I guess I have to explain reality to the Trumpers, so they can understand!

Ambassadors are nominated by the president. Congress has to approve it
Thus highlights your problem. You just focus on the first part
The president is completely in control of foreign policy. That is why the president is in charge of the state department.

yes, congress was involved in the confirmation, let me rephrase my starement

You are truly a racist and biased person. It exudes from your words. In addition, the hate and disdain you have for others floods out of you.
My children are black you bigoted dumb fuck, need a link for that as well, asshole.

Democrats again, prove they are a party of bigots and hate. When cornered wuth facts they think the can people racist. Like idiots, they call peiple racist without seeing what color they are.

This is Luckone's second account, why else would he/she call me a racist over 6 comments on wind turbines

2nd account or a complet moron
My words are never believable???? We must of had many more exchanges than the 6 replies you made to me with your new account in order for you to make that statement

What is your user name of your other USMB account. Be honest so we all know who you are
I have yet to see you supply any links, any statistics, any data, any fact. How can anyone be considered believable if all they have are words?

You can debate that all you want but the economy (rent, inflation, food, etc) is not Biden's fault. End of story.
Nonsense. end of story. Regarding rent and housing. Importing millions of illegals has a direct result of increased demand, causing a spike in rent and housing. Inflation is a direct result of flooding the economy with money, thus diluting the value of existing currency. You’re making cheap excuses for incompetence and poor decision making on the part of Biden- Harris. End of story.
The president is completely in control of foreign policy. That is why the president is in charge of the state department.

yes, congress was involved in the confirmation, let me rephrase my starement


The president is completely in control of foreign policy. Do you want to recant or shall I continue

thus your problem, you have a little knowledge but cannot use it to see the big picture
The president does not have complete control in foreign policy decisions.

  • Both the president and Congress have some exclusive foreign policy powers, while others are shared or not explicitly assigned by the Constitution.
  • These two branches of government often clash over foreign policy–making, particularly when it comes to military operations, foreign aid, and immigration.
So you're wrong again

The president does not have complete control of foreign policy

'Gee did you sleep thru most of your basic education while a child
Its an age old argument that never has been settled. How much control does the president have over the economy and how much credit does he deserve in a 4 year period.

Trump's Final Numbers - FactCheck.org

View attachment 1007625

Some positive numbers but the standout is the public debt

50% increase well with tax cuts it was inevitable

jobs was down

corporate profits was up (rich get richer) 17%

Jobs took a dive

Income was up slightly 8%

economic growth down

View attachment 1007627

Jobs up and employment rate down

Economic growth up

gasoline price way up

jobs up

earning down

employment down

well depends on what you focus own

Still the big lie was his comments on COVID 19 as he downplayed it to look good

The one thing that sticks in my mind is Trumps comments on COVID

Covid-19 will go away ‘like a miracle’ its only a few cases

Its only a few cases and nothing to worry about

Suggested checking if disinfectant could be injected into humans
What a laughable joke. You didn’t understand the nonsense you cut and pasted.

What you cut and pasted explicitly identified data as of 7/24/24 since 1/20/2017. That silly cut and paste assigns responsibility to Trump for conditions he had nothing to do with. Who has been the pretend president the last 3 1/2 years.
I have. Look at the OP.

You haven't. You are delusional.
You have not quoted and commented one link. You think a link makes you right?

Your first link is toban article by MIT. That proves you have no idea what you are talking about.

I happen to be working for MIT right now on the experimental Fusion Reactor being built. I work through Commonwealth Fusion Systems.

You little rant and game, that a link makes you right is infantile.
I have yet to see you supply any links, any statistics, any data, any fact. How are you believable.
Yes, how can somebody who only has a google-brain find me believable. Links, if only I had a link. Let me true one link and see if I become magically believable. After all you linked and now you are believable. Here goes
I have yet to see you supply any links, any statistics, any data, any fact. How can anyone be considered believable if all they have are words?
How, it is called an education, idiot. Links are easy. Here are mire links from the link I gave you. I give these links not to orove I am right but to show everyonebI got a stupid fucking democrat on my hook.

