trump was the person that gave YOU the check, yet YOU and your Vermin blame him for increasing the deficit.

Why is that Lesh, do explain.
Hey stupid, those checks (provided by both Trump and Biden) are largely the reasons for the inflation you’re bitching about
Projected on a yearly basis ya fucking moron

You’re too stupid for words
you fucking dumbass

Prices used to compute the CPI are collected during the entire month. CPI data is published monthly , with the index value representing an estimate of the price level for the month as a whole, rather than a specific date.

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