McDonald's Burgers

I’ve been eating them since I was Ten. I’m nearly 68. I’ll put my medical history up against anyone’s. I’d win 99.5% of the time.
So did I, UNTIL. If you're lucky you'll live out your life expectancy. But the AVERAGES say most of you will die of cancer or heart disease. Diet is responsible for nearly ALL of these diseases.

Nobody's saying you can't do as you please. But again most of you seem to need a safe space where you can attack others and lecture us not to respond. Ain't gonna happen. And I was responding to LEFTwinger, not you. But you decided to jump in
So did I, UNTIL. If you're lucky you'll live out your life expectancy. But the AVERAGES say most of you will die of cancer or heart disease. Diet is responsible for nearly ALL of these diseases.

Nobody's saying you can't do as you please. But again most of you seem to need a safe space where you can attack others and lecture us not to respond. Ain't gonna happen. And I was responding to LEFTwinger, not you. But you decided to jump in

You came into a fun thread about who makes the best burger and turned it into a snowflake control thread.

Get a friggin life
So did I, UNTIL. If you're lucky you'll live out your life expectancy. But the AVERAGES say most of you will die of cancer or heart disease. Diet is responsible for nearly ALL of these diseases.

Nobody's saying you can't do as you please. But again most of you seem to need a safe space where you can attack others and lecture us not to respond. Ain't gonna happen. And I was responding to LEFTwinger, not you. But you decided to jump in
While I agree that eating a lot of fast food obviously causes health issues, technically almost everyone will experience cancer and/or heart disease if they live long enough
You came into a fun thread about who makes the best burger and turned it into a snowflake control thread.

Get a friggin life

Agreed but I still think that it's wonderful that he survived cancer but he doesn't have to be such a control freak at exactly the same time.
You came into a fun thread about who makes the best burger and turned it into a snowflake control thread.

Get a friggin life
And then derailed the thread with vegan nonsense. I would rather drink toilet water from Hati and get a bad case of watery diarrhoea than eat vegan food. I mean what is in the patties of a vegan burger? Bird shit? A beaver's ass? Only God knows.
And then derailed the thread with vegan nonsense.

I don't know how many times in how many different ways I have to say that nobody freaking cares about all of that stuff to get these people to understand. I think that one of them might have finally got the message but I can't say for sure.
I mean, I see the point but you could apply that logic to literally any topic.

Aren’t there bigger issues than whether or not McDonald’s has improved their shitty burgers?

True, but you know what I meant as somebody's diet is a pointless argument in my opinion.

Doesn’t McDonald’s have a vegan burger?

I'm not sure? Maybe. :4_13_65:
Genius Looted by No-Talent Parasites

Sadly, he probably got an extremely tiny cut of the profits from his invention. Corporate patents are the crime of the century and the worst slavery in history.
He was a "research chef".
I was once offered a position to do the same thing.
Basically you are paid a salary to investigate the ins and outs of whatever and develop formulas for doing whatever.

For example most people know what MSG's not the only flavor enhancer out there. There are many. The one they wanted me to research had a dual purpose of yeast dough enhancer and vegetable flavor enhancer. FDA approval had not been obtained but they felt confident they were going to achieve it.
(At which point I was concerned)
Basically I would grocery shop, come in with the ingredients, cook them using their test material and an identical recipe without the test material. Recording measurements of all ingredients used. (Very precisely)
And then taste testing would commence and compare the two. It's really annoying too as thermometers are put everywhere, timers, speeds, and hard looks all recorded very carefully. Also lab analysis gets involved for possible breakdowns or interactions. (Why all ingredients are measured and typed and temperatures)

But they really didn't understand the type of Chef I was....and didn't really have the money to pay my salary. (I'm easy but not cheap) But they advertised for a Chef. I was a working chef....not an office chef or a diner cook. They wanted more than they could afford. They needed a diner griddle cook. Not me.

Ongoing residuals?
Ongoing anything from any business?
we never get that.
Only if our name and face is used and we put up a substantial portion of investment capital. (G Ramsey puts up half the money for every show).
Very much worth your time. And if you have a Freddy’s near buy, also terrific.

I don’t get the whole In N Out Burger deal. An upgrade from McDonalds, and good fries, but the burgers are Ho hum.

There's Freddy's over in Ladson, not too far.

As for In-N-Out, it is very much a cultural thing and I completely understand why some folks don't get it.

If you grew up in Southern California, you get it. If not, well, that's okay too. Anthony Bourdain loved the place... but I suppose that's a lot like choosing a candidate based on a celebrity endorsement...

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