  1. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    How Solar Panels, Green Energy Increase Use Of Coal

    ...we see that they use Carbon Electrodes and a Carbon reductant https://hiddenhistorycenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/BurningCoalTreesToMakeSolarPanels.pdf Since the early 1900s, silicon “metal” is reduced from quartz using carbon in submerged-arc furnaces, each powered by up to 45...
  2. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    No Solar Power/Electricity Tonight

    Yes, I am right again, there is no electricity being produced by solar panels tonight. Seems dumb to say, but look at what happens when we search that very idea. no solar power at night is my search And of course, because there must be millions of idiots buying or having solar panels installed...
  3. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Trillions in subsidies for the Green Economy, Solar, Wind, EV's, Hydrogen, etc..

    Over and over, we here of subsidies for the Green Economy. Electric vehicles, Wind Turbines, Solar Panels, what are these subsidies? How do they work. Do they exist? How do we prove they exist? In this OP I will provide links to those reporting on the subsidies and there usage. The Inflation...
  4. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Nuclear Power Lowers Electricity Price 75%, Destroying Wind and Solar Power

    Finland, just brought online their newest nuclear reactor which immediately caused the price of electricity to fall 75% Nuclear power is being built across the world, with the USA's technology, by other countries. Another of our great innovations, we are denied the right to improve our lives...
  5. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Let's destroy the world, with solar

    ...day, hot as hell, lizards basking on hot rocks. Bizarre prehistoric looking creatures. But none of this mean a things to those who promote solar, they will destroy the world, claiming they are saving it. Crooked lying thieving bastards. Advocating to destroy 22,000 square miles of...
  6. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Let us destroy the desert, for solar

    ...destroy, we can manufacture 24/7, for the next 100 years, in chemical plants across the world, to cover the entire southwest of America, with solar panels. Never mind the average temperatures will now fry birds and insects instantly, never mind we will need billions of gallons of water to...
  7. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Wind/Solar, 50 years to print the money

    I have heard it will take 50 years to print enough money to pay for Solar and Wind Energy. They claim we can build enough Solar and Wind toys to provide our homes with power for a little while. But the biggest obstacle is that it will take 50 years to print the money to pay for scam. Clean...
  8. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    German Industry Flees Solar and Wind Power For the USA's Chearp Gas!

    Solar and Wind power can not supply industry with the energy it needs to survive. Fortunately in the South Eastern United States, there is a Renaissance of sorts happening with Nuclear Power and Natural Gas power plants being built at levels we have not seen in decades, which is obviously...
  9. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    The Solar Energy Scam

    Solar is a scam. It never makes money on electricity it sells. All the money made is subsidies. It is explained very simply in one paragraph. Is SunPower the Next Horrific Solar Bankruptcy or Just Misunderstood? -- The Motley Fool The more recent challenge solar companies have run into is a...
  10. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Solar and Wind Power Fail California!

    In what is just another day in California, Solar and Wind Power has failed to supply peak power when California needs it most. How is this possible, after 3 decades of building Wind and Solar Power plants, after spending $300 Billion dollars? After all the stories we have heard how Solar and...
  11. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Solar Power is Bankrupt

    Sad, Solar Power is bankrupt but Congress has promised to prop it up with Trillions of tax payer money. News | SolarSecrets News The Left Is Already Pushing The New Solar Jobs ‘Report’ As Good News. Don’t Buy It. latest annual Solar Jobs Census from the Solar Foundation, which concluded that...
  12. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Solar and Wind Power Failing in California.

    After spending over a $100 billion dollars on Solar, Wind, and Geothermal power plants, California is still suffering a lack of electricity. In this story we hear that blackouts despite the billions spent on Solar and Wind power. The World's largest Solar Plant just opened in California, does...
  13. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Rooftop Solar overpriced ripoff scam

    Has anyone bothered to look at what consumers think of their rooftop solar? Check the Yelp reviews, there are hundreds of complaints. SolarCity - Hawthorne, CA
  14. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    USA subsidizes Chili Solar Power!

    Yes, when it comes to Solar it is all lies. Take Chili, they have essentually zero Solar installed yet the claim is made thst Solar is the cheapest form of piwer in Chili? They can power any industry nor any city with Solar. Further if one does a tiny bit of research we find that the solar in...
  15. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Green Clean Renewable Solar Power's DEATH TOXINS!!!! POLLUTION!!!!

