Another Black Conservative Finds Out

I really hope someday you realize that limousine liberal Dem politicians want to keep you perpetually angry, bitter and with that "us against them" mindset. Why? Because it's all about control. It's all about keeping your vote, and keeping people dependent on the government.

That horribly negative mindset is no way to go through life... and I think deep down you know that.
Naw, the racist has Stockholm Syndrome in the worst way.
I'm black fool. Malcolm X would call you the house negro that you are.
what a clown.

Starts a thread whining about a black man being called a slave....minutes later calls a black man a slave simply because he doesn't agree with his victim mentality.
Like I will continue saying, blacks need to get out of the Republican Party right now. Here we have a faithful black MAGA who was canvssing for the Repubican Party. He was called a slave.

It was racist Dimwingers like you who called him a slave, stupid.

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