I guess I have to explain reality to the Trumpers, so they can understand!

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This retarded bullshit reminds me of purple hairs screaming….
”BUT, BUT, BUT….GDP….BUT, BUT….FIFTH LARGEST ECONOMY!!” When everybody knows Mexifornia is a disgusting poverty stricken shithole full of shit humans living like the cockroaches they are.
Why don't you do us all a favor and shows us one country in the world that we should look to be like!!

You know, a country that is perfect and where no mistake are EVER made. A country you could look at with a microscope and find nothing bad.

Come on, show us. Show us the perfect world under Trump where there is no hate, no mistakes made, no poverty, no injustice no differences of opinion. Come on, show me and prove your point!
Yes, we (and the economy) were better under Trump than under Biden BUT it is not the presidents that made it happen but the forces not under anyone's control that made it happen.

It is the pandemic (Covid) that caused this to happen


The COVID-19 pandemic precipitated a devastatingly sharp contraction of economic activity and huge job losses in early 2020, as government restrictions and fear of the virus kept people at home and businesses shut

Housing Market?

Prices of Real Estate in Europe

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on various sectors of the economy. The real estate market is no different. Recent research shows that year-over-year increases in real estate prices have increased during the pandemic.


The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the euro area labour market for men and women

I can go on and on an on. The entire world was affected the SAME way due to the Pandemic. This was not Biden that caused it and as such, comparisons between Trump and Biden regarding the economy are pure misinformation.

Here in sum of what I stated above:

How has the economy of the United States been affected by COVID-19?

The COVID-19 pandemic's economic consequences are unprecedented for the U.S. by any measure. The toll we estimate that it took on the nation's gross domestic product is twice the size of that of the Great Recession of 2007-2009.

The reality is that Trump did not handle the pandemic as he should have. Here is an example of how Japan, who moved rapidly to stop the pandemic through shut-downs, has done better than the U.S. and Europe have done:

The Japanese Economy and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Japan's management of COVID-19 infection is considered better compared to that of the United States, Europe, and other countries.

and Biden has done better than Europe in making our economy better

So get off the misinformation campaign you guys are in. Biden is not responsible for things being worse than when Trump was president. Start keying on what is to come if Trump or Biden are elected and stop using the economy as the basis for your debate.
Yes .. yes .. the economy is so great! So glad we aren't still paying higher prices for goods and services after a 40+ year high inflation rate, discouraging new home buyers from pursuing their first home because of the high interest rates and inability to make the down payment, and forcing individuals to choose between eating food and paying their energy bills.

It is so awesome we don't have these issues in the Biden / Harris economy!
Yes .. yes .. the economy is so great! So glad we aren't still paying higher prices for goods and services after a 40+ year high inflation rate, discouraging new home buyers from pursuing their first home because of the high interest rates and inability to make the down payment, and forcing individuals to choose between eating food and paying their energy bills.

It is so awesome we don't have these issues in the Biden / Harris economy!
Post COVID inflation was a global phenomenon. The Fed raised rates (too late) to bring inflation down. Blaming Biden for inflation is based on politics, not economic facts.
I didn't have to change my name due to shame.

That's you....wanker.
Fantastic. We are now a nation where insulting each other is the "way to go". Where everyone that disagrees with us is a piece of shit. We are right!

Wait a minute, there are millions of Americans and each one thinks differently. How can we do what each one says is right? Do we need a consensus where the majority is what decides? Or are we an anarchy where the strongest win? or a asylum where the strongest user of words wins?

Ah yes, the latter is it and you have become our leader!!! Your insults and debasement of others makes you the best of the crazy group. Congratulations!

Hold on a second....... is the word "wanker" the best insult out there? Could we be making a mistake and choosing you to lead our asylum?

I guess not, moron would be a worse word, meaning you lose. You are not the top moron of the asylum. You lost the election! You and Trump and heading here:

Post COVID inflation was a global phenomenon. The Fed raised rates (too late) to bring inflation down. Blaming Biden for inflation is based on politics, not economic facts.
I'm sure that the Harris constituency fully understands this. :auiqs.jpg:
Yes .. yes .. the economy is so great! So glad we aren't still paying higher prices for goods and services after a 40+ year high inflation rate, discouraging new home buyers from pursuing their first home because of the high interest rates and inability to make the down payment, and forcing individuals to choose between eating food and paying their energy bills.

It is so awesome we don't have these issues in the Biden / Harris economy!
Oh not again!!!!

Inflation is Bidens fault. he has caused inflation to rise world wide, right?