    Yes, the very much ignored truth of the damage the USA dictated by making Solar Power mandatory for U.S. citizens. I had a little crick in my backside so I thought now is a good time to state the truth. Solar Energy Firms Leave Waste Behind in China
  16. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    USA to subsidize India's Solar Industry growth.

    Yep, the truth is about as bizarre as it gets, as Solar fails in Spain, Germany, and the USA, Obama is now funding India's Solar industry. $46 trillion dollars must be spent World wide, and us US taxpayers will foot the bill, it will help speed our collapse into a third world hell hole. U.S...
  17. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    PV Solar in California uses 23 Billion Gallons of Water!

    As outrageous as it seems, the more one looks at Solar Energy the crazier the figures get, from destroying thousands upon thousands of acres of farmland to killing birds, the list of destruction gets longer. In thinking of a response to Old Crock I found out that California's PV Solar uses...
  18. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Solar panels failing after 2 years!

    In another blow to "Renewable" Energy, Solar Panels are failing after 2 years of use. Everything we are told about Solar Power being Clean, Green, Renewable, that lasts forever is a lie. I must thank Matthew, ClosedCaption, and Old Crock for requesting this thread. Here you go "boys", read it...
  19. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Spain increasing Nuclear, reducing Solar and Wind Power

    ...Green, Clean, Renewable Energy "success", I thought I would post a fact. Spain is increasing its nuclear power capacity to compensate for the losses incurred in the Green Clean Renewable (so many false names for the failure of solar and wind) energy. Nuclear Power in Spain Spanish Nuclear...
  20. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Solar Bankruptcy hits India!

    The list is like a battlefield, in ways that those who advocate for Solar are incapable of imagining (intellectually), Solar Companies going Bankrupt is effecting India as well as the entire World. It is a sad fact that those who promote Green Energy do so based on personal feelings while having...
  21. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Winter storm emergency, Solar & Wind fail

    A sad day in the USA, the worst winter storm this year, people fear freezing to death, as Solar and Wind power fail across New England. If only they had a chunk of Coal.
  22. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    U.S. Solar plants hide data of Solar's output for 2014

    The Solar industry refuses to report the amount of electricity generated fir the year 2014, the figures are nowhere ti be found. All we get is the false reports of what is in theory, possible. The rated capacity of said solar panels under perfect laboratory conditions. Zero data on electricity...
  23. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Millions of Solar Panels recalled

    The more I read, the more problems are uncovered. Despite being Renewable, Clean, Green, and Free there are huge recalls of millions of Solar Panels. If one is too listen to those promoting Solar Energy you would here them repeat the mantra that Solar Panels last forever, once built. But the...
  24. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    How is Solar Energy sustainable?

    Such a simple question, such a simple word, thrown out as fact, indisputable. Solar is sustainable. Sure, the sun shines, on some days, on others, not. Forever no, but long enough. But Solar Energy is much different than simply stating, "The Sun Shines!" Solar is the Sun, Solar Energy is...
  25. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    USA's Largest Solar Power Bankrupt

    This thread is inspired by Old Crock and Matthew. The World's largest Solar Energy plant, touted here as being operational, clean, Solar. Dedicated by Obama and his Secretary of Energy as operational providing Electricity, was never operational. It was all a lie, 2.1$ Billion in direct funds...
  26. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Faulty Solar Panels Start 3 House Fires

    It is truly amazing at the magnitude of problems that Solar has created Here, we have a home that caught on fire because of a bankrupt long gone Solar Company's faulty product. El Dorado Hills home fire prompts recall of defunct company s solar tiles El Dorado Hills Telegraph
  27. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Suntech Solar USA, Bankrupt!

    With all the propaganda about Solar, lets start the year with a fact or two. To begin the new year; China s Suntech Power U.S. Unit Seeks Bankruptcy Protection - Bloomberg China’s Suntech Power U.S. Unit Seeks Bankruptcy Protection A U.S. unit of China’s Suntech Power Holdings Corp., once...
  28. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Chinese Solar Companies going bankrupt in USA

    ...protection in U.S. Courts. I wonder, if the cost of the judges and lawyers, the court clerks, everyone remotely involved, I wonder if anyone takes that cost into account in the cost of Solar. The answer, nope. LDK Files Bankruptcy in U.S. Court on China Solar Glut - Bloomberg Business
  29. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Solar Power Destroys Miles and Miles of Desert

    California's desert is fast becoming a Solar Wasteland, what was once pristine desert habitat is being replaced with Industrial Scale Solar. Thanks to Obama and the State Government of California. California solar projects plan undergoing major overhaul - SFGate And all of this is just...
  30. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Solar Power, not friendly to environment, 130 birds fried in a few hours.

