REAGAN the movie


Government "hiring and spending" is still "Wealth Redistribution"
Most Americans benefit from wealth redistribution from the rich to them. That is why the Democrats dominated the United States until the civil rights movement began to have bad effects.
Military hiring and spending is government hiring and spending. I am glad we entered World War II. Nevertheless, if the War had not been going on, and if the government had spent the money instead on infrastructure, public health, public education, and other aspects of public spending, the results would have been better for the economy.
As World War Two started and grew, the USA found itself in a classic and traditional dilemma.
Not enough warships nor modern enough ...
There may be a need for more cargo transports.

The later became rapidly acute as the Nazi U-boat offensive kicked into high and effective gear starting to sink cargo shipping at rates above current building ones. Clearly if the trend continued, nations dependent upon over seas shipping would start to suffer for lack of enough transport to meet their needs.

Hence the Liberty Ship Program (among others later);

Also, the USA being bounded by oceans on both East and West sides, it was obvious that any involvement of the USA in the growing global war would mean having to cross the oceans to the "Theaters of Conflict", and protecting those merchant ship pipelines could mean more in number and quality warships. Hence numerous warship programs were instituted by FDR/USA in 1939-1940.

Underscored by early warship losses combined with the expanded areas of need for force projection and commerce shipping protection.
As the war grew, the "peacetime" force levels became way too insufficient for eventual victory needs.

Also, as the size and scope of war theaters and actions grew, so did the need for more and enhanced port facilities around the world to sustain the increasing traffic of material shipping around the globe along with basing and support of the greater number of warships required as well.

This saw a huge global expansion of shipping port facilities as well as those ports needed to support and supply the growing warship fleets.

Hence we see how the growth and development of the war's needs for over ocean shipping and ports caused a growth in this area of global infrastructure which would remain at war's end.
Most Americans benefit from wealth redistribution from the rich to them. That is why the Democrats dominated the United States until the civil rights movement began to have bad effects.
Only the lazy, deadbeat, worthless, non-productive deadwood sorts like your criminal self, Komrade.

There aren't enough "rich", nor do they have enough wealth to support the worthless deadwood like you and hence the economy shrinks and looses productive capacity when your criminal theft takes away the investment capital via higher taxes.

It is the greedy and selfish lazy wastes and dregs like you who produce the "bad effects" by consuming the seed capital rather than work honestly and effectively to support yourselves.

"People" like you are the "bad effects" upon the economy which drag everyone down. Your useless and negative types need to be purged from the system.

The Democrats dominated because there was an increase in lazy, criminal, non-productive citizens allowed to vote and hence could effect a legal way to steal from those who did work and supported themselves.
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Only the lazy, deadbeat, worthless, non-productive deadwood sorts like your criminal self, Komrade.

There aren't enough "rich", nor do they have enough wealth to support the worthless deadwood like you and hence the economy shrinks and looses productive capacity when your criminal theft takes away the investment capital via higher taxes.

It is the greedy and selfish lazy wastes and dregs like you who produce the "bad effects" by consuming the seed capital rather than work honestly and effectively to support yourselves.

"People" like you are the "bad effects" upon the economy which drag everyone down. Your useless and negative types need to be purged from the system.

The Democrats dominated because there was an increase in lazy, criminal, non-productive citizens allowed to vote and hence could effect a legal way to steal from those who did work and supported themselves.
You write the way rich Republicans talk to each other when they do not think anyone else is listening.

With your attitude, I wish you wrote campaign literature and campaign speeches for Republican candidates.

Working class and lower middle class white Republicans vote Republican because of social issues When it comes to the economy, they agree with me that the rich should be very heavily taxed.

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The USA spent more on paying the interest on Debt.
Paid about $1.5 billion on Social Security.
Paid over $1.8 on Medicare/Medicaid.
Defense is fourth down this list of big budget items and the only one that is mandated by our Constitution.
The national debt grew because Republicans cut taxes for the rich and raised military spending
Military hiring and spending is government hiring and spending. I am glad we entered World War II. Nevertheless, if the War had not been going on, and if the government had spent the money instead on infrastructure, public health, public education, and other aspects of public spending, the results would have been better for the economy.
Another area of public benefit that developed out of World War Two was in air transportation. This was a field that before the war saw limited volume in passenger and freight traffic due to a number of factors. Factors that would grow near exponentially during the few years of WWII.