Wait a minute, if Biden was able to get inflation to raise worldwide, it means he is really competent. I mean, for him alone to hurt our enemies more than hurting us (higher inflation in other countries than ours), he is actually doing great for our country!!! that means he is better than Trump at getting things done? After all, Trump will only raise inflation here in the U.S. and not worldwide. That is what we need, a doer and not a talker and incompetent man as Trump has proven himself to be!

and that means that Harris is now going to be doing what Biden did,. Let's elect Harris.
It seems that I have failed in my attempts to make Republicans see facts, data, and statistics. The amount of Fake News and Disagree ratings given by them on this OP is overwhelming.

I guess this is now what will happen, given that Trump has been successful in making his supporters blind and that success will make Trump win the election. Here we go.............with Trump leading us now!

Bottom line is that NATO is Russia's headache and Trump was WILLING to let Russia invade not only Ukraine but any other nation in Europe simply because they would not come up with MONEY???? Wow, that is truly being a defender of freedom (you PAY and you remain free. You don't pay and you get invaded and your innocent citizens get killed. It is all about Money. Forget that horseshit about morals, ethics, principles and humanity that the U.S. has stood for over 247 years. We are now in the protection racket..............for money!!!)

Trump: "You don't pay and we will ALLOW this to happen"

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/—-/ It was a threat, you moron. A threat NATO took seriously. It’s called leadership through strength, not the democRATs’ leadership through weakness.
It seems that I have failed in my attempts to make Republicans see facts, data, and statistics. The amount of Fake News and Disagree ratings given by them on this OP is overwhelming.

I guess this is now what will happen, given that Trump has been successful in making his supporters blind and that success will make Trump win the election. Here we go.............with Trump leading us now!

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You, facts? Hahaha hahaha
/—-/ It was a threat, you moron. A threat NATO took seriously. It’s called leadership through strength, not the democRATs’ leadership through weakness.
Oh, you mean that Trump lied? It was only a "threat"? In the end, he was not going to be true to his words?

Leadership through strength? Strength of words??????

Yeah, I guess you are right. Trump has shown he is not able to follow through on his words. He is incompetent and a liar and full of pure bullshit. Making threats and not following up on them, right?

You actually look up to a guy like that? A pussy of a man?
Oh, you mean that Trump lied? It was only a "threat"? In the end, he was not going to be true to his words?

Leadership through strength? Strength of words??????

Yeah, I guess you are right. Trump has shown he is not able to follow through on his words. He is incompetent and a liar and full of pure bullshit. Making threats and not following up on them, right?

You actually look up to a guy like that? A pussy of a man?
You don’t know what a threat is?
Fantastic. We are now a nation where insulting each other is the "way to go". Where everyone that disagrees with us is a piece of shit. We are right!

Wait a minute, there are millions of Americans and each one thinks differently. How can we do what each one says is right? Do we need a consensus where the majority is what decides? Or are we an anarchy where the strongest win? or a asylum where the strongest user of words wins?

Ah yes, the latter is it and you have become our leader!!! Your insults and debasement of others makes you the best of the crazy group. Congratulations!

Hold on a second....... is the word "wanker" the best insult out there? Could we be making a mistake and choosing you to lead our asylum?

I guess not, moron would be a worse word, meaning you lose. You are not the top moron of the asylum. You lost the election! You and Trump and heading here:

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You are a Chinese stooge. You deserve nothing but insults.
And Trump did that. And bragged about doing it.

Never forget that. The high gas prices are all on Trump. It's not debatable that he did it, at least not by any honest person. Thus, most Trump culists will try to debate it.

Trump cultists, why do you think that Trump forcing everyone to pay high gas prices was a good thing?

Why do Trump cultists think "WE RAISED YOUR GAS PRICES, WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT, SUCKERS!" is a winning campaign strategy?

Let me take a poll. Is there any conservative here who isn't gleeful about Trump raising gas prices? Can I find even one who admits that it was a bad thing to do?

And Trump did that. And bragged about doing it.

You never explained why he did it.
Bottom line is that NATO is Russia's headache and Trump was WILLING to let Russia invade not only Ukraine but any other nation in Europe simply because they would not come up with MONEY???? Wow, that is truly being a defender of freedom, right? You PAY and you remain free. You don't pay and you get invaded and your innocent citizens get killed. It is all about Money. Forget that horseshit about morals, ethics, principles and humanity that the U.S. has stood for over 247 years. We are now in the protection racket..............for money!!!

Trump: "You don't pay and we will ALLOW this to happen"

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Wow, that is truly being a defender of freedom, right? You PAY and you remain free.

Yes, Europe needs to pay for their military to remain free from Russia. Moron.
/——/ Nope. It worked. They fear of Putin gave them a wake up
call. That’s leadership democRATs are incapable of.
Throwing NATO countries to Russia over contributions to the organization plays right in to Putin's hands. That's not leadership, it's idiotic duplicity.
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