    It is amazing how many stories are out here, about Solar Power killing thousands upon thousands of birds. I thought this had to be an old story but it is not, the latest and greatest advances in Solar Technology results in the latest and greatest destruction to the environment. Decide for...
  31. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    The Heavy Burden of Solar Power

    What is the Burden of Solar Power, is there a Burden? Absolutely, no matter how hard they hide the truth, it can still be found for those who wish to see the facts. Anyhow, I ran across this article on the Burden Solar puts on the budgets of the Local Government. Added Fire and Police, added...
  32. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Utility Solar Plants Get Free/Steal Public Land!

    As if the hidden Costs of Solar are not large enough we learn that Utility Scale Solar gets all the public land they want. 1,000's of square miles for free! IM 2010-141 Solar Energy Interim Rental Policy Free land, under the Dictate of Federal Law, land that I can never build a house on...
  33. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Ivanpah Solar sets record, Bird deaths rise

    April Was Bad Month for Birds at Ivanpah Solar | Concentrating Solar | ReWire | KCET Wow, biologist state that the kill rate could be as high as 500 deaths for April. Its good thing Ivanpah is broke, I would hate to see that thing if it was fully operational. Maybe if we could get...
  34. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    German Solar Power Bankrupt and Failing

    It seems the World is coming to a quick realization that Solar is a failure. First Spain's economy goes into too deep recession because of its Solar Policy now we see Germany's Solar Power is going Bankrupt as well. Germany's Solar Industry Is Imploding - Forbes
  35. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Germany's CO2 rises as Solar use rises

    In the oddest of stories, it is now reported that increasing the use of Solar and Wind Energy in Germany has resulted in a record amount of CO2 being produced. The more a country relies on an energy source that is extremely variable such as the wind and the sun, the more all countries will...
  36. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    World's Largest Solar Plant to burn Trillions!!!!!

    ...battling to burn trillions of cubic feet of Natural Gas. Owners Google and Brightsource made Emergency requests to change the rules to allow Solar to run on Natural Gas. Lied to again we are, by the Government, by Obama and Energy Secretary Moniz. Ivanpah is non-operational, Ivanpah...
Indeed,he totally lost his credibility major big time when he said rent inflation and food is not Biden’s fault. :rofl: Next thing he is going to tell us is the debunked conspiracy theory of Russia collusion got trump elected.:rofl:
You do understand that there was a pandemic and that for 3 months no one could go out to a casino and after that, few were going because of the risk of getting Covid, don't you?

Was there a pandemic in the 90's?
A desperate Hail Mary when asked to prove your words and then you do so and checkmate him. :rofl:
Now you are being ridiculous.

Who is Russia's headache? NATO!!!!

and this is what Trump has said:

You should go back to your cellblock and be there when Trump joins you. You cannot win against me for one simple reason. I never open my mouth if facts, data, and statistics are not there to support my words. You will never win against data, facts, and statistics.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl::eusa_shifty::no_text11::dig:
How, it is called an education, idiot. Links are easy. Here are mire links from the link I gave you. I give these links not to orove I am right but to show everyonebI got a stupid fucking democrat on my hook.

  1. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    How Solar Panels, Green Energy Increase Use Of Coal

    ...we see that they use Carbon Electrodes and a Carbon reductant https://hiddenhistorycenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/BurningCoalTreesToMakeSolarPanels.pdf Since the early 1900s, silicon “metal” is reduced from quartz using carbon in submerged-arc furnaces, each powered by up to 45...
  2. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    No Solar Power/Electricity Tonight

    Yes, I am right again, there is no electricity being produced by solar panels tonight. Seems dumb to say, but look at what happens when we search that very idea. no solar power at night is my search And of course, because there must be millions of idiots buying or having solarpanels installed...
  3. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Trillions in subsidies for the Green Economy, Solar, Wind, EV's, Hydrogen, etc..

