REAGAN the movie

We tried that, it was called the Contras.

They ended up flooding our streets with cocaine to fund their war effort.

Part of the reason so many people are fleeing Nicaragua and Venezuela is that we are punishing them for picking forms of government we don't like. (Although they are also fleeing El Salvador and Honduras, who do.
Communism/socialism claims it is so better than and doesn't need capitalism.
Not doing business with these nation's shouldn't affect them unless they are wrong and/or lying.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."-William J. Casey, CIA Director

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
The Layer Where the Lies Lie

Like the Netrix's bootlicking Rightists, Casey believed in their Masters' slogan that democracy is "mob rule." Of course, Preppy Progressives feel the same way, so why not lie to people who your ignorant and sheltered twin clique feels are too dumb to figure out anything on their own? It is the very basis of "representative" government.
The USA spent more on paying the interest on Debt.
Paid about $1.5 billion on Social Security.
Paid over $1.8 on Medicare/Medicaid.
Defense is fourth down this list of big budget items and the only one that is mandated by our Constitution.

Convert the funds spent by Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea to real, equivalent US dollars and you'll find we haven't out spent them.

The people of Vietnam - I worked with many "refugees" from SE Asia several years ago. They left because they had no fondness for communism and regret that the USA didn't stick it out and go more harsh on N. Vietnam (defeat them).

Afghanistan has already had to deal with a recent war against the USSR, which USA aid helped the "win" by having the USSR leave. The Taliban than picked up the fight and most who lived under their control weren't happy about. Unfortunately to completely destroy the Taliban would have required a major conflict with Pakistan to remove the Islamic Fundamentalist faction there to created and sustained the Taliban.

Most of the people of Iraq wish we had stayed to finish the job. But the real enemy there was Iran and the insurgents it sent and supported. Again, American leadership got into a war it didn't know how to fight effectively and WIN. The conflict in Iraq continues between the factions left there.
Civilians Are Excess Baggage
As with the 'avatar' you use, Reagan was all image and propaganda for superficial sentiments and shallow "values". America did well despite him, not due to him. When the country is optimistic, things go well. At this time, we are faced with two parties that refuse to do anything that does not frustrate the other. Their two candidates promise to provide only more concerns for our future and little optimism. What is needed is sound, genuine leadership. Where is it to be found?
I am sorry that your attitude is so heavily influenced by your ignorance.
very well said.the reagan apologists on here are so dense and clueless about the two major scandals the october surprise and the contra scandal Reagan was involved in up to his ears.
not only that,but pretend that Carter did not clean up the corruption of the CIA by firing the evil demonic monster George Bush as CIA director and bringing in stansfield Turner who cleaned up the corruption cleaning house by firing all covert operaters of the CIA which led to no wars being started under carter. Then they pretend that Reagan did not fire Turner and brought in william casey as CIA director who got the CIA back to its covert wars again and got the war machine going again for the deep state.

they pretend not to see this public statement Reagans handpicked CIA man made unable to accept realty they have been checkmated taken to school..:uhoh3::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::rofl:

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."-William J. Casey, CIA Director

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This quote was originally spoken by Casey sometime in early February of 1981, at a meeting in the Roosevelt Room in the West Wing of the White House, at which the White House policy analyst Barbara Honegger was present (who was then acting as Assistant to the chief domestic policy adviser to the President). She then relayed it to her Godmother, the Senior White House Correspondent Sarah McClendon, who made the quote public without naming the original source, through the Radio host Mae Brussel.

gipper TNHarley sparky there4eyeM they try to dismiss these pesky DOCUMENTED facts as fake news.comedy gold,you cant make this shit up that they try to dismiss caseys public statement on the CIA as fake news comedy gold at its best .:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
true to form reagan worshipper stryder did EXACTLY as i knew he would,dismiss what reagans appointee william casey said about the CIAs disinformation program going and how casey got the CIA back to its covert operations again,comedy gold he dismisses that as fake news :auiqs.jpg: ,what a riot great entertainment for the weekend i got he thinks that real life quote of caseys disinformation program is fake news even thought people in reagans OWN admistration witnessed it,i LOVE it..:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Stryder set a world record for farts at USMB,I notice after my last post,that he farted 21 count them 21 farts in a row. :auiqs.jpg:

stryder no doubt is the grandson of reagam,the fact he is so obsessed over not accepting facts on reagans documented corruption in just babbles on and on and on with farts that dont counter anything.:auiqs.jpg:

he for sure is his grandson,none of the other reagan apologists are obsessed with trying not to accept being checkmated by us. to be so obsessive about it as he is,is proof he IS VERY MUCH blood related to reagan and does not want to the truth on him being broadcast.:uhoh3:
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World War II ended in 1945. A year later the national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) was 119%.

