Did Biden add 13 million jobs or were the 13 million RE-HIRED employees that were let go due COVID ?

Did you dream job of being the victim of sex trafficking work out for you? It does allow you to lay around all day.
Same applies to coal

Our energy plans have shifted away from oil and coal
At what cost?
Cost to meet Biden's guarantee to "rid fossil fuels" by doing away with 79% of "fossil fuel" power stations AND 50% of cars/vehicles are EVs by 2032
All with links substantiating the costs.
$10.139 Trillion for solar panels to make Biden's guarantee
$ 1.486 Trillion for wind turbines to make
$ 4.336 Trillion for nuclear power plants
At what cost?
Cost to meet Biden's guarantee to "rid fossil fuels" by doing away with 79% of "fossil fuel" power stations AND 50% of cars/vehicles are EVs by 2032
All with links substantiating the costs.
$10.139 Trillion for solar panels to make Biden's guarantee
$ 1.486 Trillion for wind turbines to make
$ 4.336 Trillion for nuclear power plants
View attachment 957982
Fossil fuels are obsolete

Our President realizes that the sooner he develops alternatives the better off we are
I lived in Tampa Bay area for 25 years during that time the Poynter Institute that owns The St Petersburg Times (Now the Tampa Bay times) AND Politifact.org!
Want to know the truth about your primary source Politifact.org check out this web site:
Very knowledgeable people came up with this web site PolitiFact Bias because Poltifact.org was so biased.
Screen Shot 2024-06-05 at 1.12.45 PM.png

I care about those who are younger and starting out. Im not like a politician who says I got mine fuck you guys. I’m concerned about the parents who are both try to hold down two jobs and raise a family and what is getting left out.

The people Democrats used to care about
Bullshit. if you did, you’d be all for canceling student debt. But you’re not.
Bullshit. if you did, you’d be all for canceling student debt. But you’re not.
I’m not for the way it is being done, taxpayers shouldn’t pay for the poor decisions. If you were to hold the college’s accountable, the lenders accountable, the government agencies that allowed such poor lending practices, have an education for government services program, get the price of education under control, and basically changes the system then yea I would support it. All Biden’s dipshit plan does is create a perpetual need for taxpayers bailouts. It’s a dumb plan to buy votes always has been always will be.
I’m not for the way it is being done, taxpayers shouldn’t pay for the poor decisions. If you were to hold the college’s accountable, the lenders accountable, the government agencies that allowed such poor lending practices, have an education for government services program, get the price of education under control, and basically changes the system then yea I would support it. All Biden’s dipshit plan does is create a perpetual need for taxpayers bailouts. It’s a dumb plan to buy votes always has been always will be.
Called that one Mr. Disengenuous
Called that one Mr. Disengenuous
What disengenous about wanting to help future generations obtain an affordable education? The buying votes stunt is the biggest scam of the decade. It does not make things better for anyone just worse for everyone
What disengenous about wanting to help future generations obtain an affordable education? The buying votes stunt is the biggest scam of the decade. It does not make things better for anyone just worse for everyone
A good chunk of the folks you’re “worried about” concerning credit card debt have that debt because of college loans

And to them you say… tough shit

So your solution is to vote into office the guy that doubled the deficit handed him even before COVID hit? The guy that whined that the Govt was not sending enough free money to people?

As opposed to the guy that is on track to exceed the debt accumulated by Trump(despite COVID) and gives free money out like candy? Absolutely.

Biden’s Job Growth Chart Ignores Impact of Pandemic​

But Biden misleadingly contrasts that with a loss of jobs under former President Donald Trump — a loss that occurred because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Employment under Trump was positive until the economy lost 20.5 million jobs in April 2020, as efforts to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus led to business closures and layoffs.
By the time Trump left office in January 2021, employment had partly rebounded, but was still 9.4 million jobs below the February 2020 peak, according to the official figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Employment under Trump was positive until the economy lost 20.5 million jobs in April 2020, as efforts to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus led to business closures and layoffs.

By the time Trump left office in January 2021, employment had partly rebounded, but was still 9.4 million jobs below the February 2020 peak, according to the official figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
But the comparison with Trump is missing some glaringly obvious context. The average monthly job growth under Trump was 180,000 per month before the pandemic hit.
Biden’s chart, titled “Jobs Created by President,” also leaves the misleading impression that presidents are responsible for all the job creation, or loss, during their time in office.
But there are many economic factors outside the control of a president (see: COVID-19).

You know, I know, and they know, lol. They are spinning, but it is not working!

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