    Over and over, we here of subsidies for the Green Economy. Electric vehicles, Wind Turbines, SolarPanels, what are these subsidies? How do they work. Do they exist? How do we prove they exist? In this OP I will provide links to those reporting on the subsidies and there usage. The Inflation...
  4. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Nuclear Power Lowers Electricity Price 75%, Destroying Wind and Solar Power

    Finland, just brought online their newest nuclear reactor which immediately caused the price of electricity to fall 75% Nuclear power is being built across the world, with the USA's technology, by other countries. Another of our great innovations, we are denied the right to improve our lives...
  5. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Let's destroy the world, with solar

    ...day, hot as hell, lizards basking on hot rocks. Bizarre prehistoric looking creatures. But none of this mean a things to those who promote solar, they will destroy the world, claiming they are saving it. Crooked lying thieving bastards. Advocating to destroy 22,000 square miles of...
  6. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Let us destroy the desert, for solar

    ...destroy, we can manufacture 24/7, for the next 100 years, in chemical plants across the world, to cover the entire southwest of America, with solarpanels. Never mind the average temperatures will now fry birds and insects instantly, never mind we will need billions of gallons of water to...
  7. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Wind/Solar, 50 years to print the money

    I have heard it will take 50 years to print enough money to pay for Solar and Wind Energy. They claim we can build enough Solarand Wind toys to provide our homes with power for a little while. But the biggest obstacle is that it will take 50 years to print the money to pay for scam. Clean...
  8. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    German Industry Flees Solar and Wind Power For the USA's Chearp Gas!

    Solarand Wind power can not supply industry with the energy it needs to survive. Fortunately in the South Eastern United States, there is a Renaissance of sorts happening with Nuclear Power and Natural Gas power plants being built at levels we have not seen in decades, which is obviously...
  9. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    The Solar Energy Scam

    Solar is a scam. It never makes money on electricity it sells. All the money made is subsidies. It is explained very simply in one paragraph. Is SunPower the Next Horrific Solar Bankruptcy or Just Misunderstood? -- The Motley Fool The more recent challenge solarcompanies have run into is a...
  10. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Solar and Wind Power Fail California!

    In what is just another day in California, Solar and Wind Power has failed to supply peak power when California needs it most. How is this possible, after 3 decades of building Wind and Solar Power plants, after spending $300 Billion dollars? After all the stories we have heard how Solarand...
  11. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Solar Power is Bankrupt

    Sad, Solar Power is bankrupt but Congress has promised to prop it up with Trillions of tax payer money. News | SolarSecrets News The Left Is Already Pushing The New Solar Jobs ‘Report’ As Good News. Don’t Buy It. latest annual Solar Jobs Census from the SolarFoundation, which concluded that...
  12. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Solar and Wind Power Failing in California.

    After spending over a $100 billion dollars on Solar, Wind, and Geothermal power plants, California is still suffering a lack of electricity. In this story we hear that blackouts despite the billions spent on Solar and Wind power. The World's largest SolarPlant just opened in California, does...
  13. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Rooftop Solar overpriced ripoff scam

    Has anyone bothered to look at what consumers think of their rooftop solar? Check the Yelp reviews, there are hundreds of complaints. SolarCity - Hawthorne, CA
  14. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    USA subsidizes Chili Solar Power!

    Yes, when it comes to Solar it is all lies. Take Chili, they have essentually zero Solar installed yet the claim is made thst Solar is the cheapest form of piwer in Chili? They can power any industry nor any city with Solar. Further if one does a tiny bit of research we find that the solarin...
  15. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Green Clean Renewable Solar Power's DEATH TOXINS!!!! POLLUTION!!!!

    Yes, the very much ignored truth of the damage the USA dictated by making Solar Power mandatory for U.S. citizens. I had a little crick in my backside so I thought now is a good time to state the truth. SolarEnergy Firms Leave Waste Behind in China
  16. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    USA to subsidize India's Solar Industry growth.

    Yep, the truth is about as bizarre as it gets, as Solar fails in Spain, Germany, and the USA, Obama is now funding India's Solarindustry. $46 trillion dollars must be spent World wide, and us US taxpayers will foot the bill, it will help speed our collapse into a third world hell hole. U.S...
  17. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    PV Solar in California uses 23 Billion Gallons of Water!

