New Suggestion: Non-Debate Forum

Road Runner lives near Cleveland, I live in South Carolina. She uses American English, while I use British English. So do us a favour, leave the thread.
I even linked the George Jones song I Don't Give a Damn because I don't care what trolls say. Post number 27.

I'm still trying to figure out why in the world not one but two vegans would click on a thread about cheeseburgers. They talk about stirring the pot when they're the ones who started the fight in the first place. They were the ones looking to instigate when we were just minding our own businesses.
I'm still trying to figure out why in the world not one but two vegans would click on a thread about cheeseburgers. They talk about stirring the pot when they're the ones who started the fight in the first place. They were the ones looking to instigate when we were just minding our own businesses.
Probably because the don't care about upsetting other people.
Probably because the don't care about upsetting other people.

Again, not even Jehovah witnesses are this persistent and brutal. Why don't they just start their own thread about veganism and I promise you that I would never click on it.
I just hope that I made my case where I'm not trying to cause trouble... I'm just asking for some kind of vegan repellent. 😆 (For non anti-vegan topics that is.)

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