By 1980, which was the last year Jimmy Carter was president, this had declined to 32%. During this time the top tax rate never got below 70%, and was often much higher.

During the Reagan administration Republicans reduced the top tax rate to 28%. Consequently, during Reagan's last year in office, in 1988, the national debt as a percentage of GDP grew to 50%.

In 1993 President Clinton raised the top tax rate from 31.0% to 39.6%.

Consequently, yearly deficits declined, and the national debt declined.

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Unfortunately, President G.W. Bush cut the top tax rate again, while starting two expensive wars he could not win.

Consequently, during Trump's last year in office, in 2013, the national debt as a percentage of GDP grew to 129%. In 2023, after three years of Biden's presidency, this declined to 122%.

U.S. National Debt by Year

The rise in the national debt has benefited the Republican Party, because it prevents the Democrats from funding programs to help their natural constituencies in the bottom half of the income distribution.

The GOP benefits when white working class men think, "The Democrats never did anything to help me. At least the Republicans won't take my guns."

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Cut With a Pitchfork

No income tax, budget deficits, or outstanding debt if we take away the trillions in unearned income that also (and more important) puts inferior people in superior positions, which has always caused historical declines in economy, government, and culture.
So far, web search shows this may actually be Casey's words, but it's doubtful he was able to ever succeed fully with this plan. Here's the best, informative article I've found so far;
sense this is not one of your long winded babbles as your op was and 99% of the rest of your posts are, i will take the time to address this one sense it is not babble for a change and finally reasonable.

the thing is though it cannot be refuted because the historical facts are that as i took you to school earlier on,when carter got into office, same as kennedy,carter also tried to get rid of the CIA.he fired the evil demonic George Bush as CIA director and replaced him with Stansfield Turner who cleaned up the corruption of the CIA by firing all covert operates,hense why NO WARS were started under carter, OH AND FOR THE RECORD,AS EVERYBODY THAT KNOWS ME WILL TELL YOU,I AM NOT A DEMOCRAT,I SAID EARLIER CLINTON AND OBAMA WERE AS EVIL AS REAGAN.

Reagan came im,fired Turner and got the CIA covert operations going again. only a fucking idiot brainwashed zombie would DENY that reality.:itsok:

also WHY fire a CIA director who came in and cleaned up the corruption of the CIA? only a fucking idiot would deny that reality that Turner cleaned up the corruption of the CIA which Reagan NEVER did.jesus christ. :uhoh3:

you being reagans grandson though,you believe EVERYTHING the CIA controlled media,our corrupt school system and hollywood tells you of course as you have proven in SPADES to everyone here using HOLLYWOOD as a source therefore you have ZERO credibility here. and nobody is listening to your desperate hail mary because people like Gipper myself and others unlike you,we can think outside the box and dont go by what hollywood and the CIA media and our corrupt school system tells us. :uhoh3:

keep posting your fake news crap sense that obviously makes you feel better everytime we checkmate your ass and take you to school. :itsok:

you being Reagans granson of course,i can see WHY you are critical thinking and just go by what the CIA controlled media,our corrupt school system and hollywood has taught you and why you are biased and not objective blinded by rage over the truth of reagan,thats understanable sense he was your grandfather.

you pretty much proved in the OP you go by what everything hollywood tells you about reagan.comedy gold.:auiqs.jpg::rofl:

this will make you cry sense this is more doumentation on the corruption of reagan and how evil and documented he was,sense you are so obsessive about it you will actually read it i am guessing,something reaagn worshippers never do but then again,they are not Reagan grandson as you are.

enjoy some more ass beatings with a major sore ass from the ass beatings you are suffering from me in these links on this thread.:rofl:this is a lot of reading but the objective non biased that want to learn the truth READ IT.

