How Is The Confederate Flag Considered A Hate Symbol?

Both during and after the American Civil War, pardons for ex-Confederates were given by US Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson and were usually extended for those who had served in the military above the rank of colonel or civilians who had exercised political power under the Confederate government.

"[December 25, 1868.- Granting full pardon and amnesty to all persons engaged in the late rebellion.] By the President of the United States of America. A proclamation ... Done at the City of Washington, the twenty-fifth day of December, in the ye..."​

[December 25, 1868.- Granting full pardon and amnesty to all persons engaged in the late rebellion.] By the President of the United States of America. A proclamation ... Done at the City of Washington, the twenty-fifth day of December, in the ye

The war left between 620,000–750,000 soldiers dead, along with an undetermined number of civilian casualties, making the Civil War the deadliest military conflict in American history.

Stop being an A-hole

and the White supremacists always fly it proudly
Racism is as American as apple pie. The mistreatment of black people is the root cause of why some black men rape and murder little white girls.

They are born being hated by white Americans and they quickly learn to hand it back.
Racism is as American as apple pie. The mistreatment of black people is the root cause of why some black men rape and murder little white girls.

They are born being hated by white Americans and they quickly learn to hand it back.
That makes perfect sense. I wonder how such an inherent trait skips those like Ben Carson and Hussein Obama?
Because this flag was the flag of the group of people willing to die to keep it legal to own another human being.

Actually scratch that my mistake as it was the flag they used but it was more about the freedom to be their own people than it was about slavery itself.
Anything can become a hate symbol if you work at it and the media supports it. The Confederacy only existed for about 4 years. The flag that flew from the stern of slave ships for two hundred years was the British Union Jack and sadly, the Stars and Stripes. The state of N.J. was the last northern state to outlaw slavery a scant 15 years before the Civil War. Northeast whaling ships shifted to the slave trade when the whales became hard to find but we don't hate Mass. or Maine or R.I. Ignorance makes it easy to hate the Confederate flag.
For all of the people saying that it is truly don't know their history. The Confederate flag represents the civil war which was the war against slavery. It was the beginning of the end of it so how in the world does that make it a hate symbol?

Fair Inquiry.Maybe because the uneducated masses are now
dumb as bricks and can be counted-on to buy lock,stock and barrel
what the now " corrupted " legacy media tells them.
It was about slavery.
And how did the Democrat Party react and treat Slavery.
By crafting Jim Crow.Or as Woodrow Wilson did by
showcasing the First Movie screened at the White House.
- The Birth of a Nation - { 1915 } A quite unflattering portrayal
of Blacks.

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