How Is The Confederate Flag Considered A Hate Symbol?

Nope, it was about slavery. That's how the rich plantation owners got the poor white sharecroppers to fight for their right to own slaves, when it was obvious the people doing the fighting were too poor to ever afford a slave.

But that's how the rich, convince the poor to be their bidding, by calling it a fight for states rights.
Both Washington and Jefferson had slaves to manage their
residences.They both treated blacks with respect and dignity.
Put some blacks in their will.
I don't see Joe the Flak Biden coming close to treating
Blacks with such dignity.Maybe occasionally giving tips
for whatever black does a bodacious job waxing his Prize
Green Corvette Stingray.
Both Washington and Jefferson had slaves to manage their
residences.They both treated blacks with respect and dignity.
Put some blacks in their will.
I don't see Joe the Flak Biden coming close to treating
Blacks with such dignity.Maybe occasionally giving tips
for whatever black does a bodacious job waxing his Prize
Green Corvette Stingray.
Or giving a black person a road to the presidency.
Today's White Liberal is nothing like that of yesterday.
Todays White Liberal has been hijaked into only one
version OR White leftist.
Democrats Daniel Patrick Moynihan was a White Liberal.
He was a good Democrat.May explain why Hillary wasted no time
in snatching up Moynihans seat when he retired.
Hillary quickly found a place in New York to establish as a
residence.That's how a leftist does bidness.By Hook and Crook.
Americans be forewarned.
Hildabeest squatting in the seat he formerly occupied is metaphorically apropos of the situation.

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