I guess I have to explain reality to the Trumpers, so they can understand!

bet you didn't realize that bull shit lies would be so inaccurate
Let me make it more clear so someone like you can understand.

We were better off before the pandemic (before 2018) than after the pandemic (2020+). The president in 2018 was Trump and the president after 2020 was Biden. Neither was the cause or blame for the pandemic and neither was to blame for what the pandemic brought, though Trump's handling of the pandemic did cause over 200,000 people to die unnecessarily.
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Let me make it more clear so someone like you can understand.

We were better off before the pandemic (before 2018) than after the pandemic (2020+). The president in 2018 was Trump and the president after 2020 was Biden. Neither was the cause or blame for the pandemic and neither was to blame for what the pandemic brought. though Trump's handling of the pandemic did cause over 200,000 people to die unnecessarily.
The Blue state governors killed those seniors. Those were the unnecessary deaths.
You really believe that? It just did not or could not happen.


Joe Biden breaks Obama's record for most votes ever cast for a U.S. presidential​

You see your problem is denial. 1 minute search would reveal the truth but you prefer to stay where your at.

Still you probably have a lot of company

Completely ignoring the Democrats war on fossil fuels, jacking up the price of everything in the name of climate change, tax increases and vowed more tax increases.
Global warming is an existential threat that will require transitioning away from fossil fuel. Tax increases are necessary to pay for the national debt accrued from Republican tax cuts for the rich.
Global warming is an existential threat that will require transitioning away from fossil fuel. Tax increases are necessary to pay for the national debt accrued from Republican tax cuts for the rich.
Thanks, Bullshit Talking Point Boi.
so you admit to being racist?
Calling someone a racist is an example of name calling. Name calling is the lowest form of discourse.

I do not run from being called a racist, but when someone calls me a racist, I want the person to tell me how the person defines racist, and I want the person to explain how I fit the definition.

If I fit the definition, I will say, "Yes, that is what I am. What do I believe that is not true?"
You really are proving democrats have a low IQ

Executive Branch of government. Nothing more to say to you, you prove democrats are old fashion stupid
Yet you said he ran the state department. He doesn't so go back to your cave and hopefully
You really are proving democrats have a low IQ

Executive Branch of government. Nothing more to say to you, you prove democrats are old fashion stupid

the leadership graph shows who is in charge of that department it does not say president.

If you see president on the chart then get glasses.

The organization graph says it all but you still want to deny because you can't handle being wrong

You just keep on denying and denying and look for that little loophole .

well then learn and weep

power of the Executive Branch is vested in the President of the United States, who also acts as head of state and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. The President is responsible for implementing and enforcing the laws written by Congress and, to that end, appoints the heads of the federal agencies,

State Department head was Clinton

Democracy literally means rule by the people​

The people do not rule and individual people have no power in the government except to cast a vote.

they (as part of the people) just elect a president and those in the legislative branch


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Some things are hard to understand. I brought home an almost uneaten piece of cheese cake from the Cheesecake Factory and hid it in the vegetable bin of the fridge. They found it. It's gone. They ate it. They knew it wasn't their cheese cake. I don't understand.
Solar panels and wind turbines require billions of tons of fossil fuels, so much that the price tag is $300 trillion. Billion dollar chemical factories are built, being built all across the world just to make the matrrials to manufacture solar panels and wind turbines.

So many solar panels and wind turbines are being manufactured that it is a heavy industry that operates all day, alll night, everyday of the year, forever.

Solar panels require cleaning, milloons and millions of gallons of water is used. Most solar panels are in the desert, depleting the water resources.

Wind turbines require millions of gallons of oil. It is called lubrication

Wind Turbines dont work 24 hours a day. Many nights there is no wind. Solar does not work at night.

Thus far, solar and wind are a 100% failure.

The bankrupt green energy sector is the evidence
Solar panels and wind turbines require billions of tons of fossil fuels, so much that the price tag is $300 trillion. Billion dollar chemical factories are built, being built all across the world just to make the matrrials to manufacture solar panels and wind turbines.