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Only the lazy, deadbeat, worthless, non-productive deadwood sorts like your criminal self, Komrade.

There aren't enough "rich", nor do they have enough wealth to support the worthless deadwood like you and hence the economy shrinks and looses productive capacity when your criminal theft takes away the investment capital via higher taxes.

It is the greedy and selfish lazy wastes and dregs like you who produce the "bad effects" by consuming the seed capital rather than work honestly and effectively to support yourselves.

"People" like you are the "bad effects" upon the economy which drag everyone down. Your useless and negative types need to be purged from the system.

The Democrats dominated because there was an increase in lazy, criminal, non-productive citizens allowed to vote and hence could effect a legal way to steal from those who did work and supported themselves.
Affirmative Reactionaries

Preppy Progressives are unconsciously motivated to help their Rightist classmates.
That's what motivates them to intentionally waste tax money on people as worthless as themselves and their pseudo-Conservative fraternity brothers. If they were as Statist as they pretend to be, they'd never hire rude, lazy, and incompetent government workers.

Every Limousine Liberal program benefits Birth-Class Supremacy. The Trustfundee Treehuggers know perfectly well that the uninhibited development of Nature is the main cause of class mobility.

Feminism's driving purpose is to make it seem fair that richgirls can inherit the same unearned high positions that their brothers always have.

White-Replacement Civil Rights for the Uncivilized is "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Name any Left Wing program and I'll show you how it benefits the perpetuation of Birth-Class Supremacy, which isn't even a term the Influencers let us discuss in our scripted debates and shredded threads.
You write the way rich Republicans talk to each other when they do not think anyone else is listening.

With your attitude, I wish you wrote campaign literature and campaign speeches for Republican candidates.

Working class and lower middle class white Republicans vote Republican because of social issues When it comes to the economy, they agree with me that the rich should be very heavily taxed.

Which Rich? Those Who Made Money or Their Brats Who Mooched Money?
Another area of public benefit that developed out of World War Two was in air transportation. This was a field that before the war saw limited volume in passenger and freight traffic due to a number of factors. Factors that would grow near exponentially during the few years of WWII.

This growth was largely the result of the USA in form of fleets of varied transport aircraft, a global network of large, paved runway airports (built by the USA), a global effective system for radio navigation and enhanced radar development to aid in air traffic direction and control. The war made essential the transport of vital supplies, spare parts, equipment, and personnel needed in days rather than weeks at their destinations.

By war's end, these hundreds of airports around the world would be 'free' to the nations they had been built in; the surplus of cargo & passenger transport aircraft would seed the global airlines (mostly American built) and the radio navigation systems, radar and weather monitoring systems (again, most all American built and provided) would provide the "infrastructure" foundation for the world wide grid of airlines and their terminals.

You are welcome world. Will accept payment at anytime, which is long over due.
Those Who Benefited the Most Fought the Least
Here you go Stryder,here is a crying towel,i know your ass is sore after the major ass beating you just suffered from me in my last post WITH THE HELP OF OTHERS ON THAT THREAD OF COURSE,I AM NOT GOING TO BE SELFISH AND TAKE ALL THE CREDIT

sure was fun checkmating you and taking you to school. dont feel too bad after suffering that major ass beating from me and others on the corruption of Reagan,sorry the truth hurts on the myth of your grandfathers corruption being exposed.but someone had to inform you.:itsok:

well it was fun educating you on Reagans corruption but i cant stay around in this thread any longer,i got other things to do with my life. hope you dont get on the suicide hotline after being devastated over the truth on reagan being exposed by me WITH THE HELP OF OTHERS OF COURSE.

anybody who want to stick around and talk with stryder.i wouldnt bother doing so,i just educated him and took him to school on my last post with all those links so if he wants to learn the truth and do some reading he will do so.thats his choice.all the facts on Reagans corruption were exposed by me just now,thats all that needs to be known about Reagan in all those links there.

you should read them,there were things in there i hadnt even known before about him from years past and i have been investigating reagans corruption for DECADES now as well as the fact i lived thriough and remember his corruption.


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