Did Biden add 13 million jobs or were the 13 million RE-HIRED employees that were let go due COVID ?

How many government workers has Biden hired?

Not many

Wrong. Federal agencies added 11k jobs in Jan. and is near a 20 year high.

Not counting decennial census years when the government hires hundreds of thousands of temporary workers, total federal employment reached its highest level in at least 20 years, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data.

The jobs boom is hitting the federal sector, too
A good chunk of the folks you’re “worried about” concerning credit card debt have that debt because of college loans

And to them you say… tough shit

I’m not saying tough shit, I’m saying I let’s actually help these people and not just buy their vote for a few years. You guys only care about those people in November the rest of the year you are growing the debt for them to pay in higher taxes

BTW are you suggesting forgiving credit card debt now?
As opposed to the guy that is on track to exceed the debt accumulated by Trump(despite COVID) and gives free money out like candy? Absolutely.

And this is why we have 31T in debt. Both sides spend like drunken sailors on shore leave and you people keep voting for them anyhow.

Anyone that votes for Trump or Biden is a hypocrite if they ever bitch about the national debt or spending
As opposed to the guy that is on track to exceed the debt accumulated by Trump(despite COVID) and gives free money out like candy? Absolutely.
Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget
One way to measure how much President Trump borrowed is by estimating the debt accumulated over his presidency.
Over the course of President Trump’s four years in office, the gross national debt grew from $19.95 trillion to $27.75 trillion – a $7.8 trillion increase (debt held by the public – the more economically-meaningful measure of debt – grew by $7.2 trillion over this period). However, much of this borrowing was due to policies put in place before President Trump took office or due to unexpected changes in circumstance. Debt was already projected to grow by about $3 trillion for the four years of his term when President Trump took office, and some of the additional debt accrued was also the direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic and recession.
It’s also important to note that the government was holding an unusually large $1.6 trillion in cash when President Trump left office, which inflated the growth in debt relative to the deficit run during his time in office.
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So your solution is to vote into office the guy that doubled the deficit handed him even before COVID hit? The guy that whined that the Govt was not sending enough free money to people?
Doubled it before the Fauci flu hit?

Barry Hussein's last deficit: $665 Billion. (third year of rising deficits)

Last Trump deficit prior to Fauci Flu: $984 billion.

Are you a liar, or do you just suck at math?

How many government workers has Biden hired?

Not many
In 2023, 25% of all "new jobs' were government jobs, Moron.

When a job ends people are discharged and the job no longer exists. When a similar job is opened it is a position created.
Or…the job isn’t closed when pandemic forces people to stay home and when they come back to work, they come back to the job they previously left. It’s not like these companies just decided to shut down. As soon as they could get people back to work, they opened everyting back up.

Those were not jobs created those were jobs recovered.
You either didn't read your link, or are a liar. I'm going with liar, given your history of being nothing but a lying sack of shit.

There is ZERO data in your link. Just a prediction by the clowns who passed the bill that it will "support" 772,000 per year over the next decade. They don't document a single job created.
The OP posted we were down 9 million when Biden became president. So over 6 million created. Over 15 million added.

I’ll agree with 6 million created, but not 15 million created. It’s just not accurate. 9 million returning jobs and 6 million new…I have no issue with that, but to accredit Biden with creating 15 million jobs is just disingenuous.
ok, that’s looking forward. PROJECTIONS are 772,000 jobs per year for 10 years. It has t happened yet and anything could change.

We’re talking about creatED, as in past tense.

Also, it doesn’t say it will create 772,000 jobs per year, it will support 772,000 jobs per year. How many of those are existing jobs that will get new contracts?
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Ok, that’s 3.8 million, not 15 million…and actually bidens job creation numbers are higher than that. I think I read about 6 million..which I’m fine with, I just disagree with the notion that he created 15 million jobs. It’s not true.

15 million jobs were created under Bidenomics
No, they were new jobs, of course. And, even if so, six million were created in the last twenty months. Biden trumps Trump in spades.
Or…the job isn’t closed when pandemic forces people to stay home and when they come back to work, they come back to the job they previously left. It’s not like these companies just decided to shut down. As soon as they could get people back to work, they opened everyting back up.

Those were not jobs created those were jobs recovered.
15 million jobs were created under Bidenomics
I believe that is incorrect. Again, the 772,000 per year you cite is not jobs created…thats jobs supported.

Biden did not create 15 million jobs.

Also, if we’re looking at infrastructure bills that project out a number of years as “jobs created”, then you have to also include that number for ALL presidents. How many jobs did trumps bill “create”? How did Obamas?
No, they were new jobs, of course. And, even if so, six million were created in the last twenty months. Biden trumps Trump in spades.
Show where Biden has created 15 million jobs? All the articles I read are saying that’s not right. It’s about 6 million over course of his presidency, which is about average for job creations.

This says that the net gain from before Covid to after recovery is about 5.5 million jobs.

Same with this.

9 million were recovered jobs, ~5.5 milllion are new jobs.
No, ThisIsMe, not "just once more," because they have been repeatedly posted.

You don't rate again and again and again.

I bet you are one of the fools who keep asking for the evidence of the charges against the felon, Trump.
Biden has no memory of what a job is.

LOL yes! ^^


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