So many solar panels and wind turbines are being manufactured that it is a heavy industry that operates all day, alll night, everyday of the year, forever.

Solar panels require cleaning, milloons and millions of gallons of water is used. Most solar panels are in the desert, depleting the water resources.

Wind turbines require millions of gallons of oil. It is called lubrication

Wind Turbines dont work 24 hours a day. Many nights there is no wind. Solar does not work at night.

Thus far, solar and wind are a 100% failure.

The bankrupt green energy sector is the evidence
Where are your links to the information. Your words are never believable.
Yet you said he ran the state department. He doesn't so go back to your cave and hopefully

the leadership graph shows who is in charge of that department it does not say president.

If you see president on the chart then get glasses.

The organization graph says it all but you still want to deny because you can't handle being wrong

You just keep on denying and denying and look for that little loophole .

well then learn and weep

power of the Executive Branch is vested in the President of the United States, who also acts as head of state and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. The President is responsible for implementing and enforcing the laws written by Congress and, to that end, appoints the heads of the federal agencies,

State Department head was Clinton

Any president does not got the slightest ideal what the other departments are doing until he is brief by the head of that department or someone's associated with the department.

and it could be said Obama boss are the people
The president is in charge of the state department.

Our ambassadors are chosen by the President

Our Embassies are opened and closed at the president's discretion.

Obama was totally in charge of the USA's embassy in Libya, closing and opening it! Obama picked a gay man to represent the USA in a country full of extreme Moslems that literally, murder any gay person they find!

Does it get worst than sending an openly gay man into a hornets nest of radical moslem terrorist, yes it does.

Moslem terrorists kill christians, Christopher, our ambassador has a christian name.

Chistopher our ambassador was murdered on 9/11. The one day our country should be on alert for terroris.

Obama got our ambassador murdered. Everyone who keeps stating the president does not control foreign policy is an idiot. The State Department is the President's foreign policy.
Where are your links to the information. Your words are never believable.
My words are never believable???? We must of had many more exchanges than the 6 replies you made to me with your new account in order for you to make that statement

What is your user name of your other USMB account. Be honest so we all know who you are
The president is in charge of the state department.

Our ambassadors are chosen by the President

Our Embassies are opened and closed at the president's discretion.

Obama was totally in charge of the USA's embassy in Libya, closing and opening it! Obama picked a gay man to represent the USA in a country full of extreme Moslems that literally, murder any gay person they find!

Does it get worst than sending an openly gay man into a hornets nest of radical moslem terrorist, yes it does.

Moslem terrorists kill christians, Christopher, our ambassador has a christian name.

Chistopher our ambassador was murdered on 9/11. The one day our country should be on alert for terroris.

Obama got our ambassador murdered. Everyone who keeps stating the president does not control foreign policy is an idiot. The State Department is the President's foreign policy.

Your problem is lack of understanding of how government works and seek the simple answer

Ambassadors are nominated by the president. Congress has to approve it
Thus highlights your problem. You just focus on the first part

A little knowledge but cannot see the whole picture.

The president nominates the head of the state department

That person runs the state department

Try to focus on something else other than Obama. He was president for two terms and it's over

Yet you do not seem to be over it. Was obama your boss when he was president

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The president is in charge of the state department.

Our ambassadors are chosen by the President

Our Embassies are opened and closed at the president's discretion.

Obama was totally in charge of the USA's embassy in Libya, closing and opening it! Obama picked a gay man to represent the USA in a country full of extreme Moslems that literally, murder any gay person they find!

Does it get worst than sending an openly gay man into a hornets nest of radical moslem terrorist, yes it does.

Moslem terrorists kill christians, Christopher, our ambassador has a christian name.

Chistopher our ambassador was murdered on 9/11. The one day our country should be on alert for terroris.

Obama got our ambassador murdered. Everyone who keeps stating the president does not control foreign policy is an idiot. The State Department is the President's foreign policy.
You are truly a racist and biased person. It exudes from your words. In addition, the hate and disdain you have for others floods out of you.


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