America Needs to Provide More Weapon Systems To Ukraine!


Yeah right.... road accidents,....

Not really but....

They were warned....

They didn't want to listen

They are dead now.
Well they wanted to be part of the big Bully gang who they thought were winners, reminds me of a Bully kid i knew at school, some of us could not be bullied so this psycho picked on the weaker ones one day i told one of the bullied kids next time he picks on you just hit him in the face and if he doesn't go down hit him again the kid did just that he was never bullied again, years after we left School there was a article in the local paper about the Bully he had joined the army but had been injured in a Riot in Belfast Northern Ireland, i thought knowing him he probably started the riot, he ended up in a wheelchair, Karma can be a Bitch.
"If POLTAVA is not on the top of every soldier's mind today,
they are like toddlers playing with hand grenades in a bomb factory.
HYPERSONICS are a game changer, and NATO and America are not even in the game.
This was a WW3 warning shot to NATO. And it's barely in the news."
That is why we have to look for alternative news which the usual suspects attack as not a credible source, well the MSM are not credible, one only has to look at who owns them.

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