This growth was largely the result of the USA in form of fleets of varied transport aircraft, a global network of large, paved runway airports (built by the USA), a global effective system for radio navigation and enhanced radar development to aid in air traffic direction and control. The war made essential the transport of vital supplies, spare parts, equipment, and personnel needed in days rather than weeks at their destinations.

By war's end, these hundreds of airports around the world would be 'free' to the nations they had been built in; the surplus of cargo & passenger transport aircraft would seed the global airlines (mostly American built) and the radio navigation systems, radar and weather monitoring systems (again, most all American built and provided) would provide the "infrastructure" foundation for the world wide grid of airlines and their terminals.

You are welcome world. Will accept payment at anytime, which is long over due.
You write the way rich Republicans talk to each other when they do not think anyone else is listening.

With your attitude, I wish you wrote campaign literature and campaign speeches for Republican candidates.

Working class and lower middle class white Republicans vote Republican because of social issues When it comes to the economy, they agree with me that the rich should be very heavily taxed.

No we don't!

I am of that working class, lower middle income class, conservative who has enough learning and experience to appreciate the investment ability of those more wealthy, and realize that their wealth pays for many social goods and services outside my reach, yet within my ability to provide = a job(s).

The government, and the fools like you who want it to serve(steal for) you the wealth that other's produced, tend to waste that stolen goods/wealth.

Most of my peers I know don't want the rich taxed more, rather wish to see the guv'mint spend less.
Most of us are also invested in the same areas as the more wealthy and our pensions and 401Ks benefit along with the same class of investments that the "rich"/wealthy are invested in.

You really need some serious and extensive class work and courses in basic economics and government. You are a danger to society almost more than to yourself.
Military hiring and spending is government hiring and spending. I am glad we entered World War II. Nevertheless, if the War had not been going on, and if the government had spent the money instead on infrastructure, public health, public education, and other aspects of public spending, the results would have been better for the economy.
We've covered the ocean and air transportation systems and infrastructures needed to be built to sustain the USA's global war effort; which then became surplus to the nations of the world for their use and repair/development post war. Now comes a quick consideration of the "boots on the ground" part.

In this case much more than just the USA's ground combat forces of the Army and Marines, but also the supply/logistics that sustained such and also "spilled over" to the Allies and non-combatants involved as well.

In the case of Russia/USSR, much of their food growing regions were combat zones for a few years during the war, with wars raging and fighting across such, very little food was grown and harvested. It was USA food supplies; "wheat and spam" that kept Russia feed and in the war. Actually, USA food supplies kept our other Allies going as well. We were the "Breadbasket of Democracy" as much as the "Arsenal of Democracy".

Also in regard to the USSR, about 90% of their motor transport, trucks and jeeps, also came from the USA. Not only were ours of better quality and duration, but this freed Soviet factors to churn out tanks and combat vehicles since we took care of he bulk of the motor transport needs.

USA~Allied Lend-Lease also provide about 10%+ of combat aircraft, AFVs, and guns/weapons, and a majority of radios and other misc. equipment to the Soviets. Fair to say that at first this kept them from collapsing and loosing, and then helped them to win.

We also provided significant motor transport to the UK and other Allies as well. Most of this was left behind in their hands at war's end to help rebuild/restart their motor transport infrastructure.

The USA also bore the brunt of refugee feeding, clothing, shelter to help the liberated nations get back on their feet. Also a bit of the civic and industrial reconstruction as well.

USA expenses in World War Two weren't just "guns and bullets"; a majority was everyday living needs like food, clothing, shelter, etc. that we were providing in the liberate lands while they made their recovery.

We did a lot more than we ever got credit for, and this late in the game I doubt we ever will get the credit of what we paid for.
And it would seem our Reagan attackers are even more ignorant and clueless about the major foreign policy actions during Reagan's terms of office that were the real major cause of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Something else of significance that wasn't in the movie, but then about 98% of those in the USA and about 99% of the world are ignorant of such as well.

I'll post details shortly, but a clue: Charlie Wilson's War ...
I'll pluck excerpts later; for now, a good but long read;
You are the one who doesn't understand what is being discussed.
You also are an enabler of fascists, tyrants, butchers, and other evil persons, groups, nations who go around abusing innocent people and then cause the wars the USA often has to finish.
Lol. You love war and genocide because you’re an ignorant fuck full of hate. The empire loves dupes like you.

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