To Everybody Calling Trump Mean

Man, shut the fuck up. You're flat out lying, just like Trump does every single day. --

“For what she’s done, they should lock her up,” Trump said after the crowd chanted “lock her up” at an October 2016 rally in North Carolina.

“‘Lock her up’ is right,” he said at an October 2016 rally in Pennsylvania.

After the paid barkers in the crowd started shouting my it. All a part of trump's elaborate con. Got to keep them entertained and leave them believing they're smart. Everyone feels good and gets what they want , especially trump.
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Trump supporters have been saying this. Not Trump himself.

He said it too. He's on video saying it in 2016. He also made a serious effort to make it happen.

In 2017, he appointed a special prosecutor. John Huber, from Salt Lake City was charged with reviewing all of the Clinton investigations. Huber was given a year to finish, and failed to complete his work until the fall of 2019. His report, recommending no charges for anything, was quietly released the week Washington erupted over the Ukrainian phone call.
Now Trump is saying he never tried to lock her up - he could have but he didn't think it was the right thing to do, and that's a lie too. He was screaming at Barr to indict her and Barr had nothing to indict her on. He ordered 5 different investigations of Hillary Clinton.

Isn't it ironic that all of the guys who chanted "Lock her up!!!" have now either been jailed or they're on their way there. Karma is truly a bitch. Trump will be sentenced right after the election.
It's not our job to educate you. If you lack the intellecual curiosity or ability to educate yourself, it's not up to the rest of us to do it for you.

Today, Dick Cheney endorsed Harris. Republicans are voting for Harris to prevent Trump from becoming President again - ever.

The Heritage Society are very clear what you're supporting. Trump keeps telling you they're nothing to do with him, but this past weekend he was speaking at one of their conferences. Trump's past and current aides and staffers wrote Project 2025, and their President is raising money off of Trump's support.

Never in my lifetime has so many national and international leaders, past and present, who stood up and warned the people of the danger of another Trump Presidency.

Imagine all this typing for a nation that's not even yours

Could never be me
The bankers at Deutches Banke weren't any more gullible than American bankers. If anything, they were less so. They hadn't been subjected to 20 years of breathless PR campaigns and publicity.

Former staffers have claimed that the Bank's assessment of Trump's net worth was never over $350 million based on their analysis of his financials, but that his loans were "protected from on high". The bank continued to lend Trump money even after he sued the Bank for $300 million.

Deutches Banke paid a billion fine for money laundering in 2016, and have close relationships with Russian oligarchs. Here was Trump in 2002. Fresh off his latest bankruptcy, unable to secure capital, with a large stock of New York Real Estate. Remember when Junior bragged about all of the condos they were selling to Russians?

Every time you turn around in Trump world, you find Russians, helping Donald Trump.

MAGA Desperately Claims Russian Propagandists Were ...​

The New Republic › breaking-news

2 days ago — ... Russian cash.” Donald Trump too boosted the talking point, as he posted a clip of conservative columnist Michael Shellenberger on Fox News ...

MAGA Desperately Claims Russian Propagandists Were the Real “Victims”​

The right-wing influencers at the center of a Russian disinfo scheme—and their biggest allies—say it’s not really their fault, you guys.​

So you have propaganda videos.

ummm ... no. that IS straight outa project 2025.

I'm still waiting for you to show anything in Project 2025 that is fascist.

m'k ...

Project 2025: A wish list for a Trump presidency, explained

16 August 2024
Mike Wendling
BBC News


Project 2025 proposes that the entire federal bureaucracy, including independent agencies such as the Department of Justice, be placed under direct presidential control - a controversial idea known as "unitary executive theory".



Climate and economy​


Abortion and family​

Project 2025 does not call outright for a nationwide abortion ban.
However, it proposes withdrawing the abortion pill mifepristone from the market, and using existing but little-enforced laws to stop the drug being sent through the post.
The document suggests that the department of Health and Human Services should "maintain a biblically based, social science-reinforced definition of marriage and family".

Tech and education​

Under the proposals, pornography would be banned, and tech and telecoms companies that allow access would be shut down.
The document calls for school choice and parental control over schools, and takes aim at what it calls "woke propaganda".
It proposes to eliminate a long list of terms from all laws and federal regulations, including "sexual orientation", "gender equality", "abortion" and "reproductive rights".
Project 2025 aims to end diversity, equity and inclusion programs in schools and government departments as part of what it describes as a wider crackdown on "woke" ideology.

The plan's future​

Project 2025 is backed by a $22m (£17m) budget and includes strategies for implementing policies immediately after the presidential inauguration in January 2025.
Heritage is also creating a database of conservative loyalists to fill government positions, and a programme to train those new workers.
What is Project 2025? Wish list for a Trump presidency, explained

you're welcome for the education.
I think it is mean to erase a border and allow all manner of perverts, violent ones into a country to unleash mayhem and misery on fellow country"men"

I think it is mean to murder helpless pre-born children who obviously have not harmed anyone

I think it is mean to want to steal more and more money from the taxpayers to spend on STUPID... super-stupid stuff like the climate hoax..

