Trump keeps saying kids go to school and come home "with an operation"

Does anyone even believe this? A) His English is bad, it should be "having had an operation", but anyway, what do we expect? But B) How do kids have operations in schools?

It's absolutely absurd.

(This thread is not about the dude who made the video. I posted this video because it shows Trump talk, at least twice, about kids going to schools and having operations. The video is only about evidence that Trump said this)

I went to Catholic school and I was sure they were going to operate on me after they beat me.
Yes he did: "Imagine dropping your kid off at school and picking him up and he's had surgery you knew nothing about"

Right, so he never said that is happening right now.

We are moving in that direction. I'd love to say that the left would never go that far, but I've stepped on the proverbial rake too many times now by thinking that a particular action is too vile for even Democrats.

Right now, we have school counselors virtue-signaling by feeding children to the profiteers of the child transgenderization movement. A good example of something I would have thought not even the most blue of Democrats would ever do.
Right, so he never said that is happening right now.

We are moving in that direction. I'd love to say that the left would never go that far, but I've stepped on the proverbial rake too many times now by thinking that a particular action is too vile for even Democrats.

Right now, we have school counselors virtue-signaling by feeding children to the profiteers of the child transgenderization movement. A good example of something I would have thought not even the most blue of Democrats would ever do.

We never claimed he did but the fact he thinks it COULD happen ever shows how bat shit crazy he is.

How can you vote for someone with no grip on reality whatsoever?

Does anyone even believe this? A) His English is bad, it should be "having had an operation", but anyway, what do we expect? But B) How do kids have operations in schools?

It's absolutely absurd.

(This thread is not about the dude who made the video. I posted this video because it shows Trump talk, at least twice, about kids going to schools and having operations. The video is only about evidence that Trump said this)

Add it to the list of imaginary shit that lives in the minds of Alt-Right Nation.
It doesn't ever. :)
We never claimed he did but the fact he thinks it COULD happen ever shows how bat shit crazy he is.

How can you vote for someone with no grip on reality whatsoever?
Like I said. I never thought it COULD happen that school counselors would seek out children going through typical sexual confusion around puberty and refer them to people who would give them cross-sex hormones and recommend surgeries that amount to mutilations.

Until it DID happen.

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