    As outrageous as it seems, the more one looks at Solar Energy the crazier the figures get, from destroying thousands upon thousands of acres of farmland to killing birds, the list of destruction gets longer. In thinking of a response to Old Crock I found out that California's PV Solaruses...
  18. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Solar panels failing after 2 years!

    In another blow to "Renewable" Energy, Solar Panels are failing after 2 years of use. Everything we are told about SolarPower being Clean, Green, Renewable, that lasts forever is a lie. I must thank Matthew, ClosedCaption, and Old Crock for requesting this thread. Here you go "boys", read it...
  19. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Spain increasing Nuclear, reducing Solar and Wind Power

    ...Green, Clean, Renewable Energy "success", I thought I would post a fact. Spain is increasing its nuclear power capacity to compensate for the losses incurred in the Green Clean Renewable (so many false names for the failure of solarand wind) energy. Nuclear Power in Spain Spanish Nuclear...
  20. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Solar Bankruptcy hits India!

    The list is like a battlefield, in ways that those who advocate for Solar are incapable of imagining (intellectually), SolarCompanies going Bankrupt is effecting India as well as the entire World. It is a sad fact that those who promote Green Energy do so based on personal feelings while having...
  21. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Winter storm emergency, Solar & Wind fail

    A sad day in the USA, the worst winter storm this year, people fear freezing to death, as Solarand Wind power fail across New England. If only they had a chunk of Coal.
  22. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    U.S. Solar plants hide data of Solar's output for 2014

    The Solar industry refuses to report the amount of electricity generated fir the year 2014, the figures are nowhere ti be found. All we get is the false reports of what is in theory, possible. The rated capacity of said solarpanels under perfect laboratory conditions. Zero data on electricity...
  23. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Millions of Solar Panels recalled

    The more I read, the more problems are uncovered. Despite being Renewable, Clean, Green, and Free there are huge recalls of millions of Solar Panels. If one is too listen to those promoting Solar Energy you would here them repeat the mantra that SolarPanels last forever, once built. But the...
  24. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    How is Solar Energy sustainable?

    Such a simple question, such a simple word, thrown out as fact, indisputable. Solar is sustainable. Sure, the sun shines, on some days, on others, not. Forever no, but long enough. But Solar Energy is much different than simply stating, "The Sun Shines!" Solar is the Sun, SolarEnergy is...
  25. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    USA's Largest Solar Power Bankrupt

    This thread is inspired by Old Crock and Matthew. The World's largest Solar Energy plant, touted here as being operational, clean, Solar. Dedicated by Obama and his Secretary of Energy as operational providing Electricity, was never operational. It was all a lie, 2.1$ Billion in direct funds...
  26. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Faulty Solar Panels Start 3 House Fires

    It is truly amazing at the magnitude of problems that Solar has created Here, we have a home that caught on fire because of a bankrupt long gone Solar Company's faulty product. El Dorado Hills home fire prompts recall of defunct company s solartiles El Dorado Hills Telegraph
  27. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Suntech Solar USA, Bankrupt!

    With all the propaganda about Solar, lets start the year with a fact or two. To begin the new year; China s Suntech Power U.S. Unit Seeks Bankruptcy Protection - Bloomberg China’s Suntech Power U.S. Unit Seeks Bankruptcy Protection A U.S. unit of China’s Suntech Power Holdings Corp., once...
  28. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Chinese Solar Companies going bankrupt in USA

    ...protection in U.S. Courts. I wonder, if the cost of the judges and lawyers, the court clerks, everyone remotely involved, I wonder if anyone takes that cost into account in the cost of Solar. The answer, nope. LDK Files Bankruptcy in U.S. Court on China SolarGlut - Bloomberg Business
  29. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Solar Power Destroys Miles and Miles of Desert

    California's desert is fast becoming a Solar Wasteland, what was once pristine desert habitat is being replaced with Industrial Scale Solar. Thanks to Obama and the State Government of California. California solarprojects plan undergoing major overhaul - SFGate And all of this is just...
  30. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Solar Power, not friendly to environment, 130 birds fried in a few hours.