I think it is mean to increase inflation so that poor and middle income people cannot even dream of buying a house.

I'll take Trump's harmless brand of "mean" any day over THAT
Mean? I dunno, never really saw it as mean. The stuff he says is so petty, childish and stupid it's always seemed more clownish than mean.
Really? No Democrats ever did "politicize the justice system"?

Hmm...did you happen to forget Brett Kavanaugh? When all that was said about him when he was about to join the Supreme Court?

It is ALL they did...
And look how the republicans shiut it all down without a proper investigation. Of course not , the evidence was overwhelming. Poor little rich white boys in college got caught roofieing and raping women. I have no ity for such types. And they definitely shouldn't be on.the Supreme Court.
I think it is mean to erase a border and allow all manner of perverts, violent ones into a country to unleash mayhem and misery on fellow country"men"

I think it is mean to murder helpless pre-born children who obviously have not harmed anyone

I think it is mean to want to steal more and more money from the taxpayers to spend on STUPID... super-stupid stuff like the climate hoax..

I think it is mean to increase inflation so that poor and middle income people cannot even dream of buying a house.

I'll take Trump's harmless brand of "mean" any day over THAT
trump made immigration matters worse.
Really? No Democrats ever did "politicize the justice system"?

Hmm...did you happen to forget Brett Kavanaugh? When all that was said about him when he was about to join the Supreme Court?

It is ALL they did...

actually - the truth was that justice system was weaponized by donny's system.

FBI ignored tips on Brett Kavanaugh, Senate Democrats charge​

By Jan Wolfe and Mark Hosenball
July 22, 20218:19 PM EDTUpdated 3 years ago

WASHINGTON, July 22 (Reuters) - Seven Democratic senators on Thursday said that newly released materials show the FBI failed to fully investigate sexual misconduct allegations against U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh when he was nominated to the court in 2018.
The senators, including Sheldon Whitehouse and Chris Coons, said a letter they received from the FBI last month shows the agency gathered over 4,500 tips relating to Kavanaugh without any apparent further action by investigators.

According to that June 30 letter, written by FBI Assistant Director Jill Tyson, the most "relevant" of the 4,500 tips were referred to lawyers in President Donald Trump's White House whose handling of them remains unclear.

After Dr. Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez came forward to share their stories of sexual violence at the hands of Kavanaugh, the FBI set up a tip line to supposedly help inform their investigation. The FBI received 4,500 tips, but has never indicated that it followed up on any of the tips that came through the hotline.

Instead, the tips were referred to the Trump White House––the same White House that was publicly dragging Dr. Ford through the mud for daring to speak out.

We may never know what valuable information were in those tips but what is clear is that the FBI was not searching for truth – or justice.
Three Years After Brett Kavanaugh’s Confirmation, We’re Still Searching for Truth and Justice. - National Women's Law Center
ummm ... no. that IS straight outa project 2025.

m'k ...

Project 2025: A wish list for a Trump presidency, explained

16 August 2024
Mike Wendling
BBC News


Project 2025 proposes that the entire federal bureaucracy, including independent agencies such as the Department of Justice, be placed under direct presidential control - a controversial idea known as "unitary executive theory".



Climate and economy​


Abortion and family​

Project 2025 does not call outright for a nationwide abortion ban.
However, it proposes withdrawing the abortion pill mifepristone from the market, and using existing but little-enforced laws to stop the drug being sent through the post.
The document suggests that the department of Health and Human Services should "maintain a biblically based, social science-reinforced definition of marriage and family".

Tech and education​

Under the proposals, pornography would be banned, and tech and telecoms companies that allow access would be shut down.
The document calls for school choice and parental control over schools, and takes aim at what it calls "woke propaganda".
It proposes to eliminate a long list of terms from all laws and federal regulations, including "sexual orientation", "gender equality", "abortion" and "reproductive rights".
Project 2025 aims to end diversity, equity and inclusion programs in schools and government departments as part of what it describes as a wider crackdown on "woke" ideology.

The plan's future​

Project 2025 is backed by a $22m (£17m) budget and includes strategies for implementing policies immediately after the presidential inauguration in January 2025.
Heritage is also creating a database of conservative loyalists to fill government positions, and a programme to train those new workers.
What is Project 2025? Wish list for a Trump presidency, explained

you're welcome for the education.
There is no education here. There is only your opinion of what it the document says.

Some of the things you cited as terrible I agree with. No government agency should be independent of Executive and Congressional oversight for instance. Constitutionally, that is what the President and our elected senators and representatives are for. No government agency or department headed by unelected appointees/bureaucrats should ever be given authority to make or enact policy with force of law that is immune to oversight by those we elect to govern us.

There are things in Project 2025 that I disagree with but they are NOT law and are unlikely to ever be voted into federal law. Unlike Marxist democrats, I and others who embrace the same concept of government that the Founders embraced are not afraid of ideas and not afraid to have sincere honest national debates about what the law should be.

And I'm pretty sure President Trump would disagree with most of the few things I disagree with in Project 2025--they were not his proposals as he personally had nothing to do with the content of Project 2025--and he is on the record that things that should be left to the states he agrees should be left to the states.

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