    It is amazing how many stories are out here, about Solar Power killing thousands upon thousands of birds. I thought this had to be an old story but it is not, the latest and greatest advances in SolarTechnology results in the latest and greatest destruction to the environment. Decide for...
  31. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    The Heavy Burden of Solar Power

    What is the Burden of Solar Power, is there a Burden? Absolutely, no matter how hard they hide the truth, it can still be found for those who wish to see the facts. Anyhow, I ran across this article on the Burden Solarputs on the budgets of the Local Government. Added Fire and Police, added...
  32. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Utility Solar Plants Get Free/Steal Public Land!

    As if the hidden Costs of Solar are not large enough we learn that Utility Scale Solar gets all the public land they want. 1,000's of square miles for free! IM 2010-141 SolarEnergy Interim Rental Policy Free land, under the Dictate of Federal Law, land that I can never build a house on...
  33. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Ivanpah Solar sets record, Bird deaths rise

    April Was Bad Month for Birds at Ivanpah Solar | Concentrating Solar| ReWire | KCET Wow, biologist state that the kill rate could be as high as 500 deaths for April. Its good thing Ivanpah is broke, I would hate to see that thing if it was fully operational. Maybe if we could get...
  34. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    German Solar Power Bankrupt and Failing

    It seems the World is coming to a quick realization that Solar is a failure. First Spain's economy goes into too deep recession because of its Solar Policy now we see Germany's Solar Power is going Bankrupt as well. Germany's SolarIndustry Is Imploding - Forbes
  35. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    Germany's CO2 rises as Solar use rises

    In the oddest of stories, it is now reported that increasing the use of Solarand Wind Energy in Germany has resulted in a record amount of CO2 being produced. The more a country relies on an energy source that is extremely variable such as the wind and the sun, the more all countries will...
  36. [IMG alt="elektra"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/46/46310.jpg?1395476141[/IMG]

    World's Largest Solar Plant to burn Trillions!!!!!

    ...battling to burn trillions of cubic feet of Natural Gas. Owners Google and Brightsource made Emergency requests to change the rules to allow Solar to run on Natural Gas. Lied to again we are, by the Government, by Obama and Energy Secretary Moniz. Ivanpah is non-operational, Ivanpah...
I have several things that I want to say, with the first one being this:

This is my first warning to you regarding your insulting and debasing language (a stupid fucking democrat). If there is one thing I do not accept is such language.

Secondly, your response with the EXCESSIVE amount of links to YOUR OWN messages is ridiculous and insulting as well. It proves nothing.

Having said that, you post did spike my interest in researching Solar Energy more than I have done in the past. I did not find in my search through Google the big negatives you state. I did find some negatives but then again, in life there is nothing that does not have some negatives. Every decision in life has to be made by adding the negatives and the positives and coming up with the sum and seeing which is better and which is worse. I could not find ANYTHING that makes solar energy worse (to the environment) than fossil fuels.

Anyhow, I have a feeling that you will soon end up on my ignore list, given that you seem to have no ability to control your emotions and your responses. I do believe that you are unable to see things in a sane way and simply evaluate things using data, statistics, and facts. You seem to be all emotions and the worst part is that they are ALL negative emotions.

You have one more attempt at communication with me. It is not about agreeing between us. It is about sanity and respect.

Your turn
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Bottom line is that NATO is Russia's headache and Trump was WILLING to let Russia invade not only Ukraine but any other nation in Europe simply because they would not come up with MONEY???? Wow, that is truly being a defender of freedom, right? You PAY and you remain free. You don't pay and you get invaded and your innocent citizens get killed. It is all about Money. Forget that horseshit about morals, ethics, principles and humanity that the U.S. has stood for over 247 years. We are now in the protection racket..............for money!!!

Trump: "You don't pay and we will ALLOW this to happen"

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You proved to the entire board what a dumbass stupid fuck liar you are the fact it was biden that allowed Russia to invade not trump.Russia was afraid to do anything against anybody when trump was in office liar.you have zero credibility after that. :rofl:
I will not dispute that Obama was not harsh or strong against Russia during his administration but then, there was no big reason to be.

That does not mean he was FOR THEM!

He did do this in 2016

Obama Announces Sanctions Against Russia In Response To Alleged Hacking

Having now answered your question, why haven't you answered mine regarding everything that Trump has done for Russia.....................repeatedly!
You sure lost your memory when trump put his sanctions on Russia